
The Villain is OVERPOWERED!

"Tonight I am born! Not God or Fate can decide what I become. I accept who I am, and will conquer this world! She is just a killer like me and the Demon Lord is just like me. Rather I take this world for myself and challenge the wrath of God himself" And with that, I dropped the Hero from the height of a two story building. Hoping that she wasn't dead, but at the same time letting go of her and my feelings. I had become a shell of a human body. A machine which could only reason and execute, that night on my birthday, I truly became the Villain. As I looked down at the crumpled heap of the beautiful elf girl on the ground, blood flowing from skulls, and her eyes were finally open. *Make sure to post reviews and helpful comments to help improve the quality of this story!* -Please help fund this in any way or form you possibly can! -Ask others to read! -Add it to your collections, etc... These little things help motivate me to write! Your support will be appreciated! Chow and try not to get dropped by your boyfriend or girlfriend from a building!;)

S3lus · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs

Everything comes with a price...

As I lay in the bed, my body ached with pain...pain like hell. Depleting so much mana in such a short amount of time was taking a huge toll on my body. As I lay there helpless and guilty, as tears started to roll down my cheeks. Warm hot tears dripped down, as I silently forced the lump in my throat back down. As the tears kept rolling and falling, I kept my mouth shut, wishing to scream but not being able, too. I wanted to break something...shout...scream...but all I could do was lay there and silently grief! Why did I think that the creep would just give me all these gifts and send me to this world without a price? I mean the price was to kill the hero, but I had failed at that...And now I have failed my parents, too! As I lay there, crippled, I closed my eyes and fell asleep. Accepting the harsh reality that nothing could be done now. I would KILL them ALL!


In the dark of the night, a hush fell over the kingdom of Regnum. As a dark figure, hooded and skeletal, made his way calmly through the dimly lit street. It led straight back to a giant wrought iron door. The door led to a beautiful grand entrance, surrounded by different kinds of plants. The beauty of the Castle couldn't be appreciated with just two eyes, especially how beautiful it looked with fire burning all around it. Bright blue flames reaching up to the skies, making their way slowly but consuming everything in their way! Inch by inch the flames creep closer and closer to the Palace. War truly looks beautiful from above.

As the figure made his way through the dimly streets, it started to fade with each and every step. Reaching the center of the town as the bonfire behind him lit up the once dark night with light and screams. Echoes rang through the city, as the once mighty palace of Regnum burned beautifully as the Sun. Just before the figure faded out, it looked up into the distance. In that moment, you could see his glowing red eyes glowing like embers, and the bones, the bony face of a skeleton. A terrible looking figure, as it transformed completely into the Lord of Darkness, Demon Lord, and better known as God of the Shadows...The skull head fully enshrouded in a hood dark as ink and a skeletal hand holding a giant scythe. It looked back once and started floating into the sky. Wind picked up as it's cloak billowed out, writhing in shadowy flames, as it disappeared into the heavens!

Sophie looked at the place where there once stood a proud castle. The castle had been burnt to the ground and vegetation had been completely erased from existence. No signs of human lives were left, the fire had happened at night. And yet no one had known a thing about it, or who would have done such a cruel thing. Finn, she had known for a little while and he wasn't the nicest person to be alive...well he wasn't a nice person...but still no one deserved something like this. Nobody deserves this kind of pain. Sophie investigated a little bit more, but all she could find was char and everyone else in the proximity...which is to say the whole town! Everyone had basically no idea as to what happened and who did it!

"I was asleep all night and half drunk!"

"Who would do this to the king and queen?!"

"Everyone is dead, not a trace!"

"My husband...."



Sophie wondered what Finn could have possibly done because he was the only suspect, nobody else could make enemies like him. I mean he managed to make an elf his enemy, an elf who was the hero and stood for justice! She knew something had to be done, she wanted to help him but he would need to return the favor. She stood there as she remembered a poem her mother used to sing to her. Finn's only trusted people had left him and he was truly alone.

"But the tree stays,

That's what the wind whispered,

Through the mountains it came,

Bringing the cries of agony,

As one giant fell after the other,

The noise echoed in the great valley,

But the tree stays, it sighed,

As the last giant fell,

The wind stopped whispering,

A dead world with a dead horizon,

Nothing crawled,

Nothing grew,

And nothing swayed,

But the tree stays, it howled,

The wind howled through the valley,

Through the mountains it went,

Spreading the cries of death,

Once giants now stumps,

The wind howled,

But the tree is dead"


News travels fast in Regnum, but I had already known this. The letter, the priest or was it that Demon Lord, left his threat and followed it through. In seconds, he, no he isn't human! It had destroyed the two people he cared the most for. The stupid contract he had made to destroy the Hero had ruined his second chance at life. He should have investigated the contract better instead of falling for trickery. The Demon Lord had given him a opportunity in this world, only if he destroyed the Hero, but this was all an entertainment for it. It was just playing games with humans. What could have possibly made him think...that a God would need his help to get rid of an elf...an innocent girl destined to destroy him...my ass! This God was playing a game of life and he was the pawn, over many years it had created a world where it held absolute power. Deciding every outcome, going as far as to make a prophecy of his defeat. Lies. This world was built on lies!

Hearing the death of my parents, didn't shock me. Everywhere nobles were bawling their fake tears out, as I walked out to the pedestal. Which looked straight at where my home once stood. Now that my parents are gone, everyone was saying I should take the responsibility of the crown. Knowing fully well, that this nobles didn't give a fuck! All they wanted was to control me, although they weren't to blame. They were all useless for each person of this court, not a single guard could protect my parents, not a single one of them tried to figure out who killed them.

"Rise my king!"

As the voice thundered through the streets, elves to humans to beast people cheered or cried. No one knew exactly what to do, the awkwardness of the situation was making it worse. The fat nobles sat down at the front of the gathering and I smiled. I smiled as coldly as possible, as my heart truly hardened to stone. The only reason I hadn't taken this world yet, and believed it to be a fantasy of mine was because of the two people I loved. Now that they were gone, they had left me in the perfect position to get revenge for them. The king, I was the king of Regnum and nobody could stop me! Everyone will be crawling, this world is mine for the taking.

The world will know about death and pain. I will change this place more fitting of a villain. I am the Villain and now was my time to shine. Villains are never born, they are created, the bastard had summoned me. He has also created me, I will take this world from it. It needs to prepare for a pawn that will transform at the end.

Author's Note: I think this is the beginning after the end of the Villain. Finn is truly going to take over this world by becoming a queen...err king...but in chess, you know pawns can become whatever they like. LOL! The story went from 'Yay' to 'Ahhhhh! Painnnnn...' so quickly. Don't make contracts with a Depressed Demon Lord/God.