
The Villain is OVERPOWERED!

"Tonight I am born! Not God or Fate can decide what I become. I accept who I am, and will conquer this world! She is just a killer like me and the Demon Lord is just like me. Rather I take this world for myself and challenge the wrath of God himself" And with that, I dropped the Hero from the height of a two story building. Hoping that she wasn't dead, but at the same time letting go of her and my feelings. I had become a shell of a human body. A machine which could only reason and execute, that night on my birthday, I truly became the Villain. As I looked down at the crumpled heap of the beautiful elf girl on the ground, blood flowing from skulls, and her eyes were finally open. *Make sure to post reviews and helpful comments to help improve the quality of this story!* -Please help fund this in any way or form you possibly can! -Ask others to read! -Add it to your collections, etc... These little things help motivate me to write! Your support will be appreciated! Chow and try not to get dropped by your boyfriend or girlfriend from a building!;)

S3lus · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs

Cults and NPCs!

"Soooooo! Hello and can you put me down?!"


"Fine, I'll just pout and ignore y'all!"

"I mean walking is anyway 'overrated' !"

"I have two legs and I can walk on my own!"

"Sorry! Walking isn't OVERRATED!"

"Will ya shuddup, ya dum child!"

"Quit whining!"

Whatever had happened in the moments that I had been meditating was a bit shocking. That is why many people don't use cores to level up fast. Especially cores like Draconic and Beast cores, since they tend to take a lot of concentration and leave you a victim. Without any way or form to react, since if you lose your concentration it is a huge risk! And my will for success had led right into the devil's den…I mean I am kind of like the devil…so I feel a little bad for these guys. They didn't even take the opportunity to handicap me, I mean how is a rope supposed to hold a dude, who just gained folds of power! On top of that it was a Draconic core, low level but still impressive, I could totally kick all of their asses! What the hell had I gotten myself into?!

Author's Note: Maybe he should try to shut up, like they told him! This stupid little, fake hero or villain or whatever he is, deserves all this...My poor Elf...Yeah I am still bummed about that. Her blue eyes shattered with betrayal, maybe not that serious! But seriously my HEART is WOUNDED! Hashtag, sadness to the point of...I don't know...sadness!!!

¡Hola amigos! ¡Me llamo Finn! ¿Cómo te llamas? I don't know why the hell I was talking in Spanish, when I am from Japan and this was an entirely different world. But whatever the hell it took to make the talk had become a game for me. I knew I could destroy them in a second, but why waste this opportunity to destroy the entire group. They would have killed me but it seems like they have some higher ups and are taking me to them! Why not just destroy the entire group! Working from the within to the outside, infiltration of the Princely Hero! Operation "Suicidal Prince, suddenly Overpowered" was GO!

As the procession took place, I couldn't tell what species these strangers were, they levitated me through the forest. I felt like a king, a bored king. In a sense I felt like a prisoner, who was being forced to be a king. Yeah, that sounded as confusing in my head as yours! As we reached our destination, although not exactly a destination, I had no idea where we were. These wretches had brought me to some kind of a stupid sanctuary. The sanctuary had an idol in the middle of some deity. Seeing this deity, it only took me a second to realize who it was...Let see depressing looking, Ruler of Dark Shit, and Creepy Guy who looks like THE pervert, and last but not least Mr. Strong Guy from Above...aka...the dude who summoned me to this world! The stupidest part was that there were more of these hooded figures all seated in a huge circular gathering around the idol! They were worshiping him! They were praying to the God of Death and Depression, basically asking him to kill them or that's what I think, they might be just happy to be depressed or some stupid cult idea like it...

As my kidnappers finally decided to levitate me to the ground, more like drop me from the sky...I think there stupid brains forgot that gravity exists!!! I couldn't wait to get to work and destroy this place, even more so because of the Stupid Creep from Down Below having an idol, with cheeks that were more toned than my albs! As soon as they dropped me I assessed my surroundings and thought of ideas to take them out without wasting too much mana. I was more powerful than a level five adventurer, which is to say powerful, most adventurers fall in the range of three and the power level is great between each level! Seeing that there seemed to be at least a hundred of these depressed bunches, I couldn't possibly take them all out. Not to say that they can use levitation magic, it seems like they are air magic users! Which is going to be a problem, since I don't want to land on my butt cheeks again because some stupid ass decided to forget about GRAVITY!

Author's Note: Ahem, attention please! In Finn's world there are different levels for adventurers to assess their ranks and how powerful they are! The difference between each rank is great, meaning a level 1 can only on rare occasions defeat a level 2 adventurer, unless the dude is a drunk bastard or something. Here is a list!

Level 1: This is basically the common man or a peasant, somebody with no skill whatsoever in combat. They are usually good at daily life, NPCs! That is not to say that they can become stronger, but just because they don't have physical abilities or magic for that sake...There mental abilities such as planning, learning, writing, and other school related activities are still possible! They aren't sitting ducks for you to run over, like in GTA (One of Earth's many games, turned into a crime scene).

Level 2: One of the bottom tier levels, but if you get to this level...if you manage through all those royal snobs aka nobles! Congratulations! You are set on becoming the world's greatest villain, errr I meant HERO! The Palace Doctor can heal people with his light magic, though in magic he is pretty high, he can't defend himself. I have made his life hell, since the day I became the kingdom's first glow in the dark baby!

Level 3: Most adventurer's are around this level, they are quite strong and hunt monsters in groups, taking down bosses, for example the Hobgoblin, they aren't strong enough to go to war by themselves like some kind of maniac from Japan...Totally not me!

Level 4: It is a high level, this is the level of many of the imperial knights, that too the royal force...not the entirety of the Regnum forces! Still too weak for my taste! They are like Ploof Bunnies in front of me!

Level 5: My level, so damn hot, I am bad! Totally Rad...I still need to get stronger if I want to rule the world with absolute strength! I am basically a rare case, only five percent of the entire world's population is this strong! My mother and father are considered to be mid-tiered level 5 wielders of mana. Together they can easily plow through a flock of Wyverns...Scary mom!!!

Level 6+: Few have achieved this amount of talent, but these few are rares and tend to mostly stick to the shadows...should be my job, but I am doing the complete opposite. Since these few in the world are deemed to be cursed, even the Gods tend to kill them. There is no limit to power in this world, even Gods can become your enemy! Although, the Gods are like at level hundred plus...they think humans will rise up to challenge them...if they cross level five! Stupid Creep from Above, the Stupid Demon Lord would easily kill me off, if not for Sophie!

As I stood up and stretched out confidently, while the stupid cult members gazed at my toned muscles showing through my skin-tight long sleeve shirt, I casually took in the surroundings with my Demonic Eyes. As I thought, it was some kind of a religious gathering with a pretty big group. With my Demonic Eyes my senses sharpened, as I noticed that there were in total hundred and eleven members, levels ranging from one to four at most. The leader in the middle with the Idol of Shadiness was a level five and had the element of fire. Truly noble looking with his smug expression underneath his dark hood! I wanted to wipe that smirk off his face! It was a clearing surrounded with tall oak trees on all sides, a small stream passing through the center. They had made a fountain of the Demon Lord opposite the idol, it was butt naked also!!! The idol's 'dagger' had water coming out of it, saying that the size was average at most, would be a lie! Next time I meet the Demon Lord of Small Daggers, I have got to humble him with my royal 'dagger'! I am so evil to beat a Suicidal God in the perfections of the human body.

"Time to try out my new skills...That sounded so much like a NPC!"

"Assassin's Blade"

"Demonic Eyes"

"Flying skill, Dark Wings!"

It was nightfall and I had been unceremoniously stripped of all my clothes. I was butt naked and tied to some kind of a sacrificial altar. There was blood on the altar and the naked God of Doom's Butt cheeks were right above me...Not the best place to be...They were actually pretty muscular marbles. The Cult had put my belongings as an offering in front of the idol, stupid assholes, and my tungsten blade was lying underneath the fountain! Getting peed on, as I freed myself from my bonds through pure strength. These muscles aren't just for show, my handsome body is very capable. I went to retrieve my equipment and wear my clothes. It wouldn't be a great front page cover, if the villain was butt naked terrorizing a cult group. I got to work.


Through the cover of the nights, a lone figure darts in the shadows of the ruins surrounding an idol. The shadow figure glows with power and seems to have wings on its back. A winged assassin, a blade glowing with an eerie aura and eyes like embers burned into the night. As it went through the ruins, expertly killing hooded figures. Slowly its destination took it to a saved rubble of the ruins, where a monster sat. But this wasn't a stupid monster it was a level five human monster, a thinking breathing person! As the shadowed killer made his way closer to the center, it finally reached its destination as the first glows of the Sun peeked from the horizon!

I am brave enough to tell you guys that I killed all the enemies, except for one, which I was getting to by slitting them in their sleep. With my Assassin Blade skill, my strokes were smooth and precise. There was no noise and no scream, so no one from the cult was alerted except it seems like I made a mistake...One person did know. This was the leader next to the idol, with his hood off and in the candle light I saw his face. A brutish man in his thirties with grey-blonde hair and eyes, creepy eyes. His whole face was turned into a smirk, if I knew my nobles and landlords from my royal etiquette class...which I didn't...so I have no idea as to who he was other than his sword. His sword lay next to him topped with precious gems and sharp like glass, only a noble could afford something this expensive or they were just too good. The latter sounded unlikely, with the psycho smile he had. He just sat there and started laughing and I stood there confused like a dick!

It got so annoying his laugh that I decided to just go at him, using my mana wings to propel me faster as I went for a quick strike to his throat. And yet again, I was perplexed by this crazy sage of the Demon Lord! He didn't even move but my tungsten blade got parried, sending it flying out of my hands. A whole different beast, a worthy fight for a level five like me!!! As all this happened, I quickly rolled and grabbed my sword again and got in my fighting stance. The dude slowly stood up and that's when I realized...why am I wasting so much time! I could just cut him up, so why was I so afraid of attacking him...Was it the aura surrounding him or his crazy expression?!

And right when I gathered my courage and went again at him, he disappeared...like into thin air! The echoes of a laugh were ringing in my ears, as I stood alone in the room. There was a letter lying on the floor, where he had been a second ago. It had words on it, and as a coming of age Villain...I truly felt fear. At that point, I felt an emotion...rage boiled inside of me. As my body became enveloped with darkness, curling and swirling into energy. Then I exploded, as I started sprinting through the forest, sweat dripped and I knew it was to no avail. But if I had a chance, and if there truly was a true God, then please give me that chance. My body collapsed as I saw the gates in the distance. Through my Demonic Eyes, I calculated the border gate to get into Regnum was about twenty meters away. Last thing, I saw the guardsmen running to see him, and I heard the Prince is back...He needs medical attention! A fun night had turned truly evil for me. I whispered hoping they would hear what I had to say.

"No fools!"

"Take me to the palace, I need to save them!"

"I won't lose anyone ever again, I can't!"

"I will kill you, if you are really all that powerful...you...bastard..."