
The Vampwolf Icy Flame Hunter (Modern Supernatural Naruto AU)

There are monster creatures that are trying to destroy the human world, but there is one organization that stands up to them. A boy is saved by the organization, What are the creatures? What is an organization? Who is the boy? What will the organization do with him? Naruto Alternate Timeline OCkagin x Harem I do not own naruto and the characters only my OC's and the jutsu's that I made and the clan.

Speartron_Strom · Tranh châm biếm
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14 Chs

Prologue: Test for the prodigy's

4 months later

Kagin POV

I have learned a lot from Tanya-sensei and now I am getting ready to spar bailey again. She has improved a lot and the councilman left the day he came to see us.


"Kagin, Bailey only taijutsu, no genjutsu, ninjutsu, kekkei genkai's, and no kekkei tota's." They both say yes and get into their stances.

Kagin POV

We both run at each other and she aims a punch at me with her right hand. I duck and punch her in the stomach and then she goes back. She brought her left leg up and around my right arm.

Bailey POV

I kicked him on the right side of the face and twist my body to the right and go until I face the ground. I land on the ground with my hands and push up to dodge a sweep kick from kagin. I flip up and bring my left foot forward and aim my heel down at him.

Kagin POV

I block her heel with my forearms and push her backward then grab her right ankle with my right hand. I throw her to the side and she lands straight up, I run at her and we keep exchanging blow for blow.

Bailey POV

I block his right fist and he blocks my left knee with his right hand. He pushes me, but I land on my left foot and jump at him. I turn my body mid-air to the left and bring my right leg at him. He blocks it with his left arm and I kick him in the stomach with the flat of my left foot. He is blocking my left hand with his right hand and he goes back, I land on the ground and press forward.

Kagin POV

I move my head to the left to dodge her right foot and fall to the ground and catch myself with my hands. I bring my left foot up and kick her in the stomach. She goes behind me rolling on the ground, and I get up at the same time bailey does.

Tanya POV

"Kay the council wants to test them."


"Test them how?"

Tanya POV

"Out in the field against vampwolves."


I look at them as they keep fighting "I knew this was coming, Kagin, bailey stop."

Kagin POV

I stop as I was about to punch bailey in the face and she was about to punch me in the face, and both of us have our other hands ready to grab each other. We pull our hands away and go over to our sensei's.

Bailey POV

"Is something wrong kay-sensei."

over at the organization's base in the land of tea.

Councilwomen POV

"Gator that is a 7ft rock and sakura is lifting it."

Gator POV

"Yes, councilwoman, and she is doing it without chakra."

Sakura POV

I am sweating '100 I lifted this rock 100 hundred times.' I am not squatting instead I am laying on the ground on my back. I am holding the rock with my hands pushing up and down. I have been going for 1 hour and 40 minutes I get done 20 minutes later. I throw the rock up in the air and get up then jump up.

Councilwomen POV

She jumps up in the air and punches the rock which explodes into a million pieces, then she threw her hands forward and the pieces of rock go forward. "Amazing 300 times without chakra and her chakra control is good." She lands down on the ground and makes a big hole, 'she will make a good addition to our ninja forces.'

Gator POV

"Councilwomen 1 she is also a medical prodigy but I am not good at medical things. I believe that if Tsunade Senju or her assistant teach her she would be great out on the field."

Councilwomen 1 POV

"Yes, the other council members would agree you have my permission."

Gator POV

"Thank you, Councilwomen."

Sakura POV

I look at my hands 'I am getting stronger and faster. I will be able to save others next time a vampwolf attacks. My hands prove how far I have gotten.'

Back to the others

Kagin POV

I am with Tanya-sensei, we have split up from bailey and kay-sensei. We are going to a village in the land of the jungle.

Tanya POV

"Kagin a creature has been spotted multiple times that was thought to have been eradicated. They are demons kagin and we may have to fight both if we come across them. Remember what I said kagin."

Kagin POV

"Show no fear, Show no emotions, show my enemies fear. Kill the vampwolves even if they are children and kill any other monstrous creature. Save the civilians and those who can't help themselves against the creatures."

Tanya POV

"Good. Kagin here is an earpiece you tap on the side and we can communicate through this. If you can't then here is an Organization Tracking Location Device or O. T. L. D. for short. Press this red button and I will know you are in trouble."

Kagin POV

"Yes, Tanya-sensei." I take the earpiece and a device that is black with grids in the glass with a red button.

Tanya POV

"Kagin here is how you know someone is a Vampwolf, the kunais have been modified to revel them. If you throw or have it out and they see it their eyes will start to burn. We are close have a kunai out just the way I do."

Kagin POV

"Yes, Tanya-sensei." I pull out a kunai and have it the way Tanya does. We walk into the small village of 50 and walk through the streets, but no one's eyes are burning. We then go back outside and into the trees.

