
The Viceroy of all Swordsmen

As a young teenager with brown Hair and slightly tattered clothing with a sword by the waist walks across the horizon.. He wont ever forget these words he was once told,”The sun will always rise, even in the darkest of times”.

DeeThaw · Quân đội
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[2] Train me gramps!

*7 years later*

Two people in hooded brown cloaks were walking down the market in the Villiage. One seemed to be a little child and the other was a slightly tall senior, both were walking down the market and happily chatting about what their gonna buy and eat for dinner.

"Oi gramps!, there are the cabbages and carrots your look'in for to make your favorite vegetable st'chew", a young and high pitched voice said. "Alrighty, Cassius go back home and prepare to boil the water" the old man said. "Got it!", as Cassius Vermillious the adopted son of Hubris strodded happily through the villiage and was about to make his way to the mountains but then..

*BAMM!!* As Cassius got up and realised that someone bumped into him. "WATCH WHERE YOUR GOING!", A scruffy voice loudly said. Cassius looked up and saw what seemed to be a knight, he remembered that Hubris taught him to be respectful to knights because they could to anything they'd like to commonors, even as far as killing them!

*Authors note: I will be going back and forth from 3rd person pov and Cassius' pov*

I dont want Gramp's to get in trouble so i solemnly bowed down and apologized to the knoght. "GOOD HAHA! STAY ON THE DIRT WHERE YOU BELONG KIDDO!" the knight said and left. This caused a huge scene and so Cassius ran home as quick as he could. *30 minutes later* As the door opens Cassius quickly went to the threshold saw gramps careying vegatables in his leather bag. "Lets have a great dinner tonight!" As Hubris said that, he noticed Cassius was in sort of a bad mood he's never been before. and so fast forwarding to the table where they are eating at. "So Cassius,.. anything wrong?" the old man suddenly spoke. "mhm" Cassius nodded. "so gramps... that's why I want you to teach me to fight with a sword!" Cassius pleaded. "Nope.. never" Hubris said while looking unfazed. "