
The Vampire Diaries - Gilbert's Reckoning

A young man who sought to see all the world had to offer graced with a penchant for killing has died. A young man who could not handle the death of his parents and sought to ease his pain with drugs has died. And now, there is a new Jeremy Gilbert, and he has only one goal in his mind and that is to do as he has always done. Be the best. For many additional chapters and to get caught up on all of my other stories long before they appear anywhere else, follow on patreon.com/TheGreatestHunter .

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52 Chs

Tired of coming up with names for these chapters

It was with a stuffed chicken, sauced to perfection and plates balanced on his hand, that Jeremy made his way around the dinner table, setting up the clearly underused dining accoutrements that would make it so the family of two plus him could enjoy a rare, exquisite homecooked meal.

He knew just based on the limited range of the ingredients available and their nearing expiration dates that food was mostly on a take-out only basis, which is the only reason he allowed himself to use the less than fresh vegetables that were available, because while still good, he knew that a lot of the flavor had already faded. Though, with the spices he paired with the ingredients, he was sure it would not only bring out the flavor, but also make it so that even the staunchest foodie wouldn't be able to guess the ingredients weren't freshly picked.

The true mark of a chef.

It was only when he finished setting the table that he heard the shower in Carol's room turn off, which was followed by the sound of the curtain being pushed open.

'Perfect timing.'

He checked the set up one final time, before turning the heat from his finished food off completely from the low he had it on, because he would now let it sit, while he went to wake up the sleeping beauty.

Though, when he entered her room, he saw that she not only was awake, but also clearly a little disheartened by his lack of presence, if the downcast expression on her face and the hand she had pressing against where he once laid was any indication.

He stopped at the door and leaned against. Opting to approach her with a nonchalance that he had perfected early on in his life.

'It wouldn't do to coddle her too much.....though, not coddling her at all just makes me feel a little dick-ish. *Sigh* I can only hope she doesn't venture into the land of bratty if I decide to spoil her pretty ass a little.'

"Did you miss me?"

Her head whipped in his direction and immediately he saw her go from melancholic to ecstatic in the span of one blink. "You're still here?" She asked, and he could see the clear relief in her eyes and the abandonment issues on full display. Not that he minded really. It's not like he was going anywhere anytime soon, and even when he did, by that point he should have made not only her, but all his people into beings capable of following where ever he leads, so it really shouldn't matter. After all, he may no longer need to become an upgraded whatever whatever, but that didn't mean other didn't.

He walked into the room and came over to where she was sitting up on the bed, before scooping her up, and also laughing at her wide eyes that quickly turned even more excited the longer he carried her. "You expected me to leave? You know what, don't answer that, it doesn't matter. What matters is that I'm here, right?" He asked, though it sounded more like a statement, especially since he moved on right after, without giving her a chance to answer, as he removed the big shirt, which was the only thing she was wearing and proceeded to place her in the shower.

"Dinner is already ready and now we're just waiting on you, so unless you want me to wash you myself to get your cute ass moving, you have five minutes to be dripping with good looks and finished with your shower." He spoke as he backed away, raising an eyebrow as he gave his suggestion on him washing her, since he knew exactly where it would lead, which is why he was backing away the entire time he was saying it, and then closing the door as soon as he finished speaking.

He smiled at the laugh he heard from the other side of the door as he made his way back into the kitchen. Elizabeth still in her room, no doubt doing whatever she does to cool down at the end of the day, as she dressed for the night before she ate.

However, while they fixed themselves up or rather just got dressed, he went about bringing the meal he prepared to the table and sitting it in a place that was within reach for all of them, and then upon realizing he had no idea if they had anything to drink, he went to take a look. Only to come out disappointed by the selection.

'Let's see here, I can choose from water aaaand water. So, I guess I'll go with water.' And with that thought, he proceeded to fill three glasses with water and set them beside the empty plates, as he took his seat at the head of the table, because why not?

It wasn't long before he was joined by Elizabeth, freshly showered and looking refreshed. For a second he considered taking a deep inhale to see if he caught any interesting scents, but then decided against it, knowing it would do him no favors to have the knowledge of whether or not the milf got herself off since they last spoke.

He leaned back and propped one foot on the wooden connector under the chair that connected the legs of the seat, as he glanced down and realized he was still shirtless.

'Not exactly appropriate dinner ware, but it feels kind of appropriate all things considered. Besides, being a sex symbol at odd times is just another part of me.' One side of his lips quirked into a partial smile as he imperceptibly nodded his head to the song that just popped up in it, as he saw Elizabeth look at him oddly and take one of the offered seats on either side of the rectangular table.

"You made this?" She asked, as she pointed to the juicy, saucy looking stuffed chicken. One brow raised and a disbelieving good-natured smile on her face. "Who taught you to cook?" She finished, though he could see she regretted the question as soon as it was asked. No doubt in her mind believing that it had to one of his parents who taught him the way of the kitchen, when really, he just watched, read, and practiced all by his lonesome.

