

Aja Reikario was a villain, the son of baron Weir Reikario (A-rank warrior, knight) and baroness Ria Reikario (an S-rank warrior, a mage with limited fighting techniques). He used to be a sweet boy with his black silky soft hair, blood-red eyes, and cute innocent face. He was kind, even to the servants, and never differentiated between social statuses after all his father was also a commoner. He had two very loving and godly beautiful and robust parents.

Like everything this came to an end when the baroness died. At the age of 4, Aja witnessed the death of her mother as she single-handedly stopped an army of demons. He saw them hit her, hurt her, he saw how every last drop of her blood was sucked, saw as she was torn limb by limb, saw as her clothes were torn and her body was used, saw her suffering for hours before she stopped fighting, he loathed himself at that moment as watched her soul finally living, while he just stayed hidden because he was useless and would be a burden and nothing else. Her mother had kept up a barrier all around, it was so strong that it required all her mana hence rendering her unable to protect herself. He was dizzy and injured but he was awake when her mother's soul departed hence becoming the only victim alive who witnessed the whole incident. He started losing consciousness as the demons prodded the thousands of bodies that loitered around. They couldn't advance further as they knew the word had spread and their element of surprise was destroyed and they should retreat. The last thing Aja noticed before losing consciousness was a shadow hovering over him,

Aja awoke a month later, a changed man, he shut the world out and shut himself in his room. this continued for two years before he stepped out on the day his father was getting married again, he was dressed to impress, his face still as handsome, but gone was the innocence on the boy's face, gone was the beautiful spark in his eyes, now they were bull and lifeless the exact opposite of what he used to be, on that day he was present at the ceremony physically but not mentally, he wore the best but not a single emotion adorned his face, after the ceremony when he was back home with his new family, a woman of beauty and a renowned warrior with a newborn girl in her arms, he spared them one glance as the stood opposite to him and then turned to his father and addressed him with a look of cold contempt "Congratulations on the marriage and the child, Lord Baron." Before swiftly departing, since then he started coming out more, but now he was aloof and indifferent, sometimes even cruel, he was straight-forward and spoke what he thought without a filter, he didn't care if his words were hurting someone, but that was very rare, usually he was silent and rarely voiced his concerns.

Somehow he was rumoured to be the bad boy even still and was blamed for bullying the heroine, which got him killed in the end.

He thought it was the end finally but he opened his eyes again to a different world in the arms of a woman dressed in white...

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