
The Vampwolf Icy Flame Hunter (Modern Supernatural Naruto AU)

There are monster creatures that are trying to destroy the human world, but there is one organization that stands up to them. A boy is saved by the organization, What are the creatures? What is an organization? Who is the boy? What will the organization do with him? Naruto Alternate Timeline OCkagin x Harem I do not own naruto and the characters only my OC's and the jutsu's that I made and the clan.

Speartron_Strom · Tranh châm biếm
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14 Chs

Prologue: Training Begins

Kagin POV

I wake up and look to my right to see it is 3:00 am and hit the alarm button. I get up and go take a bath for 20 minutes, then get out and dry myself with a towel that I used a seal on to fit my height. I hang it up then put on my clothes, I go downstairs to eat some food that is on the table.

I eat it up and drink milk after 10 minutes of eating, I wait for 40 minutes then go to the door put on my blue sandals, and go out the door. I close it and lock it then head to the training ground. I get there 40 minutes later, I go onto the field and see six target dummies, and next to them is Tanya-sensei.

Tanya POV

I see kagin come up to me. "Kagin today we start your training. First is 4 laps around the field, then 100 pushups, 200 situps after that is a break for 30 minutes. Next will be throwing kunai and shurikens at the dummies. Calligraphy will be next for 4 hours, there will be another 30-minute break after that we are going to spar. After that, I will be throwing kunai's and shuriken's at you and you have to dodge."

"Chakra control exercises for 1 hour. Depending on how much chakra you have left I will teach you some jutsu's, if you don't have enough you are going to run 4 laps. Do you understand Kagin?"

Kagin POV

"Yes, Tanya-sensei." I put my stuff down and go running the laps around the field.

Tanya POV

I am watching him and he gets done in 1 hour and 57 minutes. He is now starting on his push-ups and sit-ups. He gets done in 40 minutes. 'I will need to increase the laps, push-ups, and sit-ups.'

Kagin POV

'I know that face she is going to increase the amount, well it is easy it might be because of my clan's chakra. My legs and arms are a little sore "Tanya-sensei can you increase the laps, pushups, and situps."

Tanya POV

"10 laps, 400 pushups, and 800 situps." He has a what the heck face.

Kagin POV

"Yes, Tanya-sensei." 'I am never asking Tanya-sensei to increase the amount again. Never.'

Tanya POV

'He is going to need this to survive the graduation exam, it is harder than any of the ninja villages graduation.' The break is over and we are far away from the training dummies. "Kagin you are going to throw one kunai and shuriken into the bullseye or the outer circle of each target. Each time you miss that is a lap and if it gets in another circle that is a lap."

Kagin POV

"Yes, Tanya-sensei." I get in a throwing position and she corrects my form then I throw one kunai and shuriken into the targets. '2/6 for kunai and 3/6 for shuriken damn it.'

Tanya POV

"Kagin I thought you would do better with all the practice you been doing with makeshift targets and rocks."

Kagin POV

"Tanya-sensei that is different from this." I go flying back as I get kicked in the stomach, and I land on my back.

Tanya POV

"It is the same except you have bigger targets kagin. 7 laps kagin, next time get all of the targets."

Kagin POV

"Yes, Tanya-sensei." 'Damn it I can't disappoint her she is like family to me next time I will hit the targets.' I get up and she starts to walk I follow her and we go into the part of her house that is one story with 6 rooms. We take off our sandals at the door and I close the door, we head through a hallway and a maid gave me a towel. I use it to wipe my head of sweat and another maid takes it, 3 minutes later we get to a room.

I close the door and we sit down on opposite sides with a long scroll in between us and ink. She tells me about calligraphy and helps me with the way I should be writing and the angle.

Tanya POV

"Kagin in an hour switch hands and then keep on doing that until it has been 4 hours."

Kagin POV

"Yes, Tanya-sensei." I do what she says and after 4 hours I stop and put the pen down. I shake my arms and hands then stop after a minute.

Tanya POV

'Wow, right to the left it is perfect nothing is messed up and he had the right form during the writing, and the angle was exactly how it should be.' I put the scroll down and look at kagin "You did an excellent job kagin everything is right, let's eat the maids should have something prepared by now." 'It is 10:47 right now and we have been going for 10 hours, and he has lasted a long time.'

Kagin POV

"Yes, Tanya-sensei." We get through eating and rest for the rest of the time then I go with Tanya-sensei to the sparring room. We get to the room and go on opposite sides.

Tanya POV

I get into the hyuga stance and he gets into a stance where his feet are spread apart a little and his right foot is back. He is bent down and has his arms in a defensive position. 'Good form, to many openings but that will be fixed.'

Kagin POV

She runs at me and I jump up dodging a kick from her right foot. I aim a punch at her stomach, she grabs my arm and punches me in the stomach then throws me across the room. I roll and then get up and look at her, I run at her and I keep on trying to punch her but that is just a fake. Two minutes later I jump at her and she dodges to the left. I land on my hands then push back at her and face her with my right leg out.