'Though who the hell would believe that.'

Despite that thought though, "I taught myself," was still the answer he gave, earning himself a look of absolute surprise, followed by a genuine smile of delight that held no small amount of relief.

"Well, you certainly learned well. This looks delicious."

"And it smells amazing!" An excited, high pitched energetic voice chirped up as soon as Elizabeth finished speaking, followed by a speed skipping blond appearing at the table.

'Vampire speed? No, that was simply the power of the pep. Perhaps there's more to being a cheerleader than I originally believed.'

"So, do you. A freshly showered Caroline might smell even more delicious than the sweaty version I encountered earlier." He told her with a sly and seductive smile, as he let his comment float into the ears of both the mother and daughter, knowing that neither of their minds would go to where he was actually thinking, so he decided to help them out a little as he turned in Elizabeth's direction and continued speaking. "During her run through town." He added, sending a wink to one and then  the other so naturally that it seemed like something he had done as easily as blinking.

It took them both a moment to get out of their heads, and also stop looking at each other and at him, no doubt having trouble navigating the amusing awkwardness in which he reveled. The both of them showing signs of embarrassment and trying to pretend that the other doesn't know that he and Caroline clearly had sex, and that both of them thought that is what he was referencing.

Though, while they looked embarrassed and awkward, he looked to be in too good of a mood, as he began to cut and serve the food. First to Caroline, because she put in a lot of effort, and then to Elizabeth, because she gave birth to her, and then to himself, because he's the real winner here.

Then, he just waited. Casually putting food into his mouth, chewing, and swallowing, until both of them did the same. Only, instead of mirroring his casualness, the only result they obtained was exploded clothes and euphoric expressions.

'The true mark of a chef.' He thought with a satisfied expression, as he ate his meal.

'Wait! This ain't that universe.' And then with that thought, he snapped back to reality and took in their fully clothed bodies and their euphoric expressions. 'That's better.'

Once dinner was done, and both women looked like they ate more than ever had or ever meant to, Jeremy knew it was time for him to head out.

'With Caroline's personality, it would be wrong of me to take away the opportunity to clea...you know what, I just don't want to clean up. Fuck it, I admit it!' He declared in his mind, as he made his way to the door, a serious expression on his face as he turned his back on the dirty dishes left behind. Knowing in his heart that he did the right.

Caroline walked him to the door, her earlier excitement already faded at the knowledge of him once more making his way down the road of life and going where the wind takes him...which is obviously like a 10 minute walk to his house. However, sexually satisfied women can be like that sometimes. Though, he knew the real reason she was a little less than her usual clear smiles full hearts self was because there was still the possibility that this was just a one a done sex romp from his perspective.

That was why, as he reached the door and opened it, he quickly turned, pulled her against him by her waist, and stifled her yelp by crashing his soft masculine lips against her soft feminine one's, in a sensual steady kiss that spoke of security and belonging.

As he pulled back, it was to be met by her face that still sported closed eyes and pursed lips, making him laugh, which proved to be contagious because she followed right after.

"I took your virginity, Caroline, and at the same time I gave you mine, and while I didn't expect you to be a virgin, I still decided I wanted you to be my first." He gave her a soft, quick peck. "I chose you to be my first." And then another. "Because you Caroline Forbes are the most impressive woman I know, with your drive, determination, and desire for love, and nothing in the world could make me feel more honored than knowing that you saw me worthy of getting between your legs." And then one more kiss, before straightening from his leaning position and moving his face away from hers. His signature smirk on full display, though it was his eyes that he let speak of his gratitude. "Thank you for choosing me, Caroline."

Then, he placed one finger on her forehead, and pushed her dazed face backwards, which was inevitably followed by her body, allowing him to close the door after his exit.

'That should keep her around for a while, and with no talk about defining relationships. You go Jeremy! *Slap hands*'

It was with that mental high-five that he made his way down the street, the wind flowing through his hair, as he realized he was so intent on getting away from dirty dishes and making a dope exit, that he forgot he was only wearing too tight sweatpants. Luckily though, his phone was always in the pocket of whatever he was wearing, so it a-okay.

(In the void)

"But why didn't he get dressed though, and why does he appear so self-satisfied, no accomplished, while running down the street nearly naked? He is still so very mysterious." Spoke a narrow-eyed Emily as she scrutinized what she was seeing, not allowing her mind to come to the logical conclusion that sometimes Jeremy really just didn't have a plan in motion. 

The fact that he was making his way across the roof and clearly getting ready to break into his bedroom window should have been a clear indication, but sometimes, people overthink and others are allowed to keep  their carefully cultivated enigmatic image because of it.

If Jeremy were aware of her intention to see through his behavior though, he would just agree with her by saying "just watch me" and he would be absolutely correct in his belief that others will supply their own reasoning to justify his actions to make them as badass as possible. Thus is the result of setting up a solid foundation for how one wants to be perceived, and why he is so careful when making an impression and choosing moments.

After all, only Jeremy knows what Jeremy knows.