
The Venomous Wife

After being betrayed by her best friend and boyfriend, Luna decides to finally change the way she perceived the world she lived in. As she ends and starts all sort of new relations, a whole lot of skeletons in the closet come crashing down after being buried deep down by the very flames that started it all. With the long hidden revelations keep on unraveling, Luna’s bright new sunrise seems to break at its seams as different entities begin to let their presence be known. To protect all that she has built, Luna will have to get her hands dirty and fight the game her family’s enemies started one by one — making sure she rains victorious with each one she finishes. ~~~~~ Crouching down to the man backing away from her as he seemingly stared death in the eye. “You forgot one important rule Mr. — Rule number one, no one EVER messes with me,” **bang bang Thud the man’s body fell lifeless on the floor as blood began to pool on the cold concrete floor. “Clean this up,” the tall suited man ordered his subordinates as he hugged Luna away from the scene. “You could have just waited for me to arrive home before you interrogated him, right? Your gentle hands had to carry that heavy gun... you need to rest. Come on let us go,” he worriedly said as he helped her up the stairs. Looked at her, he couldn’t help but kiss her on her forehead. “Next time you wait for me, you understand?” (UPDATES ARE CURRENTLY DELAYED AS I AM HAVING WRITER’S BLOCK AND BUSY SCHEDULES. PLEASE BARE WITH ME AS I WILL STILL TRY TO UPDATE EVERY NOW AND THEN WHENEVER I HAVE A CHAPTER DONE. THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATIENCE! STAY SAFE AND HAPPY READING!)

alter_ego_princess · Thành thị
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40 Chs

Begging for forgiveness

"Sir, Mrs. Khan's friend has been going to a certain house in Riverside Buildings for about a week already. I suggest you go there and look. I've also checked the CCTV footages and Mrs. Khan's PA has also been secretly going there after seemingly going home by riding a taxi she gets off about a mile away from the office building and drives her car there," the PI's report was straight forward and detailed. The only problem was that it came to late.

"Why has it taken you a week to know these things?! I could have gotten my wife back by this time if you had just done your job!" Lorenzo's chest was going up and down. Luna at just been a few subdivisions away from him and he even had a property their himself.

As the car was steadily moving through the road, Lorenzo's assistant has been sweating bullets since his Boss asked for the reports. Though it was not his fault, he was still nervous that his Boss would break his neck. Looking back at the backseat of the car, he could he the Boss' face turn red with anger. All he could do was pray hard and strong that the Mrs. was there or he and the PI would surely be dead.

Luna was sitting in the dining table as Marco had finally convinced her to at least come out of the room. Looking at the food, Luna couldn't bring herself to eat. She felt so sad and tired that her hunger was nothing compared to it. Marco was already desperate, if Luna wouldn't eat it would be the second meal she had skipped today. A record breaker because usually Luna would only skip one meal a day if she wanted to. Marco had no choice but to take the frail Luna to the couch while he took care of the uneaten dishes. He had even invited professional chefs to cook but Luna just wouldn't eat. Putting the food in glass containers and placing them in the refrigerator beside all the left overs of the previous days, Marco began to wash the dishes. Though he was normally busy with his own business, he had canceled them all today and the days before to watch over Luna because if he didn't she wouldn't eat and only stay in her room all day.

When Gabi was present, Luna would just cry on her shoulder nonstop. She would cry until there was no more tears to come out of her eyes. Luna would sometimes tire herself out by crying but her rest would only be brief as her dreams would haunt her repeatedly at night. When her dreams were to scary, she would run downstairs and grab some food. She would drink coffee at night to forget about sleep. Marco had wanted to comfort Luna some more but the boundaries surrounding her stopped him. He knew he was just a friend to her when he wanted to be the ONE for her. He had hoped that Luna would just go to him at night and tell him her feelings but it never happened. Luna only saw him as a friend but it wouldn't hurt to try.

Hearing the doorbell ting made Luna stand and take little and short steps to the door. As Luna thought it was Gabi, she decided to open the door while Marco was too busy washing the dishes. When Luna opened the door, the face of the one person she wanted to see right now was standing in front of her. Seeing him in front of her now scared Luna that she closed the door right away. Unfortunately Lorenzo had stuck his foot by the door and was able to push it right open making Luna stumble back a bit with a gasp.

