
The Vampwolf Icy Flame Hunter (Modern Supernatural Naruto AU)

There are monster creatures that are trying to destroy the human world, but there is one organization that stands up to them. A boy is saved by the organization, What are the creatures? What is an organization? Who is the boy? What will the organization do with him? Naruto Alternate Timeline OCkagin x Harem I do not own naruto and the characters only my OC's and the jutsu's that I made and the clan.

Speartron_Strom · Tranh châm biếm
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14 Chs

Kagin vs. Naruto and Sasuke

Kagin has been switching between my boobs and is naked now. He is kissing me and is feeling around in my mouth. I lost the fight 'he is definitely better than Minato, why didn't I let him do this to me before. He starts to nibble on the mark. "KAGINNNNN OHHHHHHH" It feels good, kagin stopped whatever invisible force he had on my pussy. "How ohhhh long aghhh this been going on."

I clean the cum off of her, on the floor and wall. I teleport us to the bedroom and sit her on the bed, "an hour or more." Our clothes moved with us and now she is moaning from me rubbing her inner left thigh. She moans loudly and grabs onto the couch. She is moaning my name for 10 minutes. When I stopped she started panting, I get in bed with her and say "How was that kushina."

"It was amazing kagin, I can keep going." I press up against him and plant kisses on his chest.

'I know that I am not 16 yet but damn this feels good.' I get her on her back and get on top of her, after that, I stick my dick in between her boobs. She rubs them back and forth while sucking on the top half. I cum and she is swallowing the load, 'I have changed just from too much power and I don't care. I am the most powerful one on this planet, I will soon be once I stop my uncle once and for all. I will be the hero in everyone's eyes and I will have whoever I want as my wives.'

I am swallowing a lot and he stops then lines his dick at my entrance. He shoves it in there going in and out getting deeper. He cums inside me and I cum. I buck my hips and kagin has my legs over his shoulders. 'I don't know if I can handle that much', I am grabbing onto the bed and arching my back. Cum comes out of my mouth and on me from when his dick was in my mouth.

He stops after 10 minutes pulls out and lays down beside me. I am laying down normally and I feel his seed inside me. "Kagin you didn't want to wait to have kids?"

"No, I didn't because kushina there are beings out in the universe that are more powerful and smarter than me. I may be killed so I want to have children to continue on the Koruotto clan."

"Ok kagin. Kagin please don't lose if any being tries to attack you. I don't want you to die you need to be here to see our children."

"I promise and we also get married in 4 months."

5 months later

Kagin POV

I have completed missions and married, Kushina Uzumaki, Emily Uchiha, Sharu Senju, Ino Yamanaka, Sattori, Hana Inuzuka, Bailey, Layla, Sakura, Samui, Tanya-sensei, and Tsunade Senju. Sakura is in charge of the hospital, Ino works at the flower shop, Hana still works at the veterinary hospital. Layla works at the hospital, Tsunade is the Hokage the other women don't work. They are pregnant with my children.

Over in the land of rivers.

I am in the land of rives hunting some vampwolves that are said to be terrorizing a village. 'My wives are ok which is good.' I make an ice mirror, I am still wearing the organization's uniform. My uniform is different, there is one circle with a vampwolf on the front of my flack jacket that is green, and on my pants that are black. My shirt is grey with the Koruotto Clan symbol on the back, and the symbol is also on my pants. I have the mirror go away.

'I am powerful enough to take on my uncle it has been 1 year and 5 months. At the end of this year, he is supposed to be revived. My new energy can help me or chakra, it doesn't matter what it is called chakra and energy are the same thing.' I get out of my thoughts and go to a cave that is said to have the vampwolves in it. I go to the place and I am outside the cave. 'I will actually need to move soon and gather my classmates, I have only 7 months left.'

"Come out I know you three are there." A man comes out of the cave, he is wearing battle armor. His armor is green on top and blue on the bottom. He has blue hair, green eyes, and beside him is naruto and sasuke.

Hectoray POV

I am looking through a crystal ball at my nephew and one of my minions. "I told naruto and sasuke that they weren't ready. Let's see how they do."

"Who are you? I know that those two are naruto and sasuke."

