
The Villain is OVERPOWERED!

"Tonight I am born! Not God or Fate can decide what I become. I accept who I am, and will conquer this world! She is just a killer like me and the Demon Lord is just like me. Rather I take this world for myself and challenge the wrath of God himself" And with that, I dropped the Hero from the height of a two story building. Hoping that she wasn't dead, but at the same time letting go of her and my feelings. I had become a shell of a human body. A machine which could only reason and execute, that night on my birthday, I truly became the Villain. As I looked down at the crumpled heap of the beautiful elf girl on the ground, blood flowing from skulls, and her eyes were finally open. *Make sure to post reviews and helpful comments to help improve the quality of this story!* -Please help fund this in any way or form you possibly can! -Ask others to read! -Add it to your collections, etc... These little things help motivate me to write! Your support will be appreciated! Chow and try not to get dropped by your boyfriend or girlfriend from a building!;)

S3lus · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs

That is so big!

So many months have passed since I met Sophie at the guild in Regnum. I had drifted far away from the city walls and was truly in the wilderness now. Through my meditation and constant consumption of Beast's core, I had become strong. But not strong enough to challenge the gods. Who was probably getting fat on some purple grapes and sharpening his weapons, thinking how useless of a pawn I was. No offense, but I did try to kill the Hero but mother Luck wasn't on my side that day. She survived and almost killed me by giving me hypothermia and that too when I was in a weakened state, since I had for the first time consumed a Hobgoblin's core!!! Lucky for me, my divine shadowy powers allow me to be stronger than an average human being. Whatever was happening to my body was welcoming, I felt powerful and I wanted more power. I had become the master of shadows and lord of darkness, but I wanted to be powerful enough to be considered a Demigod in this world! And there was only one way to get stronger! Training!

I was constantly on the move, tracking down monsters and defeating them for their cores. As much as I tried to take them down quickly, I was still too weak. Weak! Weak! It was fucking with my head. The struggle for power was a never ending game and I could be the epicenter for it. All this and much more, shit, I needed to focus and clear my mind up. As I walked through the dense jungle, I was met with a bunch of Ploof Bunnies, running back at me! Aren't they supposed to be running away from me, I mean I am the predator right, the big bad wolf! Something was wrong! While I had my head in the clouds, I hadn't realized that the forest had become quiet. Like dead quiet. At that moment, I activated my mana shield around my body and quickly slowed down my breathing to help conserve my mana pool.

"Shadow Shield!"

Author's Note: Ploof Bunnies or better known as cutie patuties are a form of species in this world. They are just a level above slime, and can be used for training for children. Hunting them down can be annoying, because of how fast they are and they can momentarily disappear or in a sense camouflage. When Ploof Bunnies jump, there tails tend to send vibrations through mana, which creates a "ploof" noise. As cute as they are, they are also delicious!!!

I trek my way as silently as possible and go against the coming tide of Ploof Bunnies. Shortly after sprinting for a while, the Ploof Bunnies became few and then none. Following their tracks on the dirt road I made my way and hit a rock. A giant rock that was going into the sky and a similar one was six feet away helping support the same thing. In total I saw four of the same giant rocks, dark black in color and seemed to be covered in scales, holding up a huge object. That object moved its legs and roared in my face. Holy crap! The breath stank, and I was in a bit of shock, in front of me there was a Wyvern! And not just any Wyvern but an adult Wyvern, the core from this legendary monster would make ten times as strong as a Hobgoblin core! My luck just keeps getting better! All I have to do is show this beast who is master, easy right? I turned out to be an ass, a literal stupid ass...

All I could do was stare at the huge monster. It was so big and dangerous, just looking at those legs gave me a shiver. Still, if I could defeat this beast then I have a chance to become stronger. Although it seemed a bit angry and my idea of being sneaky had gone down the drain. But I still had a chance, my shield was still activated and I had gained a lot of experience! I had also unlocked and learned a new spell. It would be perfect to use on a Wyvern, fighting in the sky would be a problem...Since last I checked, humans aren't birds and birds aren't humans! The Wyvern started to climb up into the sky, lucky for me I had mastered the spell.

"Chains of Hell!"

And with just one simple command, the big boy came crashing down as the chains circled up around its wings, locking them in place. The Wyvern came crashing down, flattening several trees in the area and sending birds squawking away into the distance. Small critters sprinted out from the area it was falling. I leapt quickly off to the side and jumped on top of it! Taking my sword out, I ran while strengthening it with mana. Hacking away at the tough scales on its body, I looked like a flea trying to draw out blood. In other words, my super cool tungsten blade had no effect on the Wyvern. So much for being the hardest material in the world!

"Soul Flame!"

Soul flame had no impact on the Wyvern's skin as it used its long pointy tail to try and stab me. Using my quick speed and reflexives, I dodged the tail whipping around randomly. Still the pointy tail managed to hit me, as I went flying off the Wyvern's back and landed on my back. Quickly using mana to speed up my metabolism, I gathered speed and attacked it again, leaping into the air to hack away at its neck! The Wyvern charged up fire in its mouth, as a burning white hot flame sprouted from its mouth. Using my sword I carved through the fire and attacked it inside of its mouth. It let out a roar, made me almost piss my pants, I think I did piss a little...But who cares no one saw it! As I fought the monster trying to attack it and get some damage, I felt myself depleting my mana reserve faster and faster. I could probably last for another fifteen minutes, before my body would just give up. I was using too much mana, in such a short amount of time. Keeping my body surrounded with a shield of mana and also my blade strengthened with mana, while at the same time attacking it and summing Soul Flame was taking a toll on me!!! Truly, I needed to do something quick! At that moment, for the first time, over my dead body, I decided to retreat...I felt like a loser. But a true Villain needs to calculate its enemies before attacking! And that's how I ended up staring at dung. A Wyvern sized dung.

Author's Note: Look at this dude! Trying to attack at Wyvern, without a party. He must be denser than that dung in his head. Stupid idiot could have formed a part with the Hero, who by the way was an elf! Which in its own RIGHT is RARE asf! So much for ruling the world, dude is stupider than Dumbo the Elephant...

As I had been tracking the Wyvern for a while now, since it's rare to see them in a forest! Especially since they travel in flocks, but this Wyvern was single and didn't even seem to have a mate. It had broken through my chains, and had flown several miles off and had also decided to stay for a poop break. Guess when nature calls, it calls...so stinky and smelly. Along the way I had been creating a new spell with Dance of the Soul Arrows, trying to convert into auto-targeting missiles, from my world. If somehow I managed to make the arrows target its eyes and other weak spots, I could easily defeat it while hiding in the shadows. To create the move constantly on the move was very hard to say the least, and the amount of mana it was consuming made it harder to keep a mana shield around me up at all times. Not to say in the least that, my mana shield had become quite weak, only good enough to protect me from one attack by a Goblin!

It was getting dark and I could see that the Wyvern was tiring and looking for a place to rest. It had become separated or lost, since I didn't sense anymore of them. As nightfall came, I climbed a tree and watched the Wyvern sleep in the middle of a clearing. From my tree, I could see its huge ears constantly alert...Didn't know that beasts can multitask better in this world than most humans can! What a pain! As the giant beast, so big that it took up the entire clearing space, laid its ancient head on the soft grass and fell asleep. With step one of the mission complete, I waited for hours deciding when to attack, the only reason I could see in the darkness was because my demonic eyes were active. With a war cry, in my head of course (I am not so stupid!). I conjured enough mana, which was not being used to prepare my spell, and used shadow steps.

"Shadow Step"

This was my one shot and I couldn't mess it up! With that I jumped on top of the Wyvern as lightly as possible and released all that kept up mana!

"Strike of Death's Arrow"

I would like to say that somehow Wyvern dodged it, and I heroically fought it with my bare hands with barely any mana and brought it down. You know just like the heroes from movies where they meet the boss, but don't resort to such cowardly acts like mine. Hiding and attacking the enemy at its weakest is not honorable. Things like stabbing people in the back by trickery and heroes that sprout crap like that...well that didn't happen for me! Look kids in real life, trickery is what will help you win! Especially if you lived a life like me, trust and crap like honor aren't worth shit! Sorry I have just become really passionate about topics on goodness in a bad way!

The Death Arrow once locked on to whatever it is objected to, it will not stop until the target is dead. With the amount of mana I had forced in it, the swirling mass of dark energy zoomed in through the Wyvern's huge nostrils and started rupturing its blood vessels. What happens next can only be described as gore. This was something I hadn't calculated, but after Wyvern kept crying out in pain...It exploded. Sending guts and stomach acid flying everywhere along with an object that hit me on my head, as I landed, yet again on my butt cheeks. It must be that Suicidal God's curse on me or something, my butt cheeks seem to be fate's favorite place to deliver PAIN! The object was a core, but not a beast core, since this was from a Wyvern. They fall in the legendary category, making this a Draconic core! Wyverns are close relatives of dragons, but they are also useless cousins compared to the mighty creatures...But still a great accomplishment nonetheless!

It would have been quite a sight if people had seen a glowing purple core the size of a basketball getting slowly eaten by a teenager, who looked devastatingly like a homeless person. The Prince of Regnum, one of the most handsomest individuals, looked like, as if he had been pooped on by a Wyvern. Yet my joy could not be contained, as soon as I consumed this Dragonic core and processed the mana, I would become so much more powerful Raising my stats by many levels. Constantly on the move, I was tired so I decided to spend the night with the head of a Wyvern. It was the only thing left intact and its eyes were open...So before starting to meditate I closed its eyes. I Don't like to be watched by the dead!


In the dark of night, a group of shadows surround the young man and the Wyvern head, which had its tongue lolling out. The area was covered in blood and acid, along with organs...It was truly a devastating sight! The shadows silent as the stars themselves surrounded the boy. And silently working together tied him up with a rope and took his possessions. He didn't feel anything at all in his meditation state, picking him up or carrying him was a bit of a hassle. Finally giving up, one of them channeled mana and ended up levitating the boy in front of them. It was quite a bizarre sight, even the night critters could be heard laughing! A group of fifteen cloaked shadowy figures, as agile as a mouse, a boy floating in the air while meditating, and a Wyvern's head with a sword stuck in its teeth like a toothpick. Truly, a weird group of company!