
The Vampwolf Icy Flame Hunter (Modern Supernatural Naruto AU)

There are monster creatures that are trying to destroy the human world, but there is one organization that stands up to them. A boy is saved by the organization, What are the creatures? What is an organization? Who is the boy? What will the organization do with him? Naruto Alternate Timeline OCkagin x Harem I do not own naruto and the characters only my OC's and the jutsu's that I made and the clan.

Speartron_Strom · Tranh châm biếm
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14 Chs

End of Graduation and plans for the future

2 hours later

I am back in the room with all the vampwolves hanging up on the wall. "Sakura how did it go?"

"The device was removed successfully and there are recordings on it. It is the council telling them about us and to find us. On your orders, we removed the other devices from the other two.'

"Good, sakura I want you to fight but not in the frontlines just yet. You will be the head medical ninja for this."

"Yes, kagin." I go out of the room and change into my uniform.

50 minutes later

Kagin POV

I am on the frontlines facing west with a unit, gale is leading another. Bailey is leading our long-distance unit. Mick is leading the scouting unit. Sakura is leading the medical unit. 'So trying to separate us then attack from our weak spots. The council should have been smarter.'

Gale POV

Hours of waiting and they are here, we have the advantage. That jutsu bailey learned from her sensei is useful. The devices that were taken out of the prisoners are the most helpful. My unit is in the trees on the northwest side waiting for 10,000 survivors that we contacted, they are supposed to be coming in our direction. The current vampwolves and demons have been reinforced but we have kagins constructs.

Bailey POV

I am leading the long-distance unit but I have split them into three groups. Using my wind jutsu I sense them getting closer "EVERYONE THEY GETTING CLOSER."

I see them coming and we attack. I slash at them with my sword killing 4 vampwolves and 2 demons. I have shards made out of the earth come up and send them into a group killing 10 monsters. This keeps going on with my unit fighting.

We drop down from the trees and I add wind chakra to my double swords then cut two vampwolves head off. I use my wind chakra to propel myself forward killing 6 monsters that were about to kill some of our classmates.

7 hours later

"We did it." Everyone cheers shouting my name.

Nate POV

"They won what does this mean for us?"

"We will either be killed or they will perform more test procedures." 'They have been keeping us fed which is good and giving us water. I hope my child is ok.'

8 hours later

Gale POV

"Kagin the bodies of the fallen have been sealed up. The monster's bodies have been burned. There are still some alive."

"Good, have them taken to the prison." He says yes and then takes them to the prison with help from some students. I take 4 out of 10 of my bodyguards and go to prison.

Nate POV

I see that some people are coming in and have 10 more vampwolves, they chain them to the wall. They make sure the restraints are on good and leave. I see my girlfriend.

Nate's Girlfriend POV

"Nate what have they done to you?" They tell us what humans have done to them. 'Test procedures, they took out the devices but had to do different things on them before the devices were finally taken out. These cuffs stop us from transforming and after they are off; it takes 2 days for our transformation to get back to normal.' I see a boy with black hair and blue eyes come in with a pink-haired teen that I saw on the battlefield.

He points at 5 of my friends and people kill them. He orders the medics to heal us up then take out the devices. They come at me and take off the cuffs then drag me and the others, who just got here away. "No stop, please let me go. Nate help me."

"Leave her alone NO" I scream from the pain that I feel in my chest and they take them away. I glare at kagin.

"Once the devices are pulled out and they are back here, I let you all talk for an hour then I will come back." I leave

I am crying they have strapped me down even my tail. I see tools and people putting on gloves. "Wait before you do it will it hurt?"

"Yes, we need you awake for it and it will be painful. Hand me that."

She is going for the left leg.

5 hours later

I blink and slowly open my eyes. My 5 friends are back with me and my left leg, chest, right arm, and stomach hurts. I see Nate "Nate."

"Are you ok?"

"No, I still feel pain it was worse than getting the devices in us. We were asleep but we had to be awake during this."

"Listen we have 45 minutes left before kagin comes back in here. I don't know what he will do. Don't try to disrespect him or anything like that, he can do things that are not normal. The constructs he made and the shards."

"That was him?" 'He also can control gravity, is fast, strong, and has other abilities.' "Ok he has other powers, but right now let's catch up. If this is our last day together I love you."

"I love you too."

In a hole in the cave

"Bailey, Mick, Gale, Layla, sakura should we keep the vampwolves locked up then give them back to the organization, or Should we kill them?"

"Give them to the organization."


"Kill them they would consume extra food and water."

"Either one is fine with me."

"Leave Nate, Melina, and Nate's girlfriend alive. Kill the rest."

'Mick and bailey want to give them to the organization. Gale wants them dead and Layla doesn't care.' "Sakura why do you want those three alive?"

time skip to when kagin, sakura, and 10 people go with kagin to where the vampwolves are being held.

