
The Vampwolf Icy Flame Hunter (Modern Supernatural Naruto AU)

There are monster creatures that are trying to destroy the human world, but there is one organization that stands up to them. A boy is saved by the organization, What are the creatures? What is an organization? Who is the boy? What will the organization do with him? Naruto Alternate Timeline OCkagin x Harem I do not own naruto and the characters only my OC's and the jutsu's that I made and the clan.

Speartron_Strom · Tranh châm biếm
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14 Chs

Prologue: Questions

Kagin POV

The darkness goes away and kay is charging at me. I kick him in the stomach "What are you doing?"

Tanya POV

"Kay stop."


"Yes, Tanya." 'The chakra is gone but kagin looks confused. He must not remember anything', "kagin what is the last thing you remember before I was running up to you?"

Kagin POV

"We came back to the base and then I blacked out."

Bailey POV

'He doesn't remember what he did.'

Kagin POV

"Bailey, what is that on your neck, is it a tattoo you have been hiding?"

Tanya POV

I activate my byakugan 'the chakra in the mark is similar to kagins chakra, and the mark is of a dragon.' I explain to kagin what he did to her and what kind of chakra covered him.

Kagin POV

"I did that sorry bailey and I think I might know what caused this."

Tanya POV

"What do you mean kagin?"

Kagin POV

"You and some others know about what happened when I was three, the dragon you saw is a dragon. I talked to him and he told me about him. I automatically got something from him which is a dragon instinct. If there is a girl or woman I like th-

Tanya POV

"I get it, you mark the women and girls you like. If you wait or resist it too long the dragon instinct will take over completely and will mark them."

Kagin POV

"Yes, Tanya-sensei and that is not the only thing the mark gives the girl or woman. They get an increase in speed and gives them massive chakra reserves. They also get a Kekkei Genkai it will either be something that already exists, is gone forever, or is something new."

Tanya POV

"Why didn't you tell us kagin?"

Kagin POV

"I didn't want you two to tell the council, they might arrange for me to marry some people or force me into marriages. I would feel bad if a girl or woman is forced to marry me and didn't have a choice."

Tanya POV

"Kagin that is okay, but we still have to tell the council about this. Is there anything else you want to tell us?"

Kagin POV

"I can find them no matter where they are because somehow I can sense the chakra."

Bailey POV

"Kagin it is alright I am not mad."

Kagin POV

"Your not?"

Bailey POV

"I am not kagin we can talk later, but we need to talk with the chakra dragon."


"Wait first send your chakra into the paper bailey." She takes the chakra paper and she has crystal style. I look at kagin then back at bailey 'this is too much' I rub my head.

Tanya POV

"Kagin 100 laps for not telling me."

Kagin POV

"Tanya-sensei you can't increase it by that much."

Tanya POV

"200 laps and 250 for almost saying something else."

Kagin POV

"Yes, Tanya-sensei." 'Damn she is crazy.'

Tanya POV

"300 laps just for that."

Kagin POV

I open my mouth wide then close it and nod my head. "Tanya-sensei how many laps can you do?"

Tanya POV

"5,000 laps in 4 hours."

Kagin POV

"Tanya-sensei how can you run 5,000 laps in 4 hours?"

Tanya POV

"I have Sealing chakra weight restraints. The sealing weights will automatically weigh to 100 pounds, every time it gets easy it will up the weight, it goes until 5,000 pounds. I am only at 4,000 since I decided to stop it there, which you can stop the weights at a certain point." Kagin has that look of excitement.

Kagin POV

"Tanya-sensei I want the sealing restraints on me and I can handle it Tanya-sensei."

Tanya POV

"I will have to teach you sealing which you would learn in the academy, but I can go ahead and start you early on sealing."


"Tanya really, he is six they are supposed to learn sealing at the academy."

Tanya POV

"We are to prepare them for the academy, you know that they don't go easy on academy students especially on prodigies. My sensei let me try the restraints on before the academy. Kagin tomorrow we start on sealing."

Kagin POV

"Alright, I will surpass you Tanya-sensei in speed and I will become the top elite."

