
The Vampwolf Icy Flame Hunter (Modern Supernatural Naruto AU)

There are monster creatures that are trying to destroy the human world, but there is one organization that stands up to them. A boy is saved by the organization, What are the creatures? What is an organization? Who is the boy? What will the organization do with him? Naruto Alternate Timeline OCkagin x Harem I do not own naruto and the characters only my OC's and the jutsu's that I made and the clan.

Speartron_Strom · Tranh châm biếm
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14 Chs

Prologue: Councilman and The Future Generation of the Leaf.

1 year later

Kagin POV

I and Tanya-sensei are at another base in the land of the jungle. Tanya-sensei has been gone for 20 minutes to kill some vampwolves. 'We are going to visit my family and some of the clan members that are alive. I thought they all died but apparently, some clan members moved to the leaf.'

Bailey POV

I walk up to who I think is the new one to the base. I sit down beside him 'he is cute' "Hey my name is Bailey."

Kagin POV

"My name is Kagin Koruotto."

Bailey POV

"I have never seen you at the base before."

Kagin POV

"I have just arrived with Tanya-sensei, their is my sensei now."

Bailey POV

I turn and look 'no way she is a legend my sensei said that she killed 3 of the omega vampwolves. Not even anbu could take them on only those of the council and the Vamp-Hunter Elites. She is a top elite and kagin is being trained by one. I am being trained by a jonin.'

Tanya POV

I walk over to see kagin and a girl "You must be bailey I was told about you by your sensei."

Bailey POV

"Yes, I am bailey lady Tanya."

Kagin POV

"Lady Tanya."

Tanya POV

"I was going to wait and tell you kagin. I just tell you now I am the top elite of the Vamp-Hunter Elites. The reason why is because I killed three omega's of the Vampwolves."

Kagin POV

"Tanya-sensei that is amazing why didn't you tell me earlier."

Tanya POV

"My own reasons and I am the Clan heiress of the Honetto clan."

Kagin POV

"What, why haven't you told me Tanya-sensei our clans are cousins?"

Tanya POV

"My own reasons."

Kagin POV

"Fine, Tanya-sensei one day I will get you to tell me."

Tanya POV

"I will wait for that day kagin."


I walk up to them "sorry to interrupt, kagin I am kay."

Kagin POV

"Hey kay my name is Kagin Koruotto."


"Nice to meet you kagin, now we have decided that you two will be training together for the rest of kagin's stay, and we will be training you both."

Tanya POV

"Starting now 12 laps around the field, 400 push-ups, and 800 sit-ups."


"Tanya is that necessary."

Tanya POV

"Yes, I am sure you know about the graduation exam to become part of our organization. This time they are doing that new thing."


"That is what they are doing, alright what Tanya said."

Kagin POV


Bailey POV

'Kagin goes running and I follow him, 'I am glad to be trained by Tanya but this is crazy if kagin can do this, then I don't want to fight him in a spar.' I catch up to him "Kagin how long have you been doing the current things Tanya said."

Kagin POV

"Last year in June was when I started training to start it was 4 laps, 100 push-ups, and 200 sit-ups those were easy. I asked Tanya-sensei to increase it and she said 10 laps, 400 push-ups, and 800 sit-ups. I am never asking her to increase the amount ever again and she just added the 2 more laps."

Bailey POV

"Ok kagin," 'if I was found by lady Tanya and had to do that I would probably drop dead on the ground. I am glad I started training earlier than kagin, but I don't think I will be able to survive this.'

Kagin POV

'I wonder what they are talking about with graduation.'

Tanya POV

"Really kay that is her training."


"That is good for a 5-year-old. Your kind of training is crazy for a 5-year-old."

Tanya POV

"So you haven't heard," I tell him about what happened with kagin when he was 3, and what he accomplished with the chakra control, and how he has improved.


"He has that much chakra and he completed something in 40 minutes that it takes years for anbu to complete. I can see why you have him doing that."

In the land of the neck

Sakura POV

It has been two years since I was rescued by the organization from the vampwolves that killed my mom and dad. Instead of my red opaque dress, I have a dark green one and dark green pants with blue sandals. The gloves are dark green, it is 4:30 am right now I go outside to my sensei. 'My parents were turned into vampwolves when we were attacked. The organization killed them, I just cried and stood there.'

