
The Vampwolf Icy Flame Hunter (Modern Supernatural Naruto AU)

There are monster creatures that are trying to destroy the human world, but there is one organization that stands up to them. A boy is saved by the organization, What are the creatures? What is an organization? Who is the boy? What will the organization do with him? Naruto Alternate Timeline OCkagin x Harem I do not own naruto and the characters only my OC's and the jutsu's that I made and the clan.

Speartron_Strom · Tranh châm biếm
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14 Chs

Graduation Part 1

Kagin and his classmates are 15, during the time he was in the academy; all the regular things happened in naruto except some things are different. Team 7 is Kakashi, Sharu, Naruto, and Sasuke. Sasuke left the leaf to go to Orochimaru, Naruto is training with Jiraiya, and sharu is training with Tsunade.

6 years later

Kagin POV

'I and the 600,000 students have made it.' 600,000 couldn't take it so some are either going to take the academy again or go to other areas. We are in a biome that the organization made, and the regular monster hunter academy kids are with us. There are 1 million of them 'the organization needs to dim down the number of people that are allowed into our organization. The organization does need all the manpower it can get so I guess this is durable.'

'People from the 6 continents.' (I am using a fanmade naruto map that was made by the fire-damiyno on devianart.com. It is called Naruto World: The complete map (2020). I have permission to use his map.) 'The people from the continents of Merchant, Ninja, Snow Countries, Darkness, Empire Clay and Blacksmiths.'

Announcer POV

"Everyone you are all in here to graduate and become ninjas for our organization. There are vampwolves and Demons in the biome, you will have to survive 14 days in the biome. Those who survive will graduate from the academy, and then will qualify for the exam to become a ninja in our organization. There will be food and water dropped in and some will appear at stations in the biome."

Kagin POV

He stops talking and the speakers that came out from the top go back in. I hear screams and look around to see vampwolves adults, kids, and some demons killing the academy students. I run and kill 2 demons and one vampwolf, then run into the trees. I get on top and look down, 'this is crazy I am going to do something about this once I kill my uncle.'

Sakura POV

I run and kill some vampwolves 'this is crazy most of my friends are dying.' I run into the trees and up them to find an advantage point.'

Gale POV

I use my chakra and push myself up into the trees, and get on top of them. 'Why would they do this?'

Bailey POV

I use my chakra strings to get on top of a tree. 'What the hell is wrong with them this is crazy.'

Layla POV

I get on top of a tree and look down at my classmates being killed. 'I know I am not supposed to be attached but many are dying.' I see kagin, bailey, gale, and sakura, I wave over to them and they all come over. "Let's work together, strength in numbers?"

Kagin POV

"Yeah, it is better to be in a group than alone. We can watch each other's back in case one of us gets attacked." The others agree "we will have to move eventually; I suggest we go find a cave."

Sakura POV

"We need to go now vampwolves are climbing up the trees, and some trees are getting cut down." I see a friend of mine gets a long red spike through the stomach. She gets pulled down and we all travel east since there is barely any screaming. "Everyone, either there are few vampwolves and demons or they finished off all or most of the students."

Gale POV

We travel and decide to jump down since the trees are getting cut down. 4 vampwolves are coming at us from the left and 4 demons from the right.

Kagin POV

"Gale, sakura, bailey we stick together and don't go too far from each other. If we do get split up then bailey you are with me, and sakura you are with Gale. Layla go with sakura and gale, me and bailey got them; If you three finish before us come over and help." They say yes and once they get close I charge at the demons while bailey provides mid-range support.

Layla POV

Sakura goes for them while gale goes with her and I fly up using my wind chakra. I go at them from the air.

Sattori POV

"HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA this is too good. I wish I was there myself, they are not that smart. Except for those 5, Layla you better win I trained you, don't die. Kagin has improved a lot but he lacks experience, if a celestial being wanted to fight him he would lose."

"Wait it can't be."

Kagin POV

I activate my dojutsu and run back to bailey, then stop in the middle and bailey sends her chakra strings at them. They block some of them and I go charge at one; I duck under one and summon my sword. I cut its arm off then jump up and block another arm, after that, front flip over the demon. I stick my sword into the back of the demon and it falls forward.

Bailey joins me and now we are back to back. The rest of the demons have surrounded us.

Bailey POV

I send my chakra strings into the earth and sense something from my chakra strings. "Kagin jump", we both jump up and see demon arms coming out of the ground at us. One of my chakra strings comes up out of the ground behind one, "teleporting chakra strings." 'It worked my new jutsu' I am behind one. Once my chakra strings are in the demon, I use my jutsu "Dissolving chakra strings."

