
In her dreams

I could hear footsteps or was it my imagination. No he was here again "ahhh" I tried to scream but the sounds weren't coming out. I panicked for an unknown reason "don't come close" I whispered talking more to my self. Slowly the door opened and I could see him the golden eyed stranger "we meet again" he said and my eyes shot opened immediately

It was another nightmare I thoughted feeling safe. "Why was he always in my dreams" I seem to be asking myself.

I got up and headed straight to d bath tub I needed a shower after that encounter. I took my bath got dressed and went down for breakfast.

"Good morning mum, gud morning dad" I greeted my parents. "Sis Livy".... "I missed u" said Trina my four year old cousin who just arrived. "I missed u too Trina" I said lifting her in my hands. We took our breakfast and I headed for work.

I would be posting fabulous books see u guys soonHave some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Orumr_Oghenemarocreators' thoughts