Melina POV

"They are coming."

I go into the room with 5 comrades "Kill him and them." They kill them and take the bodies away.

Nate's girlfriend POV

"No, you evil boy, why? Your parents are ahhhhhhh." He has me against the wall putting pressure on a wound. He stops and goes back to his position. I look at him.

Kagin POV

"Don't talk about my parents and you are lucky I am letting you live. Now sakura I leave them to you and you have my permission to try whatever method you want."

in kagins dimension

Kagin POV

"Sattori how old are you?"

"100 BILLION YEARS." He is using energy to hold me from moving around a lot. He is having energy all over my pussy and rubbing the spots. 'I can't ohhhh this feels so good.' He is naked and nibbling on the mark, I am moaning loudly and cumming a lot. I buck my hips and kagin is now nibbling on my right nipple and is massaging my left boob.

"Kagin continue don't stop I am all yours ohhhhhh."

"I will Sattori." This continues for 1 hour then I do the same thing with my clones and that goes on for 2 hours. I have them turn into smoke and I put my dick in her mouth. She is moving her tongue around my dick and I am moaning. I cum inside her mouth and keep ongoing.

I am moaning and kagin is cumming from the vibrations my mouth is producing. I swallow since he said to and he goes deeper, 'What that is too deep' he is cumming and stops after 5 minutes. I swallowed what I can and I was about to spit the rest out but kagin is keeping my mouth closed.

"Swallow it Sattori."

I do what he says and swallow it in three gulps. He releases my mouth and I breathe in air and he stops the energy then cleans us, the bed, and the floor off. He uses energy to put me on the bed "kagin can you not do that again?"

"I don't know if I can control myself when you do the vibrations and licking my dick. You also seem to enjoy this. Let me try something new." I have the energy go inside her pussy and find all the spots and rub them. She is screaming/moaning and bucking her hips, and grabbing onto the bed. I get on top of her and rub the spots on her boobs.

"KAGIN STOP IT OHHHHHHHH KAGINNNNNN IT IS TOO MUCH AGHHHHHH." I am moving around a lot and kagin keeps ongoing and is not stopping the energy. This goes on for 2 hours with me cumming a lot. He stops and gets off of me and stops the energy. I pass out again.

Kagin POV

I clean her and the bed "That was fun to watch next time it will be longer."

Back to the Shinobi World Monster Hunter Organization dimension

Sakura POV

'I hate doing this but it has to be done. We have to be prepared in case something like that happens again." 'We have medical technology thanks to kagin. I am starting to think he is a god with what he can do. I also have to do this for kagins plan, if this works then we will have an advantage over the council.'

This test goes on for 5 more minutes then we stop and she passes out. I have Rachel heal her while I and some others do tests on her blood. The test lasts 1 hour and my theory was right. 'This is it, am I crazy? What happened to the good me.'

9 days later

The council sent more monsters but we defeated them and rescued more of our classmates. We occupied the east, north, and some of the west. There are 20,040 of us prodigies left and 70,378 regular graduates. We are in another area of the dimension that fits all of us, the council, and ninja's of our organization is here. I decided to have all the vampwolves in the cave killed after sakura finished finding out new methods of surgery.

Crowds POV

"There are that many left? What happened that has them looking like that? The graduation must have been dangerous."

They keep on trying to figure out what happened and some say that it probably wasn't that difficult. 'Idiots don't know what happened in the forest. We should just throw them in to see how they fare. They probably couldn't lead as I did.'


I stand up, "Everyone the council has decided that instead of a second exam, we will have the two classes become ninja's of our organization without having to do a second exam."

8 hours later

'I have everyone in my class and the other class on my side for my plan.' All of us took a shower and put on new uniforms. While we were in the academy the organization has merged the hidden villages into it. I am going through a portal.

2 days later

Tanya-sensei told me that my family and the rest of my clan members were killed. I told her what we had to do for graduation and she is pissed. The organization told her and the other sensei's that we were to fight to the death, even that pissed her off. I told her about everything that happened in the biome and Hinata too. I told them both about Sattori since now I am in the Shinobi World Clan Restoration Act.

Hinata POV

"Kagin I am sorry about your family. I am here for you kagin, if you need anything tell me." He kisses me and says thank you. I smile "You're welcome kagin."

Sattori POV

"I am also here for you so don't hold any secrets." He kisses me and I kiss back.

"I won't but some that will have to do with the organization does have to be kept a secret."

Hinata POV

"Ok, kagin. Kagin do you plan on stopping at 10 for your harem?"

"No, I don't I have a feeling that a lot of people won't trust me with these powers. There may be people that want to offer their daughters to me in marriage."

