
The Vampwolf Icy Flame Hunter (Modern Supernatural Naruto AU)

There are monster creatures that are trying to destroy the human world, but there is one organization that stands up to them. A boy is saved by the organization, What are the creatures? What is an organization? Who is the boy? What will the organization do with him? Naruto Alternate Timeline OCkagin x Harem I do not own naruto and the characters only my OC's and the jutsu's that I made and the clan.

Speartron_Strom · Tranh châm biếm
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14 Chs

New Ruler of Dimensions

Kagin POV

We have been exchanging blow for blow and I took down my dragon mode. I have gotten more intelligent and I am winning. I block naruto's right leg with my left arm and punch him in the stomach. I teleport behind him and kick him in the back then teleport in front of him and punch him in the face. I make an energy ball and point it at Sasuke with my left hand.

Sasuke POV

I teleport behind him and bring my sword down on him. He blocks it with his right hand and hits me in the stomach with the energy ball. I go back into some trees and hit a rock that is bigger than me. It breaks as I go through it 'damn.'

'He passed out again.' Naruto performs the same jutsu as last time. I cover gale and the others in my energy and Sasuke. He makes another one and throws them both, 'You can't win naruto.' I absorb the jutsu and naruto comes at me with a regular Rasengan. I absorb it then punch him in the stomach, after that, I hold him in place with my mind.

'Damn it kagin has me and I can't move.

Hectoray POV

"5 more minutes until I can transport them." I contact Nagato.

"Naruto I am bringing you and Sasuke back to the leaf." I get ready to take them when I sense a bunch of small energies coming at me. I hold out my left hand and send small icy flame spike's at them.

Konan POV

It is too many, I try to get away but some get stuck in me. I scream and fall to the ground.

Someone took naruto and I see it is a red head man, that has purple eyes with ripple patterns. I look at the blue-haired woman and see that she is about to pull one out. I make them wiggle and burn. She screams and I get pushed back not far, but enough that it gave them time to get the spikes out. They heal her and all of them get up, "Nagato it has been a long time."

"It has kagin almighty push", Naruto tells me that he can read minds. He directs the jutsu back at me.

Konan POV

"Nagato" he is ok so I turn to kagin and he disappeared. I get kicked in the back than the stomach. I hit a tree and broke it, 'I can't even fight him.'

I hold out my left hand and destroy Nagatos energy blasts. I send a Lightning Ball at him and spin to my right then elbow naruto in the face.

I fall back then get lifted and kagin does something. I get thrown away.

Nagato POV

I finished absorbing his jutsu, he came at me and started punching and kicking me in the face. He finished it with a kick to my stomach.

'A minute left.' I go over to naruto and Sasuke, "Gale you and the others restrain Nagato and Konan."

"Yes, Lord Kagin." We do what he says.

I go over to naruto and Sasuke. I send my energy in them and vampwolves appear. They run at me and I had spike's come up out of the earth. It pierces their hearts, and I had it dissolve their insides.

Hectoray POV

"1 minute left, no." The ball is cracking and he looks at me and mouths yes. The ball cracks and I don't feel connected to them. "Damn it, I am losing, my vampwolves are dying and the council has been killed. I have to recall my remaining vampwolves and make a truce with the demon king." I tell Nagato and Konan to retreat.

Nagato POV

I teleport to Konan and teleport us away. 'We will need to send every Akatsuki after him.'

I walk over to a tied up naruto and Sasuke.

over in the leaf

Samui POV

I am naked laying on the bed and kagin is also naked. He has two clones rubbing my boobs while he is going in and out with his dick. I moan from the clone's rubbing my boobs. 5 minutes later I am moaning loudly, the clones are nibbling on my boobs and kagin is cumming inside me. I am also cumming and I stop after a minute but kagin keeps going.

'How can he continue?' He keeps on cumming and stops after 5 minutes. '5 loads how?' His clones stop and kagin dismisses them and somehow cleans us off. I am on his bed and he gets on top of me, then nibbles on my right boob, while massaging the left. I moan louder and this continues for an hour; he stops and is now massaging both of my breasts.

I am using energy and I am enjoying this. 'They are like sattori's boobs and I am enjoying this.' I keep going for 2 hours and then she flips us over; puts my dick in between her boobs. She goes up and down, I am moaning.

His dick reaches up through my boobs and I do what he says. I put my mouth around his dick that is sticking out and keep on moving my boobs up and down. He cums in my mouth and I swallow it 'he is controlling me with his powers.' This keeps going for 50 minutes then he stops and he told me to swallow the rest. He gets us on the floor and nibbles on my mark and I moan loudly, he continues for 10 minutes then stops. I pass out.