Tanya POV

"You have to graduate from the academy, then the graduation exam, you will have to get past my sealing chakra weight amount. You have to defeat me and not lose. So you have a long way to go."

Kagin POV

"I will show you Tanya-sensei I am going to go run."

Tanya POV

He goes 'Kagin I know you will surpass me.'


"Tanya we should talk to the chakra dragon and kagin. We also will need to see what that mode can do."

Bailey POV

"Kay-sensei, Tanya-sensei will the academy teachers push us more than the other students?"


"Yes, bailey they will, Tanya knows what they do to prodigies."

Tanya POV

"They will have you spar jonin, anbu, and elites. You will be tested in all ranges short, mid, long to see which you are. You will be given more things to do than the other students."


"Bailey you will pass the academy and I will prepare you for it with Tanya's help."

Bailey POV

"Thank you Kay-sensei, Tanya-sensei." We wait 12 hours and it is around 6 pm. Kagin comes and lays down on the ground.

Tanya POV

"Good you finished after a 1-hour break we will have a spar."


'Tanya is crazy, well she is sort of sane so yeah.'

Bailey POV

"Kagin are you ok?"

Kagin POV

"Yeah *pant* just *pant* my legs *pant* are sore *pant*." I get up by grabbing onto a chair and dragging myself upon it. "Tanya-sensei what did you say after I got here?"

Tanya POV

"In one hour we will have a spar kagin inside kagin."

Kagin POV

"Yes, Tanya-sensei." She hands me food that the maids prepared and I eat it all.


"How can you eat that much?"

Kagin POV

"I don't know Kay-sensei." I get back to eating and get done 10 minutes later. "That was good."

Tanya POV

"This is why I had the maids make extra for us." We eat and get done 5 minutes later. "Kagin we all need to talk to the chakra dragon."

Kagin POV

"Ok, I can take us all to my mindscape. He is there just touch me then I will teleport us to the mindscape."

Bailey POV

We touch him and then we get transported to a place with grass, animals, and mini dragons. I see a giant dragon with the left eye dark red and the right eye light blue, the body is dark gold with spike's coming out of its back. Its body is going on endlessly into the distance and we go up to it.

Kagin POV

"Chakra dragon I am going to call you Golden Dragon."

Golden POV

"Very well Kagin-sama, who are they kagin Kagin-sama?"

Tanya POV

He introduces us, "Golden Dragon I have some questions to ask."

Golden POV

"Ask away Tanya."

Tanya POV

"Kagin told us you are a dragon. How did you get into kagin?"

Golden POV

"I am an entity that was created from the aether. I was locked away in the aether until someone is born who will have great power in them. I felt it was kagin-sama who is the one, I used half of my power to get to him."

Kagin POV


Bailey POV

I deadpan at kagin 'couldn't come up with a better name.' "Golden Dragon what else can the mark do."

Golden POV

"The mark makes you want kagin and makes you not want anybody else only kagin."

Bailey POV

'Well it is good I am fine with this, the council would probably force this on me if kagin didn't do it.'


"What is that chakra mode that kagin was covered in?"

Golden POV

"It is like a tailed beast mode but it takes the form of myself."

Tanya POV

"What can he do in that chakra mode and is there more than one?"

Golden POV

"What you all saw was the first form with it he can fly, has increased speed, strength, and resistance to low-level jutsu's. Once he is able to handle the tail that comes with the mode his speed, strength will increase. The second mode is like a tailed beast, he can still fly and will be able to use the special ability that I have."

Kagin POV

"What is the special ability?"

Golden POV

"You will have paradox manipulation."

Kagin POV

"paradox manipulation."

Tanya POV

'What impossible no way.'


'What the fuck man really this is just too much.'

Bailey POV

'No, my dad was a scientist and he said that is impossible, well we can use elements as weapons and that isn't supposed to work but it does. I am interested to know what he can do with it.'

Kagin POV

"Thank you for answering our questions."

Golden POV

"Your welcome kagin-sama."