"Kagin I thought that the harem required 4?"

"No, Sattori that is for the regular CRA act. I have to marry 10 for the SWCRA act which is an act, where the 5 great shinobi nations can put a person under this act if they are too powerful. The person under this act will have to marry 10 or more people by the time they are 20. It will have to be 10 or more from around the shinobi world. The second part is their children will have to marry 10 or more by the time they are 18. If one of their descendants is a girl or woman then they can marry someone who is in the CRA act or the SWCRA act."

"The girl or woman won't have to marry 10 men or boys; that is if they marry someone in the CRA act or the SWCRA act. The rule was made when the first shinobi nations formed."

"As long as you don't forget about me I am ok with it."

Kagin POV

"I won't forget about any of you." 'Now I am the only one left besides my uncle.'

Hinata POV

"Kagin you have chosen some others right?" He says yes "Who?" I rub his abs.

'Damn their hands are soft and warm.' "Ino Yamanaka, Sharu Senju, three of my classmate's bailey, Layla, and sakura. These were forced because I didn't want to do this to them. Tsunade Senju, Kushina Uzumaki, Hana Inuzuka, Emily Uchiha the Uchiha princess, Tanya-sensei, and another one that I don't know from the cloud. Her name is Samui."

"That is a lot and you have a total of 12. Kagin can you visit kushina and cheer her up?"

"I will Hinata."

Sattori POV

'What a weird planet.'


"Dad are you serious? I don't even know him that well."

Sharu POV

"Grandma Tsunade you are serious? She says yes, "I don't know him we never talked, and what if he hurts me?"

"If he does I will try to stop him. Sharu I am also going to have to marry him."

Kushina POV

I am in my house by myself, "Minato is dead, naruto left and hasn't been found. I am behind on bills to pay. Minato why did you have to leave me." I am on the couch, I hear a knock at the door.

Kagin POV

I open the door and take my sandals off then close it. I follow kushinas voice and go to the living room to see that she has papers all over the table. I go and sit down beside her.

"Hey, kagin do you need something?"

"I just came to see if you are ok?"

"No, my son left and Minato is dead leaving me alone. I am behind on the bills and everything is just, nevermind."

She jumps on me and kisses me. I kiss back.

'I needed this.' I stop after a minute and all of my clothes disappear. Kagin eyes are different and his teeth have fangs. He pushes me down on the couch and I am scared. 'What is happening to him and damn I didn't want to move this fast just yet.' He puts me on the floor and bites on my neck and I scream.

He stops after a while and tells me what he did. He starts to rub my pussy and I moan. 'Minato never did this.'

"Tell me you want more, tell me what else you want me to do."

'I can't do this, it needs to stop I am betraying my dead husband.' I go to stop him but he slaps my hand away and some type of invisible force is holding me back. I moan loudly as he is now rubbing my pussy and left nipple.

"There is no stopping me kushina, now tell me what you want me to do."

"Ohhhhhhhh kagin." 'The mark is slowly taking control, damn it, I can't let it happen. This is how he got Hinata to not care about naruto anymore and to make her loyal to him.' I buck my hips as he is rubbing my pussy ferociously and I am still moaning loudly. 'Resist kushina you can't give in. If I give in then who knows what he would do. I can't do anything against him and we are going to be married when he turns 16 so there is nothing I can really do.'

I nibble on her left boob and rub the right. I have energy rub all over her pussy and she is a moaning mess.

I can hear the mark talking to me and trying to influence me. 'No, I am almost under its control, I have to admit it feels good. Minato never did this, but I can't give in.' I am cumming and continue to moan. 'I have to tell the others about the mark but I don't think I will be able to.'

In kushina's mindscape

Kagin POV

"Kushina if you fight me you will lose." The fourth Hokage appears beside her.

"Minato help me in this fight," I scream as I get pulled away and locked in a cage. Chains are holding me down and Minato goes to fight him.

I throw my kunai at him. He breaks the kunai with his hands and I run at him. I slash at him with my kunai and he is dodging every time. I throw punches and kicks but he is blocking them. I get hit in the stomach and go flying back and go rolling across the ground. I get up and run to him but I fall. 'My legs are disappearing and I look at kagin.

"It looks like your time is almost over." I get rid of the cage and pull kushina over to me. I have the chains release her and I am now in control of her not fully. I take off her clothes and face her to the 4th Hokage. I use my right hand to rub her right boob and my left to rub her pussy. She moans "ell Hokage you tried but I will have full control soon." He fades away and I continue to accelerate the process.

Back to the real world

"Kagin thank you for this I feel better now, but keep on going kagin touch me anywhere and any way you like."

"I will kushina' 'The mark is helpful and my plans are coming together nicely. I need more women and the council has been helpful with that.'