Tanya POV

"Kagin wait right here Byakugan" I look around for any vampwolves and send out my hornets.

Kagin POV

'What so she is half hyuga, half honetto and it seems like her hornets have the byakugan also. Tanya-sensei is amazing she is holding back I definitely want to see her full power.'

Tanya POV

'A beta vampwolf, two adult vampwolves fighting two demons, and the vampwolves have children.' I call all of my hornets back and I look at kagin to see him with stars in his eyes. 'Kagin is still a child and is like my little brother that died.' "Kagin I will tell you more once we through with the mission right now we have to go. There is a beta vampwolf, two adult vampwolves, and three demons fighting and there are vampwolf children."

"Kagin we will fight together and be careful kagin."

Kagin POV

"Yes, Tanya-sensei."


"Bailey stay right here." I do some hand signs and say "Wind Style: Flowing Sensing Jutsu." I send out tiny wind chakra all around and close my eyes. I can sense everything and see everything through the tiny pieces of chakra.

Bailey POV

'I feel tiny things hitting my face, they feel soft I will have to ask him to teach me that jutsu.'


I see the demons fighting vampwolves, I stop the jutsu and open my eyes to see that bailey is looking up at me.

Bailey POV

"Did you find them kay-sensei?"


"Yes, I did bailey let's go."

Bailey POV

"Yes, kay-sensei." We go to where they are, and I see two red demons with spikes on their back and neck they have 6 arms and four legs with three eyes. They have spikes for hands and the two vampwolves are black and green. A giant vampwolf is fighting another demon just like the other two while guarding an entrance to a cave.

I see kagin and Tanya. Tanya is talking through the earpiece.

Tanya POV

"Kay, bailey all of us will attack the two demons and two vampwolves that are fighting. We use jutsus on them and kill them while they are distracted. We will focus on the other two later since they are distracted." They all respond with yes and I bring out my hornets and do some hand signs and say, "Fire Wind Hornet assault." The hornets shoot out both fire and wind which combines into a massive fireball and goes at the demons.

Kagin POV

"Icy Flame Style: Icy Flame Spike's", I spit out of my mouth 10 spikes that are long and they go at the demons."


"Wind Style: Massive Breakthrough" I send the jutsu at a vampwolf and send a kunai into the jutsu.

Bailey POV

I send five chakra strings into the ground and at a vampwolf.

Third POV

One demon gets hit by a fireball and after that, small stingers come at it that paralyzes it. The second one has some spikes coming at it and some got into it but the demon broke the rest. Kagin used his Scattered Windy Ice to have the pieces stick in it. Kagin does a hand sign and says explode and the demon exploded. Both vampwolves turn around and one gets hit by kays wind jutsu and a kunai made of silver. The vampwolf screams and falls forward then dies and the other one is about to charge.

The vampwolf legs get chakra strings in them and then another one comes out of the ground and goes through its mouth then into its head. The vampwolf is still moving.

Bailey POV

"Dissolve." The vampwolf falls to the ground since his brain is being destroyed. I get rid of my chakra strings and then we all go to the last demon and vampwolf.

Beta Wolf POV

"NO, YOU BASTERADS I WILL KILL YOU ALL." I get pierced in the heart and stomach by the demon, then the demon uses a third arm to pierce my head. It is burned and explodes from its back, and I get the arms out of me. I go for the humans and they scatter 'I have to protect my children.' I hear whimpering and see the man with a weapon close to my children.

"Wait don't hurt them kill me let them live," I scream as I feel something silver in my back a lot of it and I fall forward. "Pups I am sorry."

Pup 1 POV

I am about to go to dad when hornets come in front of me, they sting me and I sit back down. I and my brothers are crying I look up at the women "Please don't hurt us."

Tanya POV

"Kagin kill one."


"Bailey, kill one then one of you kill the last one that is left."

Kagin/Bailey POV

"Yes, Tanya-sensei/Kay-sensei."

Bailey POV

'This is for my parents.' I use a kunai to cut one's throat and let him bleed out.

Kagin POV

'To protect everyone I love.' I use a kunai and stab him in the head

Pup 2 POV

I am crying since both of my brothers were killed and we are just 5. "Why we didn't want to hurt you, humans, we just wanted to live. We are being hunted by our own kind we could have helped you."


"Don't listen to him they say that just so they can live and get revenge."

Pup 2 POV

"No please listen there is a war going on between us vampwolves and the demons. Most of us have rebelled because we don't want to be under the council of vampwolves. I can tell you all about them my dad told me about them, but I can only tell you what he told me since he didn't share everything with me."

Tanya POV

I hold up a finger to my earpiece "the council wants that, yes it will be done. Leave him alive the council wants to talk with him then do experiments on him."