Tanya POV

'That was his plan, huh' I grab his right leg and he uses his momentum to lean forward and aim a punch at me. I throw his leg into his left leg that was about to kick me. I then block his right fist with my left forearm and push him away. 'That was good he almost got me twice with speed.'

Kagin POV

'I was so close twice, I have to run up to her and fake a turn then hit her and keep on doing that until I actually hit her. I will have to make something up during the middle of it.' I run at her and go to the right then I bring my left fist to her, she moves forward and I jump and turn my body to my right side.

Tanya POV

I block his right leg and push him in the back and he goes forward. 'Speed, flexibility, and agility I am impressed to let's see what else he has.' 10 minutes later kagin is breathing heavily I stop him "Kagin follow me."

Kagin POV

"Yes, Tanya-sensei" we go and put on our sandals then go outside and close the door. I go to where she tells me and the kunai and shurikens go to her, "Tanya-sensei are those the retractable kunai and shuriken you told me about."

Tanya POV

"Yes, it is kagin now dodge." I throw the kunai and shuriken one at a time and slowly pick up speed.

Kagin POV

'Crap', I dodge some of the kunai and shuriken but most either make a small cut or big cuts. Most is coming from the kunai's and shuriken's that are going back to her. This goes on for an hour then she stops and I fall on my knees. 'This is crazy but I have to continue for my clan.' A woman comes over and heals me.

Tanya POV

She gets done healing him and they both stand up. '12:30 pm let's get the training done for today.'

In the leaf village

Naria POV

"Lord Hokage is it true that there is a Koruotto that is 5 years old in the Shinobi World Ninja Vampwolf Hunters Organization?"

Minato POV

"Yes, Naria and in the letter, it says he is your brother." I hand her the letter.

Naria POV

I read the letter

To Lord Hokage

This is a letter from the council of the Shinobi World Ninja Vampwolf Hunters Organization. We know that naria is in the leaf, we want you to tell her that we found her brother. He is being trained by one of the ninja's of our organization. Tell Naria Koruotto that in 3 years he will be able to see her. It will be in August and we will send a letter when it is close for him to visit. Tell her family to.

From the council

I am crying right now "my brother is alive, lord Hokage their training isn't it dangerous."

Minato POV

"I know Naria they start when they're 5 or 6 and the training is dangerous. There is nothing I can do to stop them or get them to send kagin to us."

Naria POV

"Ok Lord Hokage." He dismisses me and I go to the Koruotto compound.

Yakuna POV

"Honey what do you think the Hokage wanted to see naria for."

Kago POV

"I don't know but we can ask her once she comes back."

Maria POV

"Dad, mom is big sis in trouble." I see sis is back and she has tear marks on her face. "Sis what is wrong."

Naria POV

"The Hokage got a letter from the Shinobi World Ninja Vampwolf Hunters Organization. It was addressed to us and they have found kagin. They are training him and we will be able to see him in three years." I go up to them.

Maria POV

"Kagin is alive I knew it, wait what is that organization."

Kago POV

"Maria they are an organization that uses ninja's like we do, but they are for hunting the monsters that we tell you about.

Maria POV

"Kagin is going to be one of them."

Yakuna POV

"It looks like it even though I wanted him to be a regular ninja and not join them."

Naria POV

I sit down in a chair in our backyard "mom, dad I heard that their training is dangerous. The Hokage said that the training is dangerous and they start training when they are 5 or 6. Kagin would be 5 right now."

Yakuna POV

"I heard about their training and I have seen them train a 5-year-old before. It is dangerous the kid almost died and the person training him said "What a disappointment". I hope kagin will be alright."

Kago POV

"He will be fine let's tell the rest of the clan so that they will know."

Maria POV

"Dad what do they do?"

Kago POV

"They fight the vampwolves and any other monstrous creatures that attack people. They also help regular ninjas and regular anbu."

Maria POV

"Wow kagin is going to be cool I can't wait to see him again."

Back to Tanya and kagin

Tanya POV

I am demonstrating to kagin what to do. "Kagin this is the rock stacking concentration exercise, you focus your chakra at the rock then surround it. The second step would be to lift it, then put it on the other rock using your chakra. The third step is surrounding both of the rocks in chakra. You repeat the first and second step while maintaining the rocks you have stacked up."

"Once all the rocks are stacked up crush them with your chakra and start all over again. If you mess up during any of the third stages start over kagin. Once you mastered this I will have you stack bigger rocks."

Kagin POV

"Yes, Tanya-sensei I will master this." She sits by a tree and I get to it.

Tanya POV

'Kagin our anbu have trouble with this exercise it took me a long time to get it.'