Tanya POV

We all go back to the real world.

land of tea base

Sakura POV

I am throwing up in a trash can while holding my hair up. I stop and then sit back down 'why they were just kids? They probably would have wanted revenge when they got older or not. Why are we doing it?' I get out of my thoughts, get up, and wipe off my face. I throw the tissue away and sit down on the bed, 'there is no going back I need to do this. Why Killing kids and what are the experiments they talk about? Is this right? I hate them because of what happened with my family but it is wrong what they are going to do to them, whatever it is.'

'Do they actually experiment on vampwolf kids? What do they do with the adults?'

Back to the land of the jungle base.

Kagin POV

We all are inside and I am looking on a computer at what golden dragon meant by aether, paradoxes. I looked them up 1 hour and 40 minutes later. "Cool."

Tanya POV

"Kagin because of what we found out your training is going to be harder."

Kagin POV

"Tanya-sensei what do you mean by that?" She has a smirk on her face.

Tanya POV

"600 laps, 1,000 push-ups, and 2,000 sit-ups."

Kagin POV

"Tanya-sensei are you insane."

Tanya POV

"Sort of sane and I will finish your new training schedule tonight."

Kagin POV

"Tanya-sensei can't you lower it."

Tanya POV

"620 laps and 1,200 push-ups for calling me insane."

Kagin POV

"Yes, Tanya-sensei."


"Tanya isn't that going overboard."

Tanya POV

"He will be fine kay."


"Alright, he is your student. Bailey 100 laps and I will come up with the rest of your schedule."

Bailey POV

"Yes, kay-sensei."

Kagin POV

"Tanya-sensei are we going to go on another mission. I want to test a torture method out on a vampwolf."

Tanya POV

"Yeah, the council probably won't be satisfied with what we did since you and bailey were supposed to fight the vampwolves. I will get you another mission just don't take too long with the torture method. There is a chance that they might not give you a mission but just in case they do here is some advice." I tell him of ways to stop the monsters from screaming or calling for help.


'I had hoped he wouldn't get like some in our organization but it is too late for him.' "Bailey don't be like them."

Bailey POV

"I won't Kay-sensei."

Kagin POV

"Thank you, Tanya-sensei for telling me now l want to try even more on the monsters."

Tanya POV

"If it doesn't take a really long time then go ahead."

Kagin POV

"Thanks, Tanya-sensei."

Tanya POV

"You're welcome kagin."

Bailey POV

'He is already sort of sane and the top elite is also sort of sane. My future boyfriend is sort of sane, great now what else.' I deadpan at them.


I deadpan at them. 'Why are there sort of sane people in the organization. They do good out in the field so there is that. I just hope that bailey and kagin won't find out what the experiments are.'

Next morning at 3 AM

Kagin POV

I wake up 'why do we have to kill children, and what are the experiments? I understand the adults, but the children should just be left alone.'

Golden POV

"Kagin-sama I didn't mention this yesterday because of the others."

Kagin POV

'What is it golden dragon.'

Golden POV

"I can merge with your chakra and you will get the ability I told you about yesterday. You will also get Encyclopedic Knowledge. Kagin-sama do you want me to tell you about them now or when you are ready."

Kagin POV

"When I am ready but I may change that."

Golden POV

"Yes, Kagin-sama."

Kagin POV

I wake up and see Tanya-sensei "Tanya-sensei why are you in my room?"

Tanya POV

"The council denied you getting another mission. I made your new training schedule." I give it to him.

629 laps, 1,200 push-ups and 2,000 sit-ups.

Break for 50 minutes

200 shadow clones for chakra control

100 for calligraphy

100 to work on sealing

600 pull-ups, 650 jumping jacks, 500 bicycles.

break for 50 minutes

Throwing kunai's and shuriken are at different angles and at targets in hard to reach spots for 1 hour.

Break for 5 minutes


break for 10 minutes

620 laps

Weight lifting for an hour

break for an hour

Readings on the laws of reality, logic, common sense, and an introduction book to physics.

Kagin POV

'What the heck, what is physics? I should just go with it.' "Ok Tanya-sensei, a shadow clone."

