
The Vampire's Biography

The MC has died, and upon meeting who he assumed was GOD, he was reincarnated as a Mikaelson, and became one of the Originals. How will he handle being an Immortal, and how will he deal with the ever forming plots against his family. Read along, as Soren Mikaelson becomes one of the most revered beings in existence.

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14 Chs

Chapter 14: Magic?

Soren was surrounded by a bunch of vampires, and each and every one of them looked at Soren as if he had killed their mothers right before their eyes and laughed in their faces about how weak they were as he did it. Soren took a quick survey of the vampires present then looked back towards Marcel and gave him a smile before he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small golden coin with the Mikaelson crest engraved on it, and he had always kept on him since the dark ages as a sign of his heritage and bond with his family.

[You see this coin?... If so, good, that will make it easy for what comes next as I'll say it only once… To whomever picks up this coin, get's to live]: soren

Soren then tossed the coin into the air and watched it land on the ground a few feet in front of him. Soren then began scanning the crowd for anyone who might feel regret for joining Marcel tonight and wanted a way out, but none had the kind of conviction and didn't seem to want to come forwards and pick up the coin, which left Marcel smirking as he decided to speak up.

[Go ahead… Anyone who doesn't want to fight, go and pick up that coin… I won't be mad]: marcel

After Marcel gave the go ahead, still none of the vampires moved an inch to pick up the coin to which Soren expected as he then cracked his knuckles as he had a devious smile plaster over his face.

[Then let the slaughter begin]: soren

Soren then blurred and began attacking each and every vampire there while Marcel stood towards the back waiting for his moment to shine as he watched his vampires begin to have their necks snapped and throats ripped out before they fell to the ground and started healing. Soren didn't want to kill them right away as it would take the fun out of the fight, and make him look less scary to his opponents, but if they see how brutal Soren can be before even killing them, then they will fear him before submitting to their wrongs and knowing who's at the top of the food chain.

[Come on now!... I haven't even warmed up and you all are still losing to me]: soren

Just as Soren said that, many of the vampires started arming themselves with wooden stakes from broken furniture from around the French Quarter, and when Soren saw them breaking the new furnishings that he bought for this place he became a bit angry at their blatant waste of money.

[Hey! I just bought that stuff a few months ago!]: soren

Soren was then stabbed in the back by a sharp wooden stake as he was caught off guard, and following the first attacker, many more lunged towards Soren and stabbed him with their stakes making him throw up a bit of blood as a group then chained him up and began dragging him towards an underpass where they tried to hoist him up.

[I told you that this wouldn't end well for you Soren… You and your family may have run this place before, but after you guys left 100 years ago to expand your territory, I was left to take over, and now you have returned to take what's rightfully mine?... I don't think so… Because here, nobody even remembers the fear that the Mikaelson's once drove into the hearts of the masses because they fear a new vampire, a new king… And that king is me!]: marcel (A/N: I know that the Mikaelson's left New Orleans due to their father catching up to them, but since Niklaus killed him earlier in this story, they didn't have to worry too much about being tracked down and killed, and focused more on living life as they wanted to)

[Marcellus… I suggest that you pick up that coin]: soren

[What?... Hahahaha! Is that one of your failed attempts at a joke?... Why would I pick up that coin?... And also, my name is Marcel, get it right]: marcel

[Marcel, Marcellus… Same thing, it's the name bestowed upon you by my brother, you just shortened it a bit, and you should pick up that coin because any second from now everyone here is about to die]: soren

[Oh?... And who is going to pull that one off? You?... As far as I see, you can't be killed by wooden stakes, but they sure as hell weaken you, and you look like a porcupine right about now, and you're also chained up]: marcel

[Oh Marcellus… It's not me that you need to worry about… It's my brother Niklaus]: soren

[For the last time, my name is not Marcellus!]: marcel

Marcel then blurred up to Soren and snapped his neck while snapping his fingers to have his men take Soren down to the graveyard and put him in holding while he goes to contact someone who can put a true hold on an Original. Meanwhile Niklaus looked on from a distance as Soren was dragged away, and Marcel left the French Quarter to deal with some business.

[That idiot… He let them attack him, but for what?]: niklaus

Niklaus was trying to find out what Soren's plan was, as he knew that Soren wouldn't be taken down so easily especially since he knew that Soren had always been great at fighting ever since they were kids, and could even rival their father, but could never beat him since Mikael had more experience in fighting then Soren had, and Soren had more skill than Mikael, but seeing this skill made Mikael work harder to stay in the lead. Niklaus then blurred away to come up with another plan to get Elijah back from Marcel while Soren was occasionally having his neck snapped again and again every time he would wake up while even being dosed with vervain making his veins burn due to the searing pain caused by the vervain.

[Where am I now?]: soren

Soren noticed the lack of having his neck snapped again which means that he was now someplace where Marcel's men no longer needed to guard him. Soren sat up and noticed that the roof was angled and pointed meaning he was in some kind of attic, and looking around Soren could see a few drawings and portraits of people and the sights of New Orleans, while looking not too far off in the distance a girl of about 17 years old with long Dark brown hair, and a White dress hovering over a coffin as she was fiddling with whatever was inside at the moment.