The demon is screaming and falls sideways. One demon is going to sakura, gale, and Layla, while one vampwolf is coming for us. 'They can't be working together.'

Kagin POV

I add icy flames to my sword and cut the arm then launch ice spikes at it. They go into the demon and I slash its legs, then jump to bailey and say "explode." It exploded and is not moving. I see the last demon going to help the vampwolves while two vampwolves are coming over to us. I get bailey out of her trance "Scattered Windy Ice." Bailey fires a lightning jutsu.

Kagin/Bailey POV

"Collaboration art: Exploding Tracking Ice", the vampwolves get hit by the ice and keep on coming at us. They explode 5 seconds later and we pull out a kunais and strike each one to make sure they are dead. We see that the others are done so we join up with them.

Sattori POV

"You have to be kidding me what the hell I thought they would lose. The vampwolves and demons have been enhanced by their organization, damn this and Layla almost lost. I am going to up her training once she gets back. There is still a chance he will lose and die then I can extract the dragon from him."

20 minutes later

Kagin POV

We are in a cave and can still hear the screaming of our classmates. "Are you all ok?"

Sakura POV

"No, what is this? Our classmates are dying just to graduate from the monster hunters academies."

Gale POV

"This is messed up they could have us fighting each other until one gives up, instead we have to survive for 14 days and most of our class won't make it. What the fuck man?" I sit down on the ground and so do the others.

Kagin POV

"They probably only want the strong ones, that is probably why they are doing this or it is to make sure the organization, has ninja that can survive missions and fighting against a lot of monsters. 'I have something to increase my chances of getting them on my side, and the rest of the surviving graduates and probably some others in the organization.' We come up with a plan and none of us can get any sleep with the screaming that is going on and the monster screams happening.

Over in the leaf.

Hinata POV

'I wonder how kagin is doing, he graduates today?'

Back to kagin and the others

Kagin POV

It is night time and the screaming has stopped. Sakura and I are watching the cave while Layla is sleeping, bailey and gale went out to find survivors and food. "Sakura I know now is not a good time, but your hair is beautiful. I mean it sakura it doesn't matter what no one says." She kissed me on the cheek.

Sakura POV

"Kagin thank you and remember this."

Kagin POV

She tells me and smirks 'find then she wants to play that, two can play at that game. Layla is still asleep, bailey and gale are not back yet and I can slow time. I shouldn't for long since my uncle's other half will know.' I pull her to me and reach up to her shirt.

Sakura POV

'Shit that feels good.' "Kagin right nowwwwww" he is rubbing my boobs and it feels good? He continues for 5 minutes and whispers into my ear; I blush 'stop him sakura.' I let him continue and he sits me on his lap; starts to reach down with one hand to my pussy. 'Sakura stop him now ohhhh shit it feels good.' I moan a little and he rubs a spot on my pussy, I grab the rock he is sitting on and squeeze it.

He turns me around and takes off my uniform and I blush redder. He goes back to rubbing my pussy and is now nibbling on my right boob. I squeeze the rock and whisper "kagin can't this wait what if", he puts a finger with his free hand up to my mouth and I stay quiet. He lifts his face and his eyes are dark red and light blue. He has fangs 'oh no dragon instinct he already marked me but this is worst.'

Kagin POV

I whisper "Don't resist and sakura enjoy this." I pull my finger away and get back to what I was doing. I use my free hand to caress her left boob. She lets out silent moans.

Sakura POV

'Shit yes this feels so good' I lift his head and kiss him, he continues to rub my left boob and is now rubbing my right boob. He wins the fight in our mouth and feels around in there with his tongue. He pulls out and is planting kisses on my boobs, and I am grabbing onto his back not hard since I could hurt him. He turns me around and finds a spot on my pussy, and focuses on that spot while rubbing my left boob. He is also planting kisses on my back.

'Oh my this is amazing' I cum and keep on cumming as he keeps going. I moan and Layla hasn't woken up. 5 minutes later and he still won't stop.

Kagin POV

"I wasn't going to wait whether we were on a mission or not." 10 minutes later I stop and use a seal to clean us both; sakura is laying against me and kisses me one more time. 5 minutes later, she gets up and I squeeze her butt one good time, and she blushes then puts on her uniform. I smile and whisper "so how was that my cherry blossom?"

Sakura POV

"G-good k-kagin." His face returns to normal and I tell him what his face looked like during our session.