Timeskip 4:30 am

Tanya POV

Kagin is running the laps I am setting the books, puzzles, and problems that he will need to solve.

Kagin POV

I got down in 5 hours since the Golden Dragon healed my sore parts and because of my massive chakra. I get done with my push-ups in 3 hours and my sit-ups in 2 hours. "It is getting easy I should increase the amount I do." I go to find Tanya-sensei.

Tanya POV

I am eating right now and I hear kagin. I swallow my food and look to my right to see him. "Kagin are you done that fast?"

Kagin POV

"I am Tanya-sensei golden dragon helped me with getting rid of the soreness."

Tanya POV

"1,000 laps, 3,000 push-ups and 6,000 sit-ups."

Kagin POV

"Tanya-sensei if it means I can pass you then alright I will do it."

Maid POV

I smile 'It is good that the organization will have someone like kagin, and that Tanya has found someone to actually bond with.' I go over to them "Sorry to interrupt kagin-sama, lady Tanya. Kagin-sama do you want something to eat?"

Kagin POV

"Yes, I do Ramen, teriyaki with apples mixed in with it and orange juice."

Maid pOV

"Yes, kagin-sama." I go to fix the leftover teriyaki and mix apples in it and another maid makes the ramen.

Kagin POV

"Tanya-sensei am I going to have to do extra things at the academy more than prodigies?"

Tanya POV

"Yes, kagin you will and it will be learning about paradoxes and solving paradox problems. They are probably going to go into physics and you will have to read a book on physics, the different disciplines of physics, mathematics, and some other things." He has a confused look on his face.

Kagin POV

"What is physics Tanya-sensei?"

Tanya POV

"You will learn in the book that you will read and you are going to be solving logic-based puzzles, quizzes, and other things."

Kagin POV

I eat the food "Isn't that too much for an academy student?"

Tanya POV

"Depends but kagin prodigies are important to the council and organization."

Kagin POV

"Why Tanya-sensei?"

Tanya POV

"The organization has been losing ninja and anbu to vampwolves and demons. Prodigies are better kagin, if trained right we can take out monsters that no regular anbu, or ninja can take out. Prodigies can also take on many monsters at a time that is what the council, ninja's, anbu, and the rest of the people of the shinobi world think. It is true kagin like me I am a prodigy and can take on many vampwolves."

Kagin POV

Bailey and kay came in and are sitting down.

Bailey POV

"Do any prodigies get killed?"

Tanya pOV

"It is rare, if a prodigy forgets their training or doesn't follow orders then that can result in their death. Other factors can result in their death."

Kagin POV

"Tanya-sensei are the elites all prodigies?"

Tanya POV

"Yes, kagin there are 74,410 of us."

Kagin POV

"How many are in every unit of the organization?"

Tanya POV

"You will find out after you passed the graduation exam."

Kagin POV

"Yes, Tanya-sensei."

Bailey POV

"How many graduate?"

Tanya POV

"It depends on the class the prodigies are separated into a different academy than the rest. There are a total of 5 academies Monster Hunter Academy, Prodigy Monster Hunter Academy, the newly built Medical Ninja Academy, Engineering/Weaponsmith Academy, and Technologies Academy." In my class of the Prodigy Monster Hunter Academy, There were 120,000 but only 12,841 graduated and I was one of them."

Bailey POV

"What made it so that only 12,841 graduated?"

Tanya POV

"I can't tell you you both will find out during the academy graduation exam."

Kagin POV

"Is that why you have been increasing the number of things I have to do?"

Tanya POV

"Yes, kagin that is why."

Kagin POV

I finish eating and we only have 45 minutes left until the break is over. "Tanya-sensei I am ready for what we are going to do next."

Tanya POV

I smile "Alright, kagin let's go."

Bailey POV

"Kay-sensei I am going to go ahead and start on what we have to do next. Can you increase the number of laps, push-ups, and sit-ups?"


"OK, bailey 100 laps. 400 push-ups, and 600 sit-ups."

Bailey POV

"Yes, kay-sensei."