I get out of my thoughts and go up to Gator-sensei. "Gator-sensei I am ready for training."

Gator POV

"Ok sakura 10 laps, 300 push-ups, 600 sit-ups."

Sakura POV

"Yes, gator-sensei."

Gator POV

She is going to run around the training ground. 'Well she is a medical prodigy and that will prove useful for the field. She also has natural strength, I am not that good but Tsunade might be or her assistant.' Sakura is done with the laps in 6 hours and is now doing push-ups. 'Target practice for an hour then break for 40 minutes after that is calligraphy for 4 hours. The rest will still be the same.'

back to the others

Bailey POV

I and kagin got done in 4 hours since a councilman is watching us. We are now starting on the push-ups and sit-ups. Kagin is on 300 while I am on 200.

Kagin POV

I get done with the pushups in 2 hours and the sit-ups in 1 hour.

Bailey POV

I am done with the pushups in 4 hours and I am now on the situps. I am on 600 and I have been going for 1 hour, and I get through 50 minutes later. I lay down on the ground 'I am sore my arms, legs, and muscles hurt. How does kagin do this.'

Kagin POV

'I am not going to ask Tanya for an increase in the amount.'

Tanya POV

"Kagin 20 laps, 800 push-ups, and 1,600 sit-ups next time and only for you."

Kagin POV

"Yes, Tanya-sensei." 'It's official she is crazy.'



Tanya POV

"Relax kay he can do it."

Councilman POV

"They both are good they will make great ninjas of our organization. Tanya, Kay give them a longer break, and then I want to see them spar each other."

Tanya/Kay POV

"Yes, Councilman." We give them an hour-long break.

One hour later

Kagin POV

We all ate and talked during the break after it we were taken outside to spar. Tanya, some medical ninja, and the councilman's bodyguards are outside. Kay is outside beside Tanya and I am facing bailey.

Bailey POV

'I have to fight someone who is personally being trained by the top elite. You can do this bailey even if you fail and remember your training.' We both get into positions.

Kagin POV

'Black dress, blonde hair tied in a short ponytail, black shorts, and blue sandals. Her stance is good.' I charge at her and say, "Icy Flame Style: Icy Flame Spike's" I form 5 icy flame spikes and send them at her.

Bailey POV

I make chakra strings and a lot of them. They intercept the spikes and destroy them. I have them go to kagin.

Kagin POV

I jump back and keep on backing up as I see 6 chakra strings coming at me. I jump up then move my body mid-air to the left and get hit by a string. I keep on getting hit and then I am being held by the chakra strings.


"Well, Tanya."

Tanya POV


Councilman POV

'Chakra strings and the way she is using them, and then there is kagins clan kekkei tota. Let's see what he can do to get out of it.'

Bailey POV

"Do you give up kagin?"

Kagin POV

'Time to try my new jutsu Scattered Windy Ice.'

Bailey POV

I feel something cut me and cuts form all over my body. Chakra strings come out and kagin breaks out and I jump far back. 'Is that Ice with wind chakra added to them.'

Kagin POV

'My icy flame spikes break apart and pieces are left, the jutsu works.'

Tanya POV

"Well, kay."


"Just watch Tanya it's not over."

Councilman POV

'He used the tiny pieces that the spikes were broken into to help him escape. It seems like Bailey has a defense system which utilizes chakra strings.'

Kagin POV

I point to her and the flying ice goes to her.

Bailey POV

I make more chakra strings and they go at the ice, some are getting cut while others are making it through. I attach strings to the pieces of ice on the ground and in the air. I send my chakra through my strings into the ice "Dissolve." The pieces go away completely and I send my chakra strings at him.

Kagin POV

'Damn' "Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu." I make 100 of me and they charge at bailey.

Bailey POV

I sent two chakra strings into the earth "Rising Chakra Strings." Strings come up out of the earth and into a bunch of clones, they then hit other clones.

Kagin POV

'Well, this is getting good.' I jump up and add chakra to my fist a lot of it and aim at bailey.

Tanya POV

"That is new."


"How he should be dead from chakra exhaustion and that amount of chakra shouldn't be possible."

Councilman POV

"He is amazing and bailey."

Bailey POV

The clones are almost gone and I sense a lot of chakras, 'I am not a sensory ninja but that is a lot of chakra kagin has in his right fist.' It turned into a dragon and is now surrounding his arm and is bigger and longer. I jump away but get caught in the wave from it and rocks hit me. I stop and get pulled in a circle by the wind that appeared out of nowhere 'what is kagin doing.'

Kagin POV

'My wind jutsu works' I get all the rocks to me and stop the wind. She falls to the ground and I send the rocks at her.

Bailey POV

I get up, turn towards kagin, and see small and big rocks coming for me. I make chakra strings but the rocks came fast and I am getting hit. I am hitting them with my chakra strings but not all of them. I get sent back by one and knocked out by another.

Kagin POV

I stopped the rocks and crushed them with my chakra. The pieces fell to the ground and I made sure none hit her.

Tanya POV

"That is also new."


I go to Bailey and so do the medic ninja.

Councilman POV

"I am impressed, you didn't know about those jutsu's Tanya."

Tanya POV

"I didn't councilman, I will need to speak to kagin afterward to see how he created it and when."

Medic Ninja 1

"We healed the cuts, she doesn't have any major injuries. We don't know how, she just needs rest."


"Ok, that is good."

Kagin POV

"Kay is bailey ok." He tells me what they said and comes up to me while they take her inside.


"Kagin that was amazing Tanya told me you had massive chakra reserves, but I didn't think you had that much. I am impressed kagin."

Kagin POV

"Thank you kay." Tanya-sensei and the councilman come up to me.


"Councilman if you will excuse me I have to go to my student." He says I may and I head inside.

back to sakura and gator

Gator POV

"Sakura you are doing it."

Sakura POV

"Yes, gator-sensei." I am lifting a large and tall rock, I am squatting with it and I am on my 90th squat with it. I keep going and 1 hour later I stop and throw it on the ground. "200 in 1 hour and 20 minutes."

Gator POV

I walk up to sakura "Sakura your strength is amazing and that was amazing, no one in the ninja organization can do what you just did and without chakra. Good job sakura."

Sakura POV

"Thank you gator-sensei."

Gator POV

'A rock that is 7 feet tall, she will be great in the ninja forces.' "Now we are going to have a spar somewhere else follow me."

Sakura POV

"Yes, Gator-sensei." I follow him.

Back to the others

Kagin POV

"Thank you, councilmen."

Councilmen POV

"Your welcome kagin, I will be checking up on bailey Tanya, kagin." I leave.

Tanya POV

"That was a surprise kagin what are you calling that jutsu."

Kagin POV

"The dragon one is called Wind Style: Wind Chakra Dragon Lifting Destruction."

Tanya POV

"Ok, Kagin what you did would be classed as an S-Rank Forbidden Jutsu. Promise me you won't use it unless you must use, and if it is not around allies or the innocent."

Kagin POV

"I promise Tanya-sensei and the ice you saw that was flying is also a new jutsu. I call it Scattered Windy Ice."

Tanya POV

"It is a C-rank jutsu kagin, I am impressed you came up with your own S-rank, and C-rank jutsu at your age."

Kagin POV

"Thank you Tanya-sensei, we should go check on Bailey."

Tanya POV

"Let's go kagin." We go to see bailey.

Councilman POV

"Bailey your use of chakra strings will be useful to the organization and the way you use them. Your use of the chakra strings Is different from the way others use them, it will give you an advantage over your enemies. I look forward to seeing you at the graduation exam."

Bailey POV

"Yes, councilman." He leaves and so does his bodyguard kagin and Tanya comes in. "Kagin that was amazing and you are good."

Kagin POV

"Thank you bailey you were good too I didn't expect you to use chakra strings. I thought you were going to use an elemental jutsu but the chakra strings are useful. I had trouble figuring out a way around it and the way you made the chakra strings come up out of the ground. It was amazing."

Bailey POV

"Thank you kagin, you are good with the icy flames and wind chakra. I was excited about this it was a good spar with you controlling the pieces of ice. Kagin shouldn't you have passed out from chakra exhaustion?"

