
The confrontation

I see the woman who gave birth to the greatest monster in fiction and could say only one word 'beautiful' she was the most beautiful woman he had seen in his life.

I looked at her and could tell she had the same hair color as me but the only difference is the hair is flowing like a river flowing down a mountain, eyes which are like blue jewels which anyone would like to make a treasure. her complexion like molten gold her skin tender and smooth she was looking mature and sexy she possesses a voluptuous body with perfect breast.(i am not a perv and he will not have romantic intrest in her he is saying this because i want people to know what she looks like )

She looked at me with loving eyes the could melt the hardest of stones,so now what .i am falling in love with my mother she seems good and loving yet from what nisha told she is cold and ruthless so i must not fall in a trap ,so i let her speak "what are you doing ragii,you should be at your room dear" she said in a lovely gentle hearing her voice made me a blushing mess i was like a tomato ,i may have to calm down ok "well mother i just felt like walking,so i went to meet nisha" she looked at me suprised and says "don't you hate her?" This question caught me off guard,did i hate nisha?

Now that was something unexpected "i hated nisha?" To which she looked at me confused and answerd "of course you hate her,so thats why i locked her in that library dear child."

Wait this was getting out of hands some how it as if i can't figure it out."well it seems,i forgot somethings" to which my mother stared at me and asked "should i take you to the doctor if you think yoj lost your memories then mommy will take you to the hospital" at this point she was the 2nd person after nisha who showed concern to me unlike the 2 bro or father

This concerned me "why did i hate nisha?"

She looked at me "you hate her because how she is useless except her intelligence you want her to grow her intelligence and be useful to you like a slave,and you hate slaves" i look at her eyes held love for me while her tone is cold towards nisha.i wanted to change that "mother i want to change that,she already is ready to be my slave after i meet her so why not give her some freedom."i say trying to manipulate the situation.

She looks unaffected she gently hugged me and said "okay ragii but tell me do you remember the name of your mother"

She looked at me with worry in her tone not her eyes she seems to radiate love from her jewel like eyes "your name is kali bathory right mother."to which she smiles and looks at me hugging me tighter make me a tomato.

This is too dangerous. So now what i should do is first think things straight my mother belongs to the bathory family which is considered a nobel family as exchanges between the nobel houses and the 6 ruling family was common but only the king could take his wifes from the ruling family so basically polygamy this people are savages yet they to have emotions

so hence there sense of beauty where the women were so beautiful unlike my previous world where everyone left there beauty sense and started focusing on character and attitude towards others

Some may think thats personally wrong because beauty exists and all,but all people had to change was that mindset

The mindset is a collection of belifs your mind is supposed to follow even unknowingly we masterd that leaving the sense of beauty but we still are aware how the other person looked but never judged people based on their appearance but here people will judge me based on my appearance ragnals original face was never seen until his mask was broken revealing a smashed face with only one eyes looking bad even in my times as his face was not that of a human, people started focusing on storys rather then opinion of other people causing characters like villain to lose their popularity and been seen as a character to hate and not become before 75 years history said there were people of the worst kind like this savages who judge people on their appearance,

people who are worked into a field they don't even like because of pressure from others this was the time world started crumbling and a person who was named unkown started killing all the people who were in power and he kept on killing till 25 years until people started realising his motives.

"If one must be bad why must we be bad too"

We have left our culture and became atheist in the name of science yet science alone has brought us to a crumbling point where in the name of development we degressed causing us to lose resources instead of helping others to make the world a better place we ran around materialistic things ,the rich became rich the poor became poorer causing me to take responsibility to me i may be a villain because of the laws set by the world government forbitting killing but you

forgot something important if killing is bad then why must people even die,your religions which say there will be an apocalypse and god will come to save you.Thats idiotic. The world shall become a better place until then i will not stop."

To which the world government was finally destroyed and unkown came into rule he setup a world which made humans better,it made our lifes better.he told us to accept death as it is a part of life,he teached that people may see nature as mother but people now don't even respect their mother and the mother doesn't truly love the child in this age he made inventions which stopped all kinds of pollution the world was perfect with all the corruption gone and he too left making the world a better place.

Some thought being evil was cool and he thought us ethics and morals which teach that there are only protagnists in this world where only their thoughts and motivations make someone a villain he teached us villainy is a purpose rather then a role a rather miserable purpose he was right. Villains should not be seen as cool and badass they are an existence which teach others how not to live

they should be seen as people who have their own purpose and motivation he gave us everything and took nothing and thats persons name was unknown we created ai after he left but the ai was built for good rather then evil but the ai had gone rogue so why would be build it again

We stopped making ai more human and started making human more human

as that happend they destroyed all ai which were like humans but one ai,one ai was left his name was x the only human like ai which fused with the ai of many things it built the terminator group basically itself .after that we stopped beliving man can be god and started taking more philosophical meaning from religion and removed all the religions which said they are the only way and accepted religions which had much deeper meaning like a path where people stopped supporting religions which supported holy wars and what not and said war was a necessary element in human nature yet it must be fought only in a battle of good and bad

rather then gaining resorces and others a war must be tried to be avoided but if there is no other choice follow your path because it's chosen by you so basically my world was way perfect then whatever savagic world i am currently in as i had no idea of what to do.

Well at this point all i can say is " mom..... can i have a moment "she looked at and said"what do you want ragii" i want something you can't give but acceptance adaptations are facts that a mortal. Must follow so"can i tell you i have awakend my powers" to which my mom was suprised and happy i say "i have the power to steal other powers."to which she was in disbelief but "i believe you" huh why was this coming out of a woman who came from such a planet "you believe me?"

I ask to which for some reason she held her heart tightly "of course you are my dear son afterall,ragii" this was out of my comprehension this is turning into a dramatic scene which wow i didn't expect i thought it will be something like a ruthless mother in a novel meeting her abandoned child but it was different,i slowly hug her i started crying my eyes rolling down streams of tears this is the first i ever had a mother as my parents died when i was born to with my hands i don't really know her but i felt she is genuine as if she truly cared for me like nisha if ragnal had such people near him why would he turn a villain?

She looks at me and says "join me for dinner will you, i know ragii is hungry so lets go" She kisses my cheek and leaves for the dinner

Damn i am a tomato i say to myself as i watch her leaving to the dining room i felt happy but i noticed a maid holding a baby who was in the hands of my mother he was sleeping he had blonde hair and from half open eyes he had emerald eyes ok,now i pick him up and start walking while a maid for the first time bows and respects me ,giving the childs responsibility to me.

"Please take care of young master leo Master Ragnal ." To which i was suprised to see he was my brother too well a small one i wonder how he will grow i don't exactly know his mother but i will take care of him for now

Leo pov

I was held in by cold hands which woke me up to suddenly look at a beautiful woman who was flat she had short hair and wore an earring her complexion like molten gold and eyes red like an abyss she was holding me gently but her body was cold as if she was frozen

My name is leo in this life and in my past life i came from a planet called earth it was the year 2018 when i died due to a truck i isekaied into this world where i was currently 2 years i had no job except being a baby i was just carried by my mother i was never breastfed by her it only came in the form of bottles as this world was advanced.

I inherited my fathers hair and emerald eyes which i Don't even know how i got and now i am being carried by a flat beauty what a life for myself

To be continued....