Pup 2 POV

She says something and slams her hands on the ground and a bunch of humans appears. 'Experiments my dad told me about those.' I try to escape but someone pulls on my tail, "No please don't let them take me I don't want this just let me go." A bunch of people grab me and are holding me down they put something on my face and I pass out.

Squad Leader 1 POV

"Let's take him to the council." I and my squad take him to the council.

Kagin POV


Tanya POV

"Those that disappeared are the council squad that serves directly under the council and that only listen to what the council says. The ones who are taking the bodies are the cleanup team, they take the creatures and take them away to be burned or to be dissected. These are the medical ninja."

Bailey POV

"Do you answer to the council squad?"

Tanya POV

"Yes, every ninja in the organization answers to them." The medical ninja checks on us and we all are fine, bailey and kay go to the village with the medical team. I and kagin stay here until they finish.

Kagin POV

"Tanya-sensei when is graduation?"

Tanya POV

"It is in 8 years but the first kagin, you have to go to Monster Hunter Academy first before you graduate."

Kagin POV

"Wait what do we do at the academy."

Tanya POV

"Learning about the history of the shinobi world, the history of the organization, and how it works. The teachers will have you sparring each other, using kunai and shuriken, teaching you how to kill vampwolves and any other monsters. You will learn about sealing, and do what I have had you doing the push-ups, sit-ups, and laps. Advanced chakra control and how to use our technology, strategies, and tactics. There will be other things you have to learn about and do."

Kagin POV

"Is there anything that is required of us before we enter or do we get tested before we enter the academy?"

Tanya POV

"You have to be completely loyal to our organization, uphold our code, and be physically in shape, and mentally sane or sort of sane. you also have to be willing to work hard."

Kagin POV

"Sane or sort of sane."

Tanya POV

"You will learn during the academy."

Kagin POV

"What is the code?" They are done cleaning up the bodies and leave. Tanya takes me back to where we were before we encountered them.

Tanya POV

"I make a silencing seal and say "remember this kagin, Show no fear, Show no emotions, Show no feelings, show the monsters and any other enemy fear. We all are brothers and sisters and no one is different, we are all one. We protect each other and defend each other when we need it. Loyalty to the Shinobi World Ninja Vampwolf Hunters Organization, and only to us."

"Loyalty to the council, never betray the council and listen to the council. Never betray the organization."

Kagin POV

"Tanya-sensei I memorized most of it but can you help me with the rest."

Tanya POV

"Yes, kagin."

Kagin POV

"Tanya-sensei what will happen after graduation?"

Tanya POV

"You will be on your own after graduation kagin."

Kagin POV

'On my own but I can't leave Tanya-sensei she is like family to me.' "Tanya-sensei I want to stay with you after graduation. I know we are not supposed to show any emotions or feelings. I can't leave you you are like family to me Tanya-sensei."

Tanya POV

'Family he sees me like family.' "I see you as a little brother kagin and you can stay with me after graduation. While you are at the academy, I will move everything of mine at the land of rice base to one of the organizations' bases in the leaf. I will be waiting for you after graduation kagin. Let's get back to base and meet up with kay and bailey."

Kagin POV

"Yes, Tanya-sensei." We go back to base.

in the land of tea

Sakura POV

I have found the vampwolves that were ravaging the village. Gator-sensei appears behind them and there are two of them. One charge at me and I duck then punch it in the stomach. It splits open and I jump out of the way of the blood, then I get out a kunai. I stab it in the head.

Gator POV

The other one turns around and I do some hand signs and say, "Earth Style: Stone hands." I slam my hands on the ground and hands made of stone come out of the ground and restrain it. I pull out a kunai and stab it in the back, it screams for a little while then falls forward and dies. We go over to the cave and see a woman vampwolf inside with her two sons.

I report this to the council I take the woman away from her kids and sakura takes the kids outside. "Sakura kill the children."

Vampwolf Woman POV

I am crying "wait don't kill them please I have information about the alpha council."

Sakura POV

I kill them and she is screaming and crying. Gator-sensei lets her go and she goes over to her dead children.

Vampwolf Women POV

"Why NO LET ME HOLD THEM." One of my children is still alive and I break out. Three humans tackle me to the ground and I see one of them take my child away. Another one is healing him and something is put over my face. My vision darkens 'They are going to do something to him and use him for their academy graduation. I am sorry my child.' I blackout.

Kagin POV

We are at the base and I am outside with bailey, kay, and Tanya. 'It is getting hard to resist, bailey looks beautiful and I just want to mark her and sink my teeth and chakra into her.'

Tanya POV

"Kagin what is wrong." His eyes change colors and he gets red and blue chakra covering him like a tailed beast chakra. He has dragon wings and he lunges at bailey and is biting her.