Minion 1 POV

"Who I am is not important, right now I am going to bring you to my master." I run at him 'take this.' I form an anti-energy ball and teleport behind him.

I turn around and look at him, and he looks back. I spin to the right and fast him with my left hand. The ball gets closer to me so I absorb the energy then punch his hand and break it. I kick him up in the air and jump up while he is going up, I grab his neck and crush it then let him go. He falls to the ground 'too easy.'

Sasuke POV

I activate my dojutsu and naruto sends his chakra chains into the earth. "Multi-layered Genjutsu: Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan. Now Naruto."

I have my chakra chains come up and surround kagin since he floated down.

'6 chakra chains, so he has the clan's kekkei Genkai. Sasuke's genjutsu sucks.' I make a sword out of my energy and cut all the chains, they disappear completely. Sasuke runs at me with a sword that flows with Lightning chakra, I block his sword. I got rid of the energy from my left hand.

'How did he block my sword with his energy sword?' I go flying back into some trees and pass out.

Naruto POV

I look at Sasuke 'we weren't ready for kagin.'

"You are right Naruto you both weren't ready and yeah I can read your mind."

I activate my own chakra mode since Kurama disappeared.

Hectoray POV

"He has telepathy and can somehow absorb anti-energy."

"Anti-energy mode" I go into my mode and feel my energy increase.

Kagin POV

'An anti-energy mode' His whole body and clothes are dark red. He has a Kajin for an anti-energy symbol on the front of his shirt. His eyes are dark red and he runs at me. I block his punch and he blocks my kick. We keep going back and forth exchanging kicks and punches.

I jump back and say "Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu", I make 1,200 clones.

Naruto POV

"Let's see what else you can do kagin."

They charge at me and I punch a clone then kick another. One grabs me from behind and I kick two clones that were coming at me. I make shards out of my back and the clone disappears. "Well, naruto is that it just shadow clones and taijutsu?" I make shards come up out of the earth, and form a lot of swords out of the shards. The swords are circling around me and I sense a chakra appear far away.

'Nagato so my uncle sent him just in case they both lose.'

Sasuke POV

I feel someone shaking me and open my eyes. I see it is naruto, my chakra increased and there is no pain in my stomach. Naruto has covered me in his chakra cloak and he helps me up. "Thanks, Naruto," he says your welcome. I look to see kagin defeating naruto's clone.

"Sasuke, kagin can read our minds so here is the plan."

Kagin POV

I go through naruto's clone's and my swords are cutting them. 'This is getting annoying.' I transform the shards into icy flames and send them at the clones. I make more come up out of the ground and kill all the clones. I have the shards go away then look at sasuke and naruto. 'Organization ninjas have come to my house, so that is their plan. They use sasuke and naruto to distract me, but they didn't know that I can split myself into real clones.'

'Some of the ninjas are ones that are loyal to me.'

In the leaf village

Captain POV

"Kagin by order of the council you are sentenced to death for attacking members of the organization. Come with us quietly and no one gets hurt." 'Extra ninja are at kagins house and have it surrounded in case he tries something.'

We are in the streets, "I didn't unless you are talking about naruto and sasuke, they attacked my clone and my clone is fighting them now. If you think that you can attack my wives and my house you are wrong."

Captain POV

"Take him." Some of the ninja's of our organization point their weapons at our men. I get slashed in the stomach and transform into my vampwolf form. "That won't work."

I explode his brain from the inside and he falls forward on the ground. "I gave you all some of my energy kill them." They add chakra to their weapons and slash them, they did the same thing as the captain and fell over.

Kakashi POV

I go up to kagin "Kagin what is going on?"

"Some members of the organization are vampwolves transformed into humans. I am going to give you and other ninja's of our organization my chakra. You will know who is a vampwolf and who is not."

Back to kagin in the land of rivers

I block both of their punches and then naruto's kick. I get punched in the face and kicked in the stomach. I plant my feet on the ground and look at both of them 'They are actually a challenge.' I tell them about what is happening with the organization.

"We know kagin but enough of that." Sasuke charges at him while I make a Rasengan with wind and anti-energy added to it.