I clean us both off put her on the bed and put the covers over her and heal her. 'I will need to get the other girls pregnant but it will have to be after the war. I should get the other's that are supposed to marry me.'

over in kagins dimension

I have more than 3 clones of me over on earth 'I should go find some other women who claim to be goddesses. I will fight a man if I have to.' I changed my clothes, a dark grey kimono mid collared shirt with a zipper. Along with the shirt I have Black pants and the Koruotto clan symbol is on the back of my shirt. A women appears who is naked, she has fair-Skin, blue eyes and black hair.

She is my height 'she looks like sattori'. I run to her to stop her but I get stopped mid-run. 'What is going on? This is my dimension.'

Hattori POV

'It was your dimension kagin but not anymore.' He looks at me and I smirk "Your powers are sealed up along with your energy. My name is Hattori and I am the goddess of all the dimensional gods and goddesses. Sattori is my daughter kagin and so is layla."

"What do you want with me and why are you naked?" 'How does she have bigger boobs than Sattori?'

"I am going to take your powers, the energy away then kill you. I will then destroy this universe and the entire reality."

"WHAT you can't do that." She makes me get on my knees on the ground.

"I can do that, the ones who could stop me are dead by my hand. I also killed your uncle, if you two had teamed up you would have been able to stop me. let's go to my room." We go to the room kagin made "the dragon is part of my powers. So that power you have is mine."

"Hattori is there a way that I could get you not to destroy this universe?" she says no "can you at least let my wives live?"

"Only My daughters no one else. Kagin before I take away your powers and kill you along with this reality, I will explain some things. I can read your mind so watch what you say, this is one out of many dimensions. I am the one who gave your clan the dojutsu and icy flames. Your clan never didn't use them to their full potential and I am pissed at you and your clan."

"I will need to have more children and I will have fun with this." I use my powers to have his clothes disappear. I have him get on the bed. Oh it seems your little man already wants this." His dick is long and I put my boobs around his dick.

I moan she is having them vibrate and energy is added to her boobs. "ohhhhhhhh aghhhhh" I keep on moaning and I cum 2 minutes later.

"Kagin tell me what you want me to do." I am rubbing his inner thighs and that just got him to moan louder. He is also cumming and this continues on for two hours. I stop and clean us both off. I remove my boobs from around his dick. I rub his dick and add energy to my hands he moans. "Tell me your desires kagin I know you want me to do other things to you."

"Prove to me that my uncle is dead before I tell you ohhhhhhhhh." I moan louder as she warmed her hands. 'I am almost through just a few more hours and I will take back control. If she gets to into this then I can take some of her powers or all of them. I will then unseal my powers and energy then the tables will be turned.'

"Find" I unseal the head and leave it out for a while, then seal it back in a scroll. "Tell me kagin," I add more energy and stop him from cumming, he is now scream moaning.

'Shit the energy combined with her hands is too much.' "I don't know I can't ohhhhhhhhhh."

"Alright I will decide for you." I keep on doing this for an hour then stop. I put my mouth around his dick and hum, then add a lot of energy to my mouth. He yells at me and is moaning my name. I lick around the tip and go down, this goes on for two more hours.

I am panting 'damn she is good and I have a lot that I need to let loose.' She is giving me a break and during the 20-minute break, I have taken her powers. She is sitting on the bed and clean us off of her saliva.

'What is happening a lot of my powers got taken away. It can't be.' I turn to look at kagin to see he has a look on his face and is not being held down by energy. 'Crap' He lays me down on the bed and has energy hold me down. He lines up his dick at my entrance and rams it inside of me. "KYAHHHHHHHH" he is going in and out at a face pace.

He is rubbing my boobs and my legs are wrapped around him. 'I can't do anything' I moan loudly as he is continuing to do both at the same time. This goes on for 2 minutes then he cums and I am moaning loudly.

"You seem to accept this."

"I can't do anything and this is worth it ohhhhhhh." He keeps on going and is back to rubbing my boobs. I cum and this keeps going for 1 hour then he stops cumming. He cummed more than 6 times and is now going in and out again. He is getting deeper because of the cum.

"What is blocking me?" I pull out and add energy to my dick then go in and break that energy field that was blocking me. She screamed my name and now I am cumming and rubbing her boobs at the same time.

"Kaginnnnnnn" 'This feels good.' He continues for 50 minutes and pulls out. He cleans us both off and his eyes turn like the dragon. 'Dragon instinct' He bites me on the neck, 'my energy is increasing by a lot how much does he have?'

I retract and say "I have infinite energy Hattori, and you have gotten an increase in energy but you won't be able to keep up with me." I nibble on her right boob while massaging the left. She moans loudly and grabs onto the bed, I switch every 5 minutes.

