
The Villain's View

How will the MC do now that he has to be a villain in his favorite novel? Come join us on this journey on how Kael will pursue strength and be at the peak of this world as The One True Monarch. Welcome to The Villain's View (Hello readers I'm LonleyAbyss and this is my first novel and I'm happy for you readers to check it out. also please leave feedback in the comments so I could fix any mistakes and improve as a writer)

LonlyAbyss · Kỳ huyễn
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New Adventure

Once upon a time, in a far-off mystical world, there was a powerful villain named Kael. Kael was a fearsome warrior with a ruthless reputation for his unmatched combat skills and his insatiable thirst for power. He was born into a noble family of sorcerers but he rejected their teachings and chose instead to follow his own path. He believed that true strength came not from magic but from sheer force of will and determination.

As Kael grew up, he became more and more obsessed with power. He craved it like a drug and was willing to do anything to get it. He became a mercenary, working for anyone who would pay him, and he quickly earned a reputation as a fierce and cunning warrior. But he soon realized that the life of a mercenary would never give him the power he craved. He needed something more.

So he set his sights on the ruling council of the kingdom he was raised in. He began to manipulate and bribe his way into their inner circle, using his charm and cunning to win their trust. And when the time was right, he struck.

In a single night, Kael slaughtered the entire ruling council, leaving the kingdom in chaos. He then declared himself the new ruler, crushing any resistance with his army of mercenaries and hired assassins. Kael's reign was brutal and unforgiving. He executed anyone who opposed him and ruled with an iron fist.

But even as he basked in his newfound power, Kael knew that he was not invincible. He had enemies everywhere, and they were all plotting against him. So he began to build an army of loyal soldiers and trained them in his own image. He taught them to be ruthless, to show no mercy, and to always put their own interests first.

As his army grew, so did his reputation. Kael became a legend, feared and respected throughout the land. But he knew that he could never let his guard down. He was always looking over his shoulder, waiting for the next betrayal, the next attempt on his life.

And then one day, it happened. A group of rebels, led by a young warrior named Aiden Darkblade, the Hero that the people needed the most, rose up against him. They were small in number, but they were determined and skilled. Kael underestimated them, thinking that they would be easy to crush. But he was wrong.

In a fierce battle that lasted for days, Kael's army was defeated. He himself was badly wounded, but he refused to give up. With the last of his strength, he summoned a powerful spell that unleashed a wave of destruction on the rebels. But even as he struck them down, he knew that it was too late. His reign was over.

As he lay dying on the battlefield, Kael realized that he had been consumed by his own lust for power. He had become a monster, feared and hated by all who knew him. And now, in his final moments, he could see the truth. The truth that power was not everything, that there were more important things in life. But it was too late. Kael closed his eyes and let out a final breath, his legacy as a villain forever sealed.

"What the hell was that. fuck you author, Kael was the best villain ever so keep him a villain till his last breath."

Moon was mad after reading the final chapter of his favorite novel, The Hero's Rise. Even though he knew that one day Kael his favorite villain will have to die he didn't expect the author to ruin his character at the end

"shit man that ending ruined my day. In fact I bet I could make a better ending even if I'm not a writer."

Moon thought before all of a sudden his world went dark and he woke up in a room that he didn't recognize. before Moon could even think of anything else he was assaulted by the worst headache he had ever felt but after getting through the pain he leaned of a new set of memories. From these memories he learned that he got transmigrated into his favorite novel not as the hero, side character or even as a mob but the final villain and his favorite character Kael.


But before Moon or now Kael could go crazy about how he will survive this dangerous world he heard a sound in his head.


[Welcome to the Villain System]

[With the help of this system and the host's hard work we will rule the world]

[To start say Status]

"holy shit, first I'm in a novel and now I also have a system just like the main character in this novel. Maybe I can survive this world" said Kael nervously.


[ Status

Name : Kael Ravenwing

Age : 10

LVL : 1

Health : 50/50

Mana : 25/25

STR (Physical strength) : 5

AGL (Speed and stamina) : 5

VIT (Health and physical defense) : 5

INT (Mana, mental strength and magical defense) : 5

Destiny Points : -3462

Stat points : 0

Passive Skills : N/A

Active Skills : N/A

Skill points : 0

Shop (LOCKED) ]

[The basic stats of a normal adult warrior is 15 in all stats except INT and a official mage has at least 15 stats in INT]

[Destiny points are for lucky encounters and improving your destiny points will bring rewards. The host is advised to improve their destiny points for a better life and to brake the shackles of the worlds law]

"Oh shit how am I gonna survive with these terrible stats and negative destiny points"


[New quest]

[ Complete daily workout

0/100 push ups

0/100 sit ups

0/100 squats

0/10 km run

Reward: 10 stat points and 10 Destiny points ]

"Ok I can work with this and since I'm 10 years old right now that means I have 5 years before the main cast go to the Gryphon's Reach Academy and maybe I might join them instead becoming a mercenary like the original Kael but I'm not sure"

"But before I can make any decisions I need to get stronger so lets get to it, hopefully the work out wont make me bald" chuckled Kael before stretching.

"I also need to make sure to learn my family's special magic unlike the original Kael who was ignorant I'm not going to make the same mistake"

While Kael didn't know how his future will go he planed on enjoying his new life to its fullest.

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Have some feedback about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Also since I'm new to this so there might be mistakes and I hope yall would forgive me for that But I plan to improve overall thoughout this journey so come and tag along!!

LonlyAbysscreators' thoughts