
The villainess aims for a peaceful life

After being reincarnated into a world of otome game as a villainess character, I fell in the routine situation of death flags+broke engagement. The prince doesn’t want me? Please, who will want a Scum Prince as a husband? I don’t. Let’s break this engagement and with my knowledge from the previous life, I will aim for a peaceful life! ———- Cover art is not mine! ————- • This book is inspired on webnovels that I read, so he will probably similar in some points to some readings that you guys had! • English is not my native language, so without a doubt that will be some errors. If you guys spot one and be kind enough to put in the comments, I appreciate. • This is a book written by a reader that got upset with some of her readings ~ thank you for reading my book ~

Amora · Kỳ huyễn
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92 Chs


"So I heard that the Empire Crown Prince visited you before he started his official agenda"

Mr. Dawson said looking at me with sharp eyes. Yo, I'm not one of your prisoners so quit looking at me like that, it seriously gives me chills.

"And I heard that you and Aubrey are now in first name basis"

We both stared at each other without anyone backing out.

"You should know that his visit prioritizing you is no way near beneficial to anyone"

Junior Demon said tapping his fingers on the table.

"It is not like I could refuse his visit"

Junior Demon just stared at me silently.

"Stop probing me 'kay? Just ask what you want to know and I'll tell you. But in return you have to answer my questions about your relationship with my little Aubrey"

He continued to tap his fingers on the table. The constant sound was beginning to get in my nerves, but fortunately he didn't take that long to answer.


Seriously I don't even know why you hesitated.

"What was his intention in visiting you?"

"He said he wanted to apologize for all the damage cause"

"The presents?"

"Na-ah. My turn, are you serious in pursuing Aubrey? What about Julia?"

"I only have a subject and master relationship with Miss Julia. About Abby- *cough* Miss Aubrey I mean...yes, I'm serious about her"

Junior Demon said and a slight hue could be seen in his ears. Holy moly, I think I'm hallucinating! The demons is blushing. The demons is blushing. The demons is blushing.

Important things must be said thrice.

Maybe the unbelief in my face was too strong, Mr. Dawson coughed trying to brush off the awkwardness.

"The presents"

"A symbol of apology to the families of those who were lost. So, how far did you guys progress? Holding hands? Kissing? Or-"

"Cecile how can you even ask if we did it!"

Demon Junior said a little flustered.

I put my hand in my heart and feigned a surprise expression.

"What are you thinking! I was going to say hugging! Tsk, tsk. To think you had such dirty mind"

I said shaking my head. Of course I knew you guys wouldn't do it before marriage. Although not uncommon (just look at the scum couple), it's not actually something well seen. And knowing how proper and uptight Aubrey is with this things there is no way in a million years that it would happen. I just wanted to see the man in front of me embarrassed hehe.

"So, how far?"

I insisted in my question.

"We only held hands. K-kiss this type of thing, how can we- I do it?"

He asked as the hue in his ears got stronger.

No way.

No. Freaking. Way.

"You never kissed anyone?"

I asked in astonishment.

It's not that I'm discriminating, but Ryan Dawson was in his 20s and always roamed in the underworld so I thought for sure he was an all-round experienced man.

"There is no way I would. Wait. Is that uncommon?"

"Urgh. I don't know. The males around me are not exactly your standard noble right? Lukas for sure kissed. I think he even got farther. My brother too. Albert... well you should know better than me"

I think that only pure land around me is Will, but I don't think that even if he had kissed someone he would let me know.

"To think that I'm that behind... is Aubrey disappointed that we didn't progress any further then? This shouldn't be. I'm sure that they are the abnormals"

Mr. Dawson muttered under his breath.

"What about you?"

Sorry, wasn't this interrogation about Prince Eric's visit?

But seeing the eager face, I still answered. It's not something I thought as a secret anyway.

"With Prince Albert. But was just a light peck in the midst of children curiosity"

"Did I lose to a child?"