Taking large steps to his wife, Lorenzo seized the moment. Entering the house Lorenzo observed the house. 'So this is where Luna has been staying the whole time?' Lorenzo thought.

Hearing the loud gasp from Luna, Marco rushed out of the kitchen to see Lorenzo standing inside his house. Before he could even speak, Lorenzo had already spoke first, "What are you doing here?"

"I could ask the same thing about you, Lorenzo" Marco walked to stand by Luna pulling her beside him.

"You guys know each other?" Looking at them Luna was lost. 'They knew each other?!'

"He was a friend," Marco replied.

"Stay out of this. This is between me and my wife so I suggest you give her back to me," Lorenzo grabbed Luna's arm and pulled her towards him but was stopped by Marco holding Luna's left arm.

"Well she doesn't want to so let her go,"

"You have no right to stop me! I'm her husband!" Lorenzo was now furious. This man had the audacity to speak for his wife?!

"What are you gonna do about it?" Marco provoked him more.

"Both of you can you please stop!" Luna had already heard enough of their conversation. Pulling both of her arms free from their grip, Luna glared at both of them.

Though she wasn't siding with Lorenzo who just barged into Marco's home uninvited, Luna didn't exactly like Marco's provoking tone and words. It was like kindergarten all over again!

Facing Lorenzo she wanted cry on him seeing his handsomeness being covered by dark circles and unshaved facial hair all over his face. "What are you doing here? How did you find me and why are you even here? Shouldn't you be with Alex?"

"Luna let me explain! Things happened so fast and I wasn't about to react in time when you came in. I swear nothing happened between Alex and I. Alex was an old friend that just wanted to catch up so I invited her in, I didn't know she would try to do something like that...forgive me Sweety. Please?" Lorenzo had already bent on his knees begging Luna to forgive him. The great President of Khan Group of Companies begging a woman to forgive him.

Looking down on him Marco scoffed. The great bachelor has fallen and so as he for the same woman, fate strikes again.

Luna felt like her heart was being tugged. Looking down at Lorenzo, Luna couldn't NOT forgive him. She felt sympathy for her poor husband but hearing his explanation didn't lessen the pain of being betrayed twice intentionally or not, it still hurt. "Get up from there please. I can't see you like this. Lorenzo get up!"

Lorenzo shook his head, "Not until you forgive me..."

Looking down at the Lorenzo made Luna's heart break into two. She could hear his silent sobs as his quivering hands were by her legs as he begged for her forgiveness. As she crouched down to his level, Luna took Lorenzo's hands in hers. "I want to believe you and I do. I can also forgive you BUT not now. I can't come back to you just yet. I'm not leaving you but I need space..."

"Where will you stay then? Will you stay here? If you will I shan't permit it! That guy is a despicable man!" Lorenzo's sad filled eyes suddenly turned into glaring ones as he looked at Marco's face.

"What did I do? I wasn't the one who was caught in bed with a woman!" Marco sneered.

Lorenzo was about to attack him when Luna hugged him tightly. "If you fight him you won't see me for another whole month, I swear!" she warned.

Like a child just scolded by its mother, Lorenzo immediately stopped and gave up the plan to tackle Marco. 'Just you wait!' Lorenzo stood up with Luna. "Just make sure to look your doors when you sleep I don't like other people seeing what's mine." Lorenzo whispered before dusting himself up and looking at Luna's face.

"Have you been eating, you look so thin already!" Holding her cheek in his hand Lorenzo lovingly rubbed her cheeks.

"I could say the same thing to you Lorenzo. You badly need a shave, my dear." Luna chuckled as she touched his growing beard.

Giving the pair some space, Marco retreated in his sleeping quarters. Knowing that the two would most likely make-up anytime soon.


Luna stayed for about 3 more days at Marco's mansion but eventually left. Before she left, she hugged Marco and thanked him for all his help when she wasn't able to care for herself. "Make sure to remember to eat, okay? If you need a shoulder to cry on I'm always just a phone call away,"

"I know," Luna tightened the hug before releasing it and walking to her the awaiting car.

Marco looked at the fleeting car as he silently retreated in his own lonely mansion. The days spent with Luna were the most laughs he had got from all the years he had lived there all alone. Looking down at his phone's wallpaper made him bitterly smile. 'She may not be mine but at least I know she can be happy with him...'

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