
The Vampire's Lord Mate is Reincarnated! BL/Yaoi

What were you to do if, one day, you are not only invited to work in a new find supernatural city to investigate paranormal crimes, but gets hit on by the velvet wearing Vampire Lord of the city every chance he gets?! I was happy of finding good use for my knowledge over the supernatural beyond my books and blogs, and if there is a place a shy nerd for mystical creatures like myself can fit in, that would be one of the Foggy Cities that popped into existence all around the world, especially the gothic full of vampire one, the New Stormhold. Only that… it seems that my own past hold secrets from me, and that perhaps that smirking overconfident Vampire Lord has more to do with it than someone I should not have never known has. The only problem is, am I willing to pay the price for finding out? Because it may have been already too late the moment I stepped inside this city. And met his crimson hungry eyes. ~~~~~ ML:*cups MC shin, getting real close to whisper* You smell really nice… Let me have a taste mon chéri … MC: O-oh yeah? T-thank you b-but I- ML: I may as well have you for dinner instead… MC: *blushs, panic alert, alert!* Voice 1 : Oi, wait right there, I want him too! Voice 2 : No no, I saw him first! MC: …. ML: As if you all could have a taste of what is mine, scram! ~~~~Warning~~~~ Mature content, including gore, explicit smut, swearing, relationship between men. BTW is 1v1 relationship, not a harem, the others are only very… enthusiastic about it hehe.

VCris · LGBT+
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60 Chs

Chapter 8

POV: ???

Is him.

It is definitely him.

Oh boy is him alright.

I cannot take my eyes away from his petite figure, especially when those smooth looking legs of his are exposed for all to see, not when his shivering figure makes my heart beat faster and my fangs to extend on their own.

Trying to calm down I make the mistake of taking a deep breath, only for my nostrils to flare up as they are filled with his warm sweet smell which cares a whiff of his excitement too that makes my inner beast crawl and scream.

Then I close the door before I can do anything I'll regret later.

And yet I still manage to sound somewhat calm when I talk behind the door, his image burning inside my brain and appearing behind my eyelids, my brain going wired as the words come out:

"Sorry for coming without knocking, please take your time and dress up."

Then I turn around and, with red burning eyes, cover my mouth with my hands and dash away from him before his smell can overtake my senses, which only makes my inner turmoil bigger as I'm torn from wanting to protect him from wanting to ravish him here and there.

For I had found it, finally found him….

My mate, my true blood mate, after so long… I've been waiting for long… and he is here now, with me, and I don't want to screw things up just because I when too hard on him… my mate.

That fills me with a warm sensation inside, it had been smart to set the testing gargoyles like that, it would have taken months before I met him otherwise, even if under the same clouded skies.

Though someone went a little overboard with their testing… and as much that fills me with rage, the fact that he is being punished already and that my mate is near manage to smooth things a little, though my own possessiveness grows by the mere thought of having him hurt at all.

In the end I do what I want the less and get away from him before I do anything stupid, locking myself back into my room and simply standing there, my gaze petrified and yet what I saw was not the red carpet in front of me, but a petite boy who has already turned my world upside down before I even knew his name.

"Ah… this won't work out… shit." I did everything I could not to scare him away, and yet here I'm, five seconds in and I'm already running out of control.

Though those pajamas, that little short and that blushed face were a low blow to my sanity, right off the bat… and I don't know if a should punish or praise the one who chose those….

I shake my head, the grip that my hand has over my mouth grows stronger, as if I was afraid of showing the complete excitement the mere memory of his figure gave me, extending my fangs and making my gaze glow in the dark.

Oh no, maybe I had been too hasty about it? Perhaps I should have waited a little longer, let him go back to his home and-

Those thoughts are cut short when the image of that falling apart apartment comes to mind, no way I'm going to let him live there, especially after confirming his identity, and as of waiting…

I've waited far too long already.

I won't have that again, no way.

But I cannot scare him, I have to calm down, if I go too strong I may make him run away from me, and locking him up is the last thing I want to do to him… though letting him go and losing him is definitely not an option.