Kagin has been going for 2 hours "Kagin how long has it been ohhhhhhhh?" I am back to cumming.

"I don't know but we are not going to stop, I still haven't tired you out yet." I rub her pussy with my right hand and add a lot of energy to it.

"KAGINNNNNN OHHHHHHH NO NO NO KAGIN I CAN'T OHHHHHH!" 'I had energy blocking my pussy from getting back sensitive. He must have anti-energy.'

She is bucking her hips and is grabbing onto the bed tight. I am keeping her from moving her legs a lot. I continue and rub slowly. I make two shadow clones to go for her boobs.

Two clones of kagins have my arms pinned, and the right one is pinching my right nipple. The left one is rubbing my right boob. 'This feels so good but is too intense from kagin rubbing on my pussy to having my nipples pinched. They all are using energy which is making it worst.' "KAGIN STOP I CAN'T TAKE IT", the two clones are switching between pinching my nipples and rubbing my boobs.

"No, Hattori you like this and I am not done yet." I keep going for two hours.

He stops what he is doing and so does the clones. I am panting and then they go back to it, except this time the original kagin is fingering my pussy. 'What is that an actual thing?' I am cumming and this goes on for 50 minutes and he stops again. He cleans us off and they put me on the floor. They do the same thing except the original shoves his dick in from the backside and cums inside.

"KAGINNNNNNNNN" he stops after 2 minutes and goes in and out. I am moaning loudly and he keeps on doing that for 10 minutes. He cums again and it is a lot. He stops after 10 minutes and so do the clones, he pulls out and I collapse onto the floor.

She has her tongue out and cum is leaking out of her, I stop it and dismiss my clones. She is panting and I clean us off, put her on the bed. I lay down beside her and she is trying to catch her breath.

"Kagin that was to much." I see him looking at my boobs 'of course they jiggle from me trying to catch my breath and he gets turned on.' "Kagin wait let me ohhhhhhhh."

"I am going to tire you out one way or another." I rub her left boob with my left hand and her pussy with my right. "This is also payback for trying to kill me and destroy this reality or dimension whatever it is called. This time it will be longer." Her boobs are jiggling which is just making me want to continue. "Hattori the mark should be working soon, you will be completely loyal to me and let me do anything I want."

"Kagin that won't happen ohhhhhhh KAGINNNNNN AGHHHHHHHH!" He has added energy again to his hands.

"It will, this is how I accelerate it and you are not resisting. I am not holding you down so it is working and you could use some powers." I warm my hands up.

"NOOOOO KAGINNNNN STOP IT IS TOO MUCH OHHHHHHHH!" 'Damn it the mark is working, he does this to the ones he marks. The mark makes it so that we are sensitive to the spots he touches. It makes us like this and we can't focus on fighting the mark. His warm hands are making it worse.'

Dragon Mark POV

"Hattori don't resist give in."

'I won't, damn this feels good.'

"Then it is time to take it up a level."

Hattori POV

'What does that voice mean.' "KAGINNNNNNN AHHHHHH NOOOOOOOOO AGHHHHHH!" I am moving around violently and screaming, kagin had to hold me down with energy. "IT IS YOUR STUPID MARK, IT MADE ME MORE SENSITIVE TO YOUR TOUCH!"

"Perfect", I have energy rub inside her pussy and she is now bucking her hips. She is tearing the bed sheets and I am continuing. I stop after 3 hours and she is panting, sweating and catching her breath. I clean the cum off of us both. 'Damn the way she is right now just makes me want to continue.'

'That was intense and it is all because of the mark, my daughter's.' 5 minutes of calming down "kagin I assume you probably know about all of my daughter's." He says yes "can you not do this too my other daughters?"

"No, Hattori I will do what I want."

"Kagin listen they have AHHHHH! He has me against the wall and it hurt when he pushed me against it. I gulp and look at him.

"Hattori you weren't ordering me around were you?"

"No,kagin I was going to say my other daughters have been through a lot. I was going to ask if you can give them time?" 'Hectoray is nicer.'

"No, Hattori I won't and never mention my uncle's name even in your thoughts." I make two clones to go for her boobs while I lift up her legs. I shove my dick in her pussy and cum inside her.

I am back to screaming and moaning at the same time. Both clones are using a lot of energy on their hands. They also warmed their hands and the left one is nibbling on my mark. The right one is squeezing my butt. This goes on for 4 hours with my dimensional system getting full, and me passing out.

I dismissed my clones and clean me and Hattori off then pick her up, after that, put her on the bed. I lay down beside her and cover us up 'I will protect my wives and future wives. I am preparing to go to war to wipe out the remaining vampwolves and demons. I need to get the other supernatural humans to pledge allegiance to me. I can then conquer more worlds or alternate dimensions.