'They both have been taking my energy.' I go into dragon mode and make a mirror. Sasuke charges at it.

'It will break", an exact copy of me comes out of the mirror and punches me then kicks me.

Naruto POV

The shadow clones come out of the ground and use the uzumaki clan kekkei genkai. I have chakra chains come up out of the ground and wrap around his legs. The clone's chakra chains wrap around him "Paralysis Energy Binding Seal."

'I didn't sense them and they are using a paralysis seal and absorbing my chakra. The seal has sealed my energy and is stopping me from talking and moving."

Sasuke POV

I duck then kick the replica of myself in the stomach then teleport behind him and stab him in the back. I look to see that naruto has kagin in his sealing jutsu.

"Anti-Wind Style: Anti-Energy Wind Rasenshuriken." I throw it at kagin and it is going fast. 'He won't be able to stop it now and after he is dead I can take my mom from the village.

"Nephew it is time for you to join your family."

Kagin POV

I came back from my dimension and made an icy flame sword and cut one of naruto's clones.

One of my clones disappears and the jutsu is canceled. The kagin that came out of a portal teleports behind my other clone and kills it. My chains disappear and the jutsu explodes at the same time I get kicked in the side. A fist punches me in the face and my right leg is grabbed and I am thrown towards the trees.

Sasuke POV

I run and grab naruto then teleport away from the expanding ball, and naruto gets up. The jutsu stops expanding and is standing 26 feet tall and is wide enough to cover half the size of the hidden leaf village.

Kagin POV

I teleported away in time but my other self that was fighting naruto and Sasuke got caught in the jutsu. It looks painful, ninja's from the organization come up to me and there are 12 of them.

Gale POV

We bend on one knee and bow our heads "Lord Kagin do you need help?"

"I may need help gale so all of you stay here with me." They say yes Lord Kagin and the jutsu continues for 10 minutes then stops. My other self falls and I have the body come back into me and receive the memories.

"He is gone Sasuke." We go to the middle of the area and it has made a big hole. Kagin appears with ninjas of the same organization he is in. 'I forgot about the other kagin that came out of a portal.'

Hectoray POV

"Damn he can split himself into halves, and the one in the leaf is still there. He must have left a clone of himself in a dimension. It will take me hours to prepare to transport them here. You 10 go and help sasuke and naruto fight kagin.

Minion 2 POV

"Yes, Hectoray-sama." We all teleport to them.

Kagin POV

I give power to gale and the others. "Gale you and the others take them while I take on sasuke and naruto."

"Yes, Lord Kagin."

I activate my dragon mode.

'Damn this.' I and Sasuke summon anti-energy constructs that are vampwolves and demons. He stands there and we are on top of two big vampwolves.

I have mirrors appear underneath the constructs and burn them with the icy flames. They die, Sasuke and naruto jump off the burning constructs at me. I make dragon wings and fly up.

"Anti-Wind Style: Anti-Rasenshuriken"

"Blaze Style: Amaterasu Lightning Arrow", I made the upper half of the susanoo and form a bow after that I add anti-energy to the arrow. They combine.

Sasuke/Naruto POV

"Collaboration Jutsu: Anti-Scorching Rasenshuriken Arrow."

I hold out both hands and it is coming at me. I focus 'I can't die not here, I still have to stop my uncle.'

Sasuke POV

"He won't survive that."

"Yeah he won't, he will die like his family."

Hectoray POV

"Damn he is going to survive it. I need him to die so I can absorb his power, I will be able to take on other powerful entities." He is laughing and absorbs the whole jutsu. 'He absorbed it.'

Kagin POV

'So much energy this is not just chakra. Enrgy and chakra are the same.' I combine the energy with my infinite energy and now I have another level of energy.

Minion 2 POV

"He absorbed it impossible?" I scream as a sword is plunged throw my chest.

Gale POV

"It is possible lord kagin will win."

Naruto POV

'What no Hectoray lied.'

'This is bad.' We both charge at him and he blocks our punches and lifts up his head.

"Thanks for the extra energy." I absorb their energy and I keep on blocking their punching and kicks, the same happens vice versa.