Kagin POV

"I have much more chakra than you think, so I won't pass out from chakra exhaustion. I still have a lot and I still have a lot of energy left. Tanya-sensei I am going to go run 20 laps then come back here."

Tanya POV

"Ok kagin." I send a clone to go with him and watch him.


"Tanya have you taught him the chakra transfer."

Tanya POV

"Not yet but I was going to in 2 months since he keeps asking to learn more."


"If he learns it then he will be able to replenish others chakra reserves in battle."

Tanya POV

"I know," I tell kay what I rank kagins jutsu's are and what I told him about the S-Rank jutsu.


"Can you handle him?"

Tanya POV

"Yeah, I know how."

Bailey POV

"Wow, kay-sensei what is the graduation exam going to be like?"


"It is dangerous that is all I can tell you and I am going to prepare you for it."

Bailey POV

"Yes, Kay-sensei."

In the leaf village


"Shikamaru stop being lazy all the time."

Shikamaru POV

"Nope can you stop talking all the time?"


I glare at him and he smirks "stop being lazy and help me with the project."

Choji POV

'They do this all the time.'

Hinata POV

I am helping Kiba and shino with our project on the history of Konoha at my house.

Shino POV

"Hinata is something wrong?"

Hinata POV

"My dad and mom didn't have a choice so now I am to marry a boy that is my age when we are older. He is in the organization and It is going to have to be before I am 20."

Kiba POV

"That is not fair Hinata do you even know him?"

Hinata POV

"No I don't but it is the Koruotto in the organization."

Shino POV

"If he does try anything we have your back Hinata."

Kiba POV

"Yeah, I will protect you if you need it Hinata and Akamaru will help too." Akamaru yips.

Hinata POV

I smile "Thank you shino, Kiba, and Akamaru." I rub akamarus head and he wags his tail.

Naruto POV

"Sasuke you know what to do."

Sasuke POV


Sharu POV

"Wait you two don't do it we have a project to get done." Naruto goes around me and Sasuke grabs my ankles, they put me on the bed, and naruto pins my wrists together. He is holding my wrists with his left hand and has them above my head. "Wait don't tickle me you know how I don't like being tickled."

Sasuke POV

"You shouldn't have called us those names. Naruto is the silencing seal on."

Naruto POV

"Yeah." I tickle her stomach and she is laughing and Sasuke tickles her feet.

Sharu POV

"NO HA HA HA HA HA NOT MY TOES HA HA HA HA HA NARUTO, NOT THERE NO NO HA HA HA HA." I keep on laughing as Sasuke is tickling my toes which is one of my tickle spots. Naruto is tickling a spot on my stomach then 4 minutes later he moves to my armpits. Sasuke is using a brush on my feet 'where did Sasuke get that and it is worse than his hand.'

Sasuke POV

She is moving around a lot and she is trying to grab the brush with her feet but she can't. I continue to use the brush.

Naruto POV

We stop after 10 minutes and sharu is breathing heavily.

Sharu POV

'That was too much, I am never calling them names again.'

Sasuke POV

"I don't think you learned your lesson sharu."

Sharu POV

I am still breathing heavily and Sasuke starts to rub slowly up and down my right foot with the brush. "I learned my lesson stop." They stop and we get back to our project and I glare at them both. "You two are going to get it, you know what I am capable of."

Sasuke POV

"Do you want to be tickled again this time for longer? I have a bunch of tools I can use and they would be worse than the brush."

Naruto POV

"I can get the rope from my closet and tie you up so you won't move a lot. The silencing seal is not away so Sharu."

Sharu POV

'Damn them even if it is just one of them I can't put up much of a fight.'

Naruto POV

"You are not going to get us back sharu or we can tickle you more since my dad is at the Hokage office, and my mom is with her friends. We will have all day."

Sharu POV

I keep on glaring "fine I won't get you both back and no I don't want any of that."

Naruto POV

"Well let's finish the project."

Sasuke POV

"Yeah let's finish the project."

Sharu POV

"Yeah let's get it done." 'I am not letting my guard down I know them well enough.'