Kagin POV

'Huh so that is what will happen from now on I assume' "after, graduation we can go for round two." She blushes and stays quiet "so that is a yes." I release time and the others are moving and Layla is waking up. Gale and bailey bring back fish, water, and some of our classmates. The cave is big enough for all of us and now the total is 25 of us. Sakura stopped blushing before they came back and the survivors have food and water.

Layla, gale, bailey, sakura, and I stay up to keep an eye out for anyone else and let the others get some sleep. Sakura goes to heal the survivors that are hurt.

Next day

Kagin POV

I open my eyes and yawn. I see most are awake and I get up to eat some food and drink water. Gale and some others come up to me.

Gale POV

"Kagin if it is alright with you we all would like you to lead us."

Kagin POV

"Yes, I will. We need to go out and search for more food, drinks, and other survivors. We will also need to kill some of the demons and vampwolves that are getting close to this area. I need volunteers that will go out with me to search for survivors." Gale, sakura, and 12 of my other classmate's volunteer. "The rest of you wait here until we get back with more survivors; so there will be more people guarding our base and more people in the teams."

They all say yes and I make sure that there are people who can use medical jutsu. three others so a total of 4. We head out and along the way kill demons and vampwolves. I hear screaming voices, "Everyone over there."

Rachel POV

I and the other 40 are fighting but some of us got separated. I am healing myself and two vampwolves are getting closer to me. 'This is how it ends' I close my eyes and wait for them to sink their teeth in me. It doesn't come and I hear someone calling me, and look up to see a boy in my uniform and others have arrived to help.

Kagin POV

"My name is Kagin Koruotto, will you help in this and afterward to heal the injured." I hold out my hand and she takes it and we get up. We both charge right into battle, I jump up then bring my sword downwards on a vampwolf and slash it down the chest. I activate my dojutsu and jump up then twist my body mid-air and cut two vampwolves heads off.

Sakura POV

I killed 4 so far and I turn my head to the right and see one coming for me. 'I won't be able to defend myself in time.' The vampwolf got its head slashed off by a grey blur, and I look around to see that the grey blur is going around killing them. I look up ahead to see that kagin is breathing heavily with a bloody sword and a vampwolf head. 'He is that fast and it is his dojutsu.'

Bailey POV

I am guarding the cave with 4 others and I see kagin with a lot of our classmates. They have food, water, and blood all over them. They come into the cave and I stay on guard with the other 4.

Layla POV

"Kagin what happened." They all tell us what happened. They sit the injured down I, sakura, and the other medic academy students heal the injured. Kagin and some others are giving out food and water since most of us haven't eaten or had a drink yet. 20 minutes later everyone injured has been healed.

"Kagin thanks for replenishing our chakra reserves."

Kagin POV

I smile "You're welcome Layla." Some of the others thank me and I say your welcome. 'We have enough room to house more people. The cave tunnels are empty and there is still enough room for hundreds of people. I get others to join the search group totaling 28, and the kill group totaling 20. There is a total of 20 medics. I go outside with 10 people so that I won't be killed. 'Sattori I am aware you are watching.'

Sattori POV

"Damn it I don't pay attention for 5 years and he gets this strong and fast. He is not using his true speed I know that, if he was he would be faster. I have made a grave mistake, I should have killed him when he was a kid and taken the dragon from him. He will be on par with me, he has shard manipulation, ice manipulation, he is stronger, faster, and has more stamina than the average human. He has more energy than I do just from sensing his energy."

"He is on par with me, but less experience. If he keeps fighting then he will gain experience. That is it I will just let him do to me what he did to that sakura girl, and once his guard is down I will take it from him. I will become more powerful" I look at the mirror and see kagin smirk and mouth hey sattori.

"Impossible there is no way" I glare at him. He mouths yes, and then I have the mirror go away. "Does that mean he got powers from merging with the dragon? Wait did he merge with the dragon? I sensed none of the dragon in him and Layla said he hadn't gotten any powers, and that the dragon is still in him." I fall out of my seat and catch myself. "Kagin probably merged with the dragon during my 5-year sleep, and if he did then that means trouble for me." I have the mirror appear and see that kagin is in a cave eating.

Everyone is frozen around him and he looks at me.

Kagin POV

"I found out from your assistant by going into her head. You wanted the dragon but I already merged with him. I got more powers than you think" I walk to the mirror and step through it. She is about to charge at me but I stop her. "Nice body and dang big boobs. I am going to have fun with you sattori, and I can go on for as long as I want."

Sattori POV

I gulp and take off my clothes. 'He can control celestial beings.' He makes a physical copy of himself and sends it back through the mirror and has the mirrr go away.