Kagin POV

'I already know my chakra natures and how to use my chakra, the time is now.' I put my hands in front of me and one hand is facing one of the multiple rocks. The other one is facing one single rock. I send out chakra to surround the rock that is by multiple rocks, and once it is surrounded it breaks. I try on another rock and it breaks, I pull my hands back.

'I surrounded it with chakra, wait Tanya-sensei said one time.'


Kagin POV

We are outside the land of rice base and Tanya-sensei said that we are going to unlock my chatra today. "I am redy to unlock my chatra Tanya-sensei."

Tanya POV

'Kagin reminds me of my little brother a lot. We are going to need to work on his grammar even though he is 3.' "It is chakra kagin, follow what I do."

Kagin POV

"Yes, Tanya-sensei." She sits on the ground with her legs crossed and I do the same. She does something with her hands and I do the same thing, she tells me what I should do next. I close my eyes and concentrate on my chakra, 20 minutes later I found it. It looks like a dragon, the body is dark gold with the left/right eye being dark-red/light-blue. Spikes are coming out of his body and his body has no end.

I reach out to him, but he won't let me so I keep on trying, and after 5 minutes of struggling to get my chakra I feel it.

Tanya POV

'He found it but something is wrong.' I get pushed back onto the ground and look to see a giant dragon that is dark gold and spikes coming out of its body. Its eyes are two different colors and it is staring at me, the body has stretched and is long now. I feel wind for the dragon and look at kagin.

Kagin POV

'The chakra feels warm and the breeze feels great. There is so much chakra, Tanya-sensei.'

Tanya POV

The dragon is still looking at me 'What is this chakra I am not a sensory and I feel it.' The dragon goes back into kagin, and he opens his eyes.

flashback end

Kagin POV

'Tanya-sensei explained to me what happened and I explained my side. That is why I need to lower how much chakra I use, ok I can do this.' I do what I was doing and send it out with less chakra and surround it.

Tanya POV

He crushes the rock and the chakra goes away. 'Still using too much, maybe I should have him do the tree-climbing exercise. It would take him a long time to complete this and maybe the tree-climbing exercise. I will wait until he is older, he has massive chakra reserves. They know about what happened when he was three and they are going to talk to him about being in the SWCRA.'

'He actually has no choice.' I get out of my thoughts to see him doing something different.

Kagin POV

I concentrate and send out my chakra to multiple rocks and surround them in chakra, using my chakra I stacked them individually on each other. Next, sitting the stack on top of the lone rock and I crush them all with my chakra. The pieces fell down "I did it Tanya-sensei."

Tanya POV

'What, in just 40 minutes that took me 3 years to do when I was in the anbu. Why did no one think of that?' I get up and go to him, "Kagin that took me 3 years to complete in the anbu. Some anbu struggle with this chakra control exercise others can't do it and no one thought to do what you did. Good job kagin."

Kagin POV

"Thank you Tanya-sensei are you going to teach me some jutsu's." She is smiling 'it is the first time I seen her smile. Now that I look at her she looks beautiful with black hair. Blue eyes, a light blue sleeveless shirt with a circle on the front. In the circle is a stake that is in the middle with what looks like rain all around it. The circle is black and the stake is brown and the rain is green.

She is wearing a blue skirt that parts on the sides and leggings with black sandals.

Tanya POV

"The symbol represents the organization and once you graduate and become a member you will get a choice of weapons. You can wear any color you want but it has to be just one color kagin. It can't be a bright color kagin."

Kagin POV

"Yes, Tanya-sensei."

Tanya POV

"Kagin I am going to teach you some jutsu's and we are going to work on some wind, water, and fire chakra control. We will start on the icy flames in one year, and kagin just for today you don't have to run at the end."

Kagin POV

"Yes, Tanya-sensei." We eat some leftover food in 10 minutes then get to work.

3 hours later

Kagin POV

I fall to the ground "that wasn't a good idea now my head hurts."

Tanya POV

"Kagin did you forget what I told you about the shadow clone jutsu."

Kagin POV

"Yes, Tanya-sensei."

Tanya POV

He gets up and we go to the house.

Kagin POV

"Tanya-sensei I am going to work on my aim and run 10 laps."

Tanya POV

"Ok, kagin I will leave a clone to watch you." I make a shadow clone and give him some of my kunai and shurikens. I go inside the house and take off my sandals. '4:20 pm right now.'

Kagin POV

I am at the targets with Tanya's clone.

Tanya Clone POV

'Calligraphy improves your aim this will help kagin especially since he can use both hands. Yep it definitely helps especially for people like kagin'

Kagin POV

I throw the kunai and shurikens at each target. '4/6 for kunai and 6/6 for shuriken, how did I improve that quick.'

Tanya Clone POV

'It usually takes someone kagins age more time to develop their aim even when they learn calligraphy.' He keeps on throwing for two minutes then hands me the kunai and shurikens. He goes running and I follow him.