'Looks like I'm here with Davina as a test subject, what luck… And it looks like Elijah is also here to keep me company, I guess I better make my entrance': soren

Soren stood up and tried to move forward as he watched Davina begging to touch the dagger stabbed into Elijah's chest before he spoke.

[I wouldn't do that it I were you]: soren

When Soren spoke it startled Davina as she accidentally pulled out the dagger before placing it back in and moving away from Elijah's coffin and looking towards Soren with her hands up ready to cast magic to defend herself at any moment.

[Why are you awake!... I placed a deep sleeping spell on you, you should still be unconscious]: davina

[Calm down… I'm not going to hurt you, and you must have failed in your little spell there, or it's the plain fact that you can't harm an Original]: soren

[But the dagger in his chest?]: davina

Davina looked towards Elijah as she wanted to know what kind of magic could keep him asleep.

[Special daggers enchanted by the witches of ancient times with a special residue that coats it's blade, nothing more nothing less]: soren

[Can you tell me what coats the blade?]: davina

[I could, but I don't want to so no thank you]: soren

Davina looked downcast as she heard from Marcel that any question asked to Soren would be answered with the truth, but she didn't expect Soren to deny her access to the truth by not telling her at all.

[So… Why am I here? What has little Marcellus so confident in you that he no longer fears the power kept by my family?]: soren

[Well Marcel… Wait, no… I'm the one who is supposed to ask the questions here]: davina

[Damn, so close… Anyway, I'd rather not be here for much longer, so goodbye Mrs…?]: soren

[My name is Davina, and you can't leave, I have placed a barrier around you, so you are at least trapped here if putting you under the sleep spell failed to keep you under]: davina

[Oh?... Then we'll see about that]: soren

Soren got up and began to walk to the edge of the salt circle he was placed in and tried to put his hand through the barrier, but he was blocked and rebounded. Soren's eyebrows then arched as he felt annoyed and began to push his hand through the barrier as the sounds of echoing spirits began to ring through both his and Davina's heads as his hand slowly came through the barrier and the salt on the ground began to part ways.

[W-What is this!?... He can't use magic, he's a vampire!]: davina

Davina watched as Soren had almost broken through her barrier, but before he could completely do it she raised her hands and snapped Soren's neck sending him down to the ground before she fell to the ground as well completely exhausted trying to keep Soren from breaking out of her barrier.

[W-What is he?... I need to inform Marcel immediately]: davina

Once again the cycle of Soren waking up and having his neck snapped repeatedly began as time went by and he woke up to be in a different room once again, but this time with a set of metal chains that seal magic power.

[What the fuck are these for!?]: soren

Soon the door in front of Soren opened and the figure of Marcel appeared and spoke up.

[So you're awake… Care to tell me why Davina says you can use magic?... To my knowledge, vampires can't use magic just like witches can't live forever without some kind of spell]: marcel

[*Sigh*… More interrogation?... Bring it on, I've been through much worse over my long and tedious life]: soren

Soren could feel the vervain coursing through his bloodstream as his whole body felt like it was on fire, and doing this kept Soren from being able to compel them to free him and end up with their deaths.

[Since you know what comes next I won't beat around the bush… How did you use magic?]: marcel

Soren stayed silent and didn't look Marcel in the eyes as he just stared off into the distance making Marcel angry as Soren avoided his question which brought up another question.

[Can your other siblings do the same thing as what you did?]: marcel

Soren still kept silent as he had been since the start of the interrogation, but this time he turned to look Marcel in the eyes before he bit his cheek and filled his mouth with blood and spat towards Marcel covering his entire face with blood.

[Hahahaha!... That look suits you quite nicely… I'll give you a chance, release me or perish once Niklaus gets here]: soren

[Niklaus?... Oh I don't think so… You see, me and Klaus have an agreement that we won't get in each other's business while he's back in town, and to show me his effort to work together he has given me Elijah, so no… I don't think he will be coming to free you, and since I can't kill you, I'll just torture you until it gets boring before stuffing you in the basement with enough vervain to kill a while army of vampires and watch as you wither away to a point you are too weak to even lift a finger, and since you refuse to tell me what you did to Davina, I'll let you keep these shakles on the entire time… And don't worry, you'll have plenty of company down there with all the other vampires that have broken my rules… Get him out of my sight]: marcel

Marcel said the last part while signaling to his men to begin moving Soren once more as he once again had his neck snapped for the umteenth time that day, or over a course of a few days, it was kinda hard to tell when you become unconscious. Just as Soren was being dragged out of Marcel's interrogation room, the two men charged with taking Soren down to the basement where all vampires would be buried behind a stone wall until Marcel deems they have served their sentence, the both of them had their hearts ripped out from their chest as Niklaus appeared and caught Soren while looking towards Marcel's men with anger evident on his face.

[He dares to torture my brother… I'll show him no mercy]: klaus

Niklaus then blurred away with Soren and when Soren woke up he saw that Niklaus was watching over him with an expression that showed he was contemplating something.

[Little late are we, brother?... I expected you yesterday… I swear, if I had to endure a snapped neck once again I was going to burn this city to the ground]: soren

[.....]: klaus

[Niklaus?... What's wrong?... Say something]: soren

[Why did you let Marcel and his men torture you like that?... And why have they put you in shackles that prevent witches from using magic?]: klaus