
The Villain Always Dies in the End

Winner of WPC #308 Bronze --- I was a regular guy. I had a regular job. A regular family. And, although I was still a bachelor, I had been in several relationships, although none of them got far enough to lead to marriage. Then, I was stabbed in the back. I didn't even get to see their face before everything blacked out. 'Why was I killed? I just lived a normal life!' Then, I woke up in a baby's body. At the age of 10, when we were finally getting our status windows, I suddenly realized something. When I looked at my twin sister, I almost choked from shock. 'Fuck, don't tell me I got reincarnated into "that" novel!' 'And furthermore, I'm the main villain, the villainous brother!' This is the story of my quest for a lazy life, one where I didn't have to do anything. I just wanted to live a lavish life as the son of the duke, my sister could do whatever she wanted and save the world, and I wouldn't interfere. At least, that was what I thought at first. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release Rate: Check the schedule Chapter Length: 1000-1500 words per chapter My chapters are edited by myself, so forgive me if I make any mistakes. Just comment if there is a mistake anywhere. My other novels: When the Reader Descends Into the Novel With a System: https://www.webnovel.com/book/when-the-reader-descends-into-the-novel-with-a-system_23122762806287305 Discord Link: https://discord.gg/8ePQESSSHT All names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this story are purely fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, or products are intended. Note: The cover doesn't belong to me. If you are the original owner and want me to take it down, please leave a comment on my latest chapter.

WorthyAdversary · Kỳ huyễn
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89 Chs

Sanctity (1) - 82

If you were to ask me what the sanctity of a place truly meant, or what the actual definition of "Sanctity" was, then I would respond, being a proud churchgoer for a better part of my life, that it was a place, anywhere was fine, where one could worship their god in peace, outside the world of humanly affairs.

Of course, this ideal thought of "Sanctity" that I had was a truly twisted one in the eyes of some, as it would never come into the light, no matter how fruitful the efforts of the faithful were, and so it would remain a dream, one to be talked about, but never to be remembered.

Yet, if I remembered correctly, there was this running theory back on Earth, that dreams were actually a sort of possession of alternate versions of you in parallel universes.

Now, if that was true, then my entire shebang would fall under the ground, but did I care?

At this moment, all I could do was kneel in a place I would describe as truly fitting that ideal of "Sanctity", as I felt the calm warmth of a blessing of purity wash over me.

Yes, we had been teleported outside the forest after that incident, and yes, at the time, the sun had already been up, so I had been a boy again, hence why the shadows could actually see me.

Also, in that short amount of time, I had been able to "do the thing" with my sister, and so now, the plan was fully in motion.

I was just a little flitted that I wouldn't be able to see my sister for a long period of time again, with worries about emotional attachments she had to me outweighing any duty she had attending this ceremony, but like, did they really think that she would ever wane in her belief to, soon, cure me of my "disease".

Ah, both naive sides of the same coin, but it was a thought process that I would cherish, as I ripped it to shreds.

"Accursed child, you may go now."

Alast, it seemed like, being the holder of the demonic seed that I was, I would still be looked down upon in this holy place, something that I was all too used to already.

Picking myself off the ground, I casually, but nobly, walked down the long rows of the pew, as I left the central area of the church, forgiven for all my sins I supposed.

Too bad the sin of my very existence was a sin never forgiven until death.

With my long, heavy robes swaying with every step I took, the purple cloak behind me symbolizing my affiliation with House Endendyk, I left the place.

I would come back here all too soon, but it was better to leave it for now.

The pope would be dying soon, only afterwards would I truly be allowed to roam freely around this place.

And, in doing so, I would be able to steal one of the Hero's ???, but, again, that was for another time.

Right now, all those that had been subject to the "immense trauma" of the "surprise attack" had been teleported to the capital, courtesy of my mother, to be "relieved of their suffering", in other words, for them to be drugged into forgetting the events, or at the very least, to lessen the mental impact of the events that had transpired.

It was the least that the Endendyk family could do, as an apology per se, and it was something that everyone welcomed.

Ah, this leads me to the official version of the events that had transpired.

Supposedly, an unknown group had infiltrated the hunting competition, placed a barrier that even my father had trouble getting through, and had tried to kill off all the participants.

There were obviously too many a hole in this statement, but like, who would really want to fuck with it?

It was all a matter of convenience in the end for those nobles I supposed, and so this basically resolved the entire situation, with the family members of the dead getting some compensation for their deaths as a string to wrap it all up.

So now, only one matter remained really, the matter of me, the top scorer in the tournament, getting to access the treasury of the Endendyk Family.

Yes, that was the prize decided on in the end, as apparently, the fact that the competition had been cut short wasn't good enough for the top scorer, aka me, to get the full prize.

I was a little bummed about this, but it wasn't like this had been the first time I had been screwed over, and it definitely wasn't going to be the last time I was screwed over in this world.

It was also very convenient that my original plan had been to ask to go into the treasury and pick out any item anyways, but no one needed to know that, lest they change the prize once more.

Although, get this, the prize was that I was actually allowed to take THREE items from the treasury, no matter what, as long as it was considered an "item"!

Oh hoho, I would take advantage of this opportunity as best as I could.

Plopping down on the ground, as my evil grin had driven enough people around me to move to other sides of the magic circle, I watched as, not a second later, the magic circle lit up and we all found ourselves back in the Endendyk Great Hall.

As some started retching whilst others started retching after smelling their retching, I nimbly moved away from the entire mess, and just watched as my mom waved a hand, and all the puke was gone.

All that was left were about a solid hundred people, all dressed in clunky church robes, all waiting to go home and do whatever it was they needed to do in response to whatever happened.

After all, a secret organization had basically announced their existence during this event, and thus, countermeasures to their existence needed to be put in place as soon as possible.

Although, I did suspect that some of the nobles here were already on the "other side" and thus, would be doing the exact opposite.

"Counter Counterespionage" I would say.

But, all those thought would be for later, as we were told that we could rest for the rest of the day, with the actual wedding ceremony being pushed to tomorrow and all, to end it quickly for everyone.

And then, afterwards, it would finally be my time to shine, as I looted that fat treasury as much as possible.

The next few days would truly be fun.

Thanks for reading!

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