"... why don't you try the next time with Aubrey then. Give her a peck on the cheek first and see her reaction"

"Isn't it a bit abrupt?"

"I kiss her cheeks all the time though?"

"Why would you- *sigh* forget it. And then? What after?"

"You can progress further in future encounters, more pecks on the cheek, a peck on the mouth, a more serious kiss-"

"Okay, I think I got the idea"

He said raising his hand signaling me to stop.

Such a innocence from the Demon Junior, I must say that is unexpected.

Unfortunately, the innocence didn't last long and the frigid and boring Demon was back.

"Did Prince Eric mentioned anything else?"

Urgh, I can't believe that this will continue.

Baby Aubrey come save me, your man is bullying me!


After a tiresome interrogation I finally left the Academy and went to Moor to meet Carl. Apparently they finally found who helped Fournier and some clues to where exactly in Boudoin he was.

"Miss you're here"

I nodded and sat down in the chair he pulled for me. Without any delays a warm tea and some snacks appeared in front of me.

Once more I marveled in the training that my cute subordinates have.

"Carl you're becoming a natural! If one day Mary abandons me for Leo I'll bring you to be my attendant"

"Miss don't joke, if big sis hears that she is not only going to skin me alive but will also stop all contacts with Leo. The poor boy won't know how to cry by then"

Carl commented with a foolish grin.

"Hmph. Deserve it! Who told him to feed me with dog food every time he meets my cute Mary"

Carl only helplessly nodded to my little tantrum.

Please don't look at me with such a pity when you're a single dog yourself!

"Right, you said that we have results"

"Yes. Do you want me to give an oral report or the document?"


"Yes Miss. About the person who helped Fournier in his plot, we found that the person was from the Boudin's Royalty. We had some difficulties to find out who exactly was since the matter was covered up by the Boudin's Emperor, but after some pleasantries with our prisoners, we finally found the third prince as the mastermind"

"Third Prince, not the Crown Prince?"

Carl shook his head.

"No, third prince. The Crown Prince didn't participated in the matter in anyway until the end, when he exiled the third prince to the wastelands. Personally I think he knew everything that was happening but chose not to act"

Hmm. It seems that Prince Eric was telling the truth yesterday.

Unknowingly, this fact gave me a slight relieve. Probably I didn't want to admit that my first love was such a terrible person. Fortunately the young me still has a good vision.


"We sent someone to teach our little compassion to our benefactor"

I nodded.

Maybe is my sense of justice or my hypocrisy but I felt I need to personally punish those involved or else I wouldn't know how to face the families of those that weren't here anymore.

Although I didn't want the life of anyone, I still want to teach all those involved a lesson, but how far the lesson will be depends on my subordinates~

"What about the state of Boudin?"

"Politically they are much more complex than here many factions and contents for heir exist. However the Crown Prince faction seems to be the one with highest power besides those loyal only to the Emperor. Economically, they are very rich and produce much more raw products than our kingdom. Here is the list of the most successful business in the empire"

I took the document over and analyzed it.

It seems that IP can open a branch there without much problem. But because there's so many faction is bound to attract some of them once we try... only thinking about it makes my body refuse to go.

But putting the political struggle aside, the demand for our products there is relatively high among nobles. Probably because they're imported products, our products doesn't seem to appeal much to the general public. It would probably be best if we could develop some products with the Empire special products and bring a sense of familiarity to the customers.

I started to devise an action plan to enter the Boudin's market and after having several meetings with my subordinates, we finally came with the final version of our action plan.

Seeing it in my hand, a villainous smile appeared in my face.

Boudin, honey, I'm coming!

Cecile: “Fortunately the young me still has a good vision”

Author: “*cough* Alfred *cough*”

Eric appears taking his sword: “that was charity, understand?”

Author:” hehe sure, sure. How about we put the sword back ‘kay?”

Amoracreators' thoughts