Shit, calm down my beating heart, we will have him, we will, he is ours, he is, he just does not know that yet, and we have to be calm while telling him that…

Yes, yes, I still think my initial plan is the best still, and if it doesn't work then might as well go to the other options available, but if I start to strong out from the beginning then there would be no turning back.

Yes… little by little we must engrave ourselves on him, our presence, our smell, until we can shape his insides.

Fuck, I need to take a shower, a very freezing cold shower, and right now.

It doesn't help much.

Is not like such intense burning flame could be settled with just a shower, freaking hell.

Even worse because that's when I hear his door open, my sharp senses having never left his place unattended for, so it does not help my situation when I clearly hear his showers being turned on and the image of his naked body flashes in my mind, water dripping over his head and tracing his chest and back, go further down and down and making a wet path on their way until they reach-

Calm down, calm down, stop thinking about it.

Of course my mind has a will of its own and refuses to obey, so I have to settle for this half asset calm state and go out to meet him anyway, looking more than thrice in the mirror to make sure I was looking my best for him.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath, my nails carve in the skin of my palms until they draw blood, but as much as I know, as I feel this is a bad idea and that it will be too hard to contain myself, I cannot stop my mind from focusing on him.

And as much as it will be hard to stay with him without touching, without feeling, without tasting him and without him knowing; for now at least; I'm sure that staying away from him will be much, much harder.

I'm sure of it, been there for quite some time after all.

So before going downstairs I make sure I'm full to the brick with blood so that at least one of my needs does not call for him as much, and with one last look in the mirror I finally go out of the room and take the double curved stairs down to meet him.

There is a lot to be explained, after all.

He is dressed now, with the clothes I picked for him, but it does not help my sanity much when his smell curves around inside my lungs and fogs my mind as my heart races as if a pure breed stallion is trotting inside my chest.

And the image of his petite figure barely covered with his white legs on sight has already stuck so well inside my mind that his mere smell brings it forth with strength, so there is no point in him putting clothes over his figure anymore.

But not having them would surely drive me the step forth needed to lose it completely and be damned about the consequences.

"Welcome mister Wood, sorry for my display from before, I was a little hungry, that's all, but please, sit down, I believe we have much to talk about uhm…?" Yes, lots to talk about, on how well those legs of yours will look peeking out from my oversized shirt.

Calm down, calm down, I think all the time, and even if my thoughts betray me my mouth somehow keeps my feelings at bay… for now.

There is so much to be explained, and yet the topic I wanted to talk to most had to wait, it may sound appealing in books and fairy tales, but even if I am his own mate, his other half, no matter the attraction we feel, because oh hell I'm sure he feels it too, if I, not only a vampire, but I strange man comes rushing down on him as I wish to, it will only create a misunderstanding between us and make him raise his guard.

No matter who I am, in the end it would only be a stranger's harassment in his eyes, and that is the last thing I want him to think about me, of all people.

The first impression is very important, specially when I'm not willing to give up, not on him.

But, of course, that is my logical thinking trying to reason my mind into calmness… but vampires… vampires were never known for their ability to remain calm in face of their most deep instinctively desires.

On contrary… we are much known to chase the thrills that spikes from within it.

And that is just what burns inside my veins, make my teeth itch as my tongue explorers the sides of my mouth, tasting his lingering smell, so thick in the air when as we are left in the same room as him like this.

I swallow dry.

Then smile.

Only to finally sit, my emotions flaring up so high and quickly that the turmoil of them merely flashes behind my eyes, and yet as fast as it is for human eyes I'm almost certain that he notices is for his smell fires up too.

I swallow again. This will be a long night.

But the most pleasant one I have had in years… but I'm betting that will change very quickly with the many great nights to come… I can barely wait.

But patience… be patient… for it is only a matter of time before he is mine.

And then I'll have him… I will have all of him…

Someone seems very thirsty don't they?

And in more ways than one it seems...


VCriscreators' thoughts