Gara POV

'What is that chakra I feel?'


'That chakra, kagin is the only one with infinite chakra, that has to be him. Someone can actually take him on?'


'That must be kagins chakra. I really need to get him to marry me, I can imagine it now Mei Koruotto. When I met him and what he did to me when we met, it just made me want him even more.'



I am in my house with kagin and we are alone together. "You know kagin I like a man like you that is handsome and strong."

"Maybe I can show you a thing or two of what I can do." She blushes and I get behind her back and let my legs dangle beside her legs. I move her hair and reach for her zipper, "You can stop me anytime lady Mizukage."


He is slowly unzipping my dress 'I want this' I shiver from him breathing on my weak spot. He unzips the zipper and takes off my dress, I help him. 'Forget about the age gap, I want this. He has some nice abs and muscles.' I take off the rest of my clothes and he is shirtless. I am blushing and he turns me back around and presses up against my back.

He rubs my pussy and my left boob. I moan and after 2 minutes cum comes out.

"It hasn't been that long my water queen." I blow on her spot and she moans loudly.

'Oh shit this feels good I can't believe this is happening. I have never thought of this but it is better.' "Kaginn ohhhhhhhh keep going" he nibbles on the spot. I keep on cumming as he keeps going and I can't think anymore. This goes on for 50 minutes and he is not stopping, 'I have cummed so many times that I lost count. "Kagin we should stop ohhhhhhh kagin the people." He is rubbing both of my boobs and moving them up and down at the same time.

"Don't worry about them just enjoy this."

"Kaginnnnnn ohhhhhhhh yes back a little yessssss. Keep going kagin." He is still going and not stopping. An hour later he stops and goes to my nipples.

"Tell me your desires mei if you tell me I will do them."

I moan as I feel something around my pussy rubbing it. He is still rubbing my boobs and I am starting to sweat. "Anything you want to do to me kagin. This is the first time so you decide." He is kissing me on my neck and trailing down my back. He is now squeezing my boobs and jiggling them up and down.

I moan as he keeps going and I get back to cumming. I grab onto his thighs and he is back to nibbling at the weak spot on my neck. This goes on for another hour and I stop cumming, he took his pants off. "Kagin no children not yet I still want to be a Kage." I push him down on the bed and insert his dick in between my boobs. I go up and down, he moans, after 5 minutes he cums and keeps on cumming. It is all over and in between my boobs.

I keep going and he keeps cumming and this goes on for 1 hour. I stop and cum is all over my boobs and in between them, some is on my neck and stomach. He cleans us off and gets me on the floor and his eyes are different.

"We are not done yet mei."

He makes two shadow clones and they position me up and go for my boobs, the real one puts his dick in my mouth. He cums in my mouth and I swallow since I am not in control. 'Damn it this is bad he is in dragon instinct mode.' His dick goes deeper and I am moaning as the two clones are rubbing my boobs. One is rubbing my pussy with the other hand, and another one is squeezing my left butt. I can't think straight and I feel hot and sticky stuff go down my throat.

His dick is going deeper and I am crying. 'He is using his powers to keep me awake and is somehow not making this hurt.' I swallow more as he keeps cumming. This goes on for 50 minutes, after the 50 minutes he stops and so does his clone's. I swallowed 5 or more loads. The clones are dismissed and I look up at him and cum is leaking out of my mouth.

"That felt good the vibrations from your mouth just made me want to continue after the first load. I will get rid of the loads in you and the cum around you."

He does what he says and I can't think straight. He picks me up and puts me on the bed, cleans us both off and everywhere that has cum. He gets on the bed, "Kagin thank you even though I didn't want the last one you gave me a great first experience. If you need anything I will try to help if I can. He nibbles on my boobs and I moan he stops after 50 minutes.

"We will get married, I promise and you know that you will be one of my wives."

"I know but as long as it is with you and not anyone else."

flashback ends

'I swear he is doing this on purpose, once we get married I am going to have a word with him.' I get out of my thoughts and back to kage duty.

Tsunade POV

'Another kagin is somewhere fighting, I will need to figure out who would be my next successor.'

Onoki POV

'I wonder who made kagin mad.'