
The Vale of Broken Bones

In a world separated into five kingdoms, Veraxin, Zariya, Astrean, Nethermore, and Enchantra, every kingdom must be ruled by a Queen. A king in these Kingdoms is not present. If a Queen wishes to marry, she may, but the man may not call himself King. In the kingdom of Astrean, the Queen is faced with a difficult decision. Queen Isa was gifted with twins, Adeline and Illia, at the age of twenty-one. Each queen passes their heir onto their daughter once they turn twenty. But after Isa had her children, her husband left her for the Queen of Veraxin, Selene. Once her husband was gone, the only family she had left were her children. She was met with a difficult decision when it was time for her to pass her crown to one of her daughters. Queen Isa will be presented with a shocking piece of information that is destined to change the fate of her daughters and all five kingdoms.

Willow_Smith_2334 · Kỳ huyễn
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17 Chs

The Gala

Illia sat at the head of the table, her fingers tapping the velvet cloth that covered it. Selene sat awkwardly at the other end, her fingers tapping together. Theo sat beside Selene and looked between the two, trying to figure out what the thickness of the air was.

Just as the awkwardness took over the room, the sizzling sound of vegetables floated in from the kitchen. The smell of salty chicken and turkey drifted into everyone's nose. The waiters began bringing out platters of food. There were four waiters who all held trays. Two of them went around the left side of the table while the remaining two went around the right.

Illia looked at the cheese fondue that sat in a grand pot. Next to the pot, lay cubes of bread that were stabbed through with wooden sticks. The plate of vegetables sizzled as it was placed in front of Illia. The broccoli, carrots, and zucchini were all seasoned with a special combination of spices and herbs that the chef had made. Illia thanked the waiters as they placed the golden-skinned chicken in the center of the long table.

The waiters bowed and shuffled off. Illia looked at Selene and her father and smiled. They both smiled back and began cutting away at the chicken.

"Looks delicious," Illia said, practically drooling. Selene nodded as she finished slicing the chicken. One of the waiters posted at the corner of the table walked over and delivered the plate of sliced chicken to Illia. She scooped some vegetables onto her plate and placed the steaming chicken alongside it.

Illia poked the chicken with her fork and took a large bite. The juices of the chicken seeped onto the plate and dripped from her mouth. She placed the slice of chicken down and scooped up some vegetables in her spoon. She took a bite, getting a piece of the broccoli, carrot, and zucchini all in one bite. She sighed, missing warm meals with her family like these.

Selene chuckled from across the table. "Good?" she said, her mouth hiding behind a piece of chicken.

Illia nodded and giggled. Theo looked between them both and smiled. Even when he was married to Isabelle, they never had moments like these.

Illia looked across the table and then back to the food in front of her. She figured she was quite far away from Selene and her father. She grabbed her chair and moved it around the table so that she could sit next to Selene. She now sat next to Selene and across from Theo. They all smiled at each other and continued eating.

Illia took a piece of bread and dipped it in the fondue pot. The melted cheese dripped off of the bread and Illia quickly brought it to her mouth before it dripped onto the table.

Selene laughed as she sipped from her wine glass.

Once Illia had finished chewing, she placed the stick down and sat up. "I have an idea," she said. This intrigued Selene and Theo.

"What if we host a ball? Here, at the castle. And invite the entire kingdom. It could convince them to fight! And we haven't had a ball since I have been queen," Illia looked between Selene and Theo. They looked at each other. Then back to Illia.

"I think that's a fabulous idea, Illia," Selene said, reaching for her hand.

"We will have the staff prepare the ballroom and food," Theo added.

Illia smiled. "I could send all of my seamstresses into the village to make dresses for the women and suits for the men," she said excitedly.

"That is so kind of you," Selene said, her pride for her daughter gleaming on her face. Selene knew that Illia was a good Queen, just as she was.

"Andy!" Selene called over the waiter that was backed up farther into the corner now.

He stepped quickly to her.

"Will you please tell the messenger to send word to the village that the castle will be hosting a grand ball? All can attend, and all are welcome. Let them know we will send seamstresses down to assist them with clothing. All expenses will be covered,"

The waiter nodded happily and ran to tell the others. The staff loved Veraxin's royal dances and galas because the Queen would always take care of them. Buy them outfits, feed them delicious food, and let them dance until they can't anymore. It was always a memorable night.

Theo stands from his seat. "I will need to find my finest suit," he says, smiling. Just before he leaves, he kisses Illia on the forehead.

Selene watches Theo leave the dining hall before returning her attention to Illia.

"We must find you a gown," she said, excitedly. Illia smiled, but her smile slowly faded.

"What is it?" Selene asked.

"Well, I have sent my seamstresses to make dresses for the people, but now I have no seamstress. And all of my gowns are far too somber for an occasion like this,"

"Hm," Selene pondered her thoughts for a moment. "I could make one!" she said, giddy.

Illia smiled. "Could you?"

"Yes, yes. I made gowns for myself all the time when I was Queen," Selene said. She began looking Illia up and down, taking mental measurements.

"Come with me; we will measure you and create designs,"

Illia nodded as Selene pulled her out of her seat and began walking with her toward her bedroom. Once they reached Illia's room, Selene placed her in front of the mirror and began measuring her. She started with her waist and moved her way to her hips.

Illia looked at herself in the mirror, then at Selene.

"Sometimes, I wish I had grown up here," Illia said, cutting through the silence. "In Veraxin, with you,"

Selene smiled, but not far beyond her smile lay painfulness. Selene wished Illia had grown up with her too.

Illia found it odd that Selene had remained silent after she said that. She thought that maybe she did not wish the same. But, Illia moved past it and decided not to think about it.

Selene wanted more than anything to tell Illia that she was her daughter. That was a conversation for another day.


Andy rode his horse down the path in the forest with a scroll in his hand. Once he reached the marketplace, he looked around. The merchants and shoppers seemed to have higher spirits today. He needed to gather all the people that were walking around the market.

Andy looked to his left. "Could I borrow this, good sir?" he placed his hand on a horn on one of the merchant's booths. The man nodded slowly, hesitant. Andy smiled and picked up the horn. He blew it as loud as he could. Many people around him jumped, people farther ahead turned, and merchants paused their sales.

"I come with word from the Queen!" he shouted. Andy looked down and saw a wooden crate next to his foot. As people gathered, he slid it over and stood on top.

He unrolled the scroll and began reading. "Tonight, the Queen is graciously hosting a ball for all the people of Veraxin! All are welcome, and all are encouraged! The Queen will send all of her seamstresses down shortly to tend to any requests or gowns! The ball will begin at sunset. Food and drinks are to be served to all that attend," Andy paused, letting the people think. He heard whispers and gasps make their way through the crowd. "I will see you all there!" He shouted before hopping off his stool.

Andy waved to the children as he returned the horn to the merchant's table. The man nodded and smiled awkwardly. Andy went to his horse that he had tied at the entrance and began riding it back to the castle.


Once Selene had finished taking Illia's measurements she immediately started working on the dress. She knew that if she wanted to have the gown done by sunset, she must work quickly. Illia told Selene exactly what she wanted, but she allowed Selene to choose the colors. She knew exactly which colors she wanted to use.

Selene gathered all of the material. The yards of endless fabric and spools of thread, needles, and her fabric scissors.

She began sewing pieces of fabric together, creating many stitches, as the colors of the fabric melted together. Illia watched her mother passionately sew the thread into the fabric. She saw the love and enthusiasm in her eyes and smiled. She enjoyed seeing Selene so passionate about something.

"Oops! Forgot to write down a measurement," Selene said, coming up behind Illia and pulling out her sewing measuring tape.

Illia watched herself and Selene in the mirror as she wrapped the tape around her waist.

"Selene?" Illia said, meeting Selene's eyes in the mirror. She looked up. "How do you suppose I go about capturing Valethar?"

Selene set the measuring tape on the floor. "I do not think there is any right or wrong way, Illia. The only thing you can do to show that you are more powerful than her is to take him. Do not worry about the specifics,"

Illia's smile strained as she thought about what exactly she should do.

She then sat up further. "What if I…set it loose?" Illia proposed. Selene tilted her head as Illia continued.

"We will use Adeline's advantage against her. Niklaus. I heard rumors that he requested to receive every letter I sent to the castle in exchange for information,"

Selene was interested in this plan. "I send him a letter, telling him to release Valethar in the castle. And amidst all of the chaos and fear, I will take him,"

Selene rolled up the measuring tape and placed it back in her sewing kit. "It is a good plan, child," she said, sitting back on her chair.

Illia smiled. "I am going to check on the decorations in the ballroom. I will be back shortly," she left Selene to finish the gown as she went to see what the staff had done with the ballroom.

Selene grinned as she watched Illia prance out the door. She ran down the halls gleefully and down the stairs.

Illia ran to the entrance of the ballroom and gasped. It was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. Illia stepped through the threshold and looked at all of the gorgeous decorations.

The grand staircase that led to the floor was lit with blue lights, the marble freshly polished. The rails were covered with plants and flowers, leaving no room to see the marble railings. The grand chandelier's candles were all lit as they lighted the room. Reflections of water danced on the ceilings as the fountain below shimmered in the light of the candles. The left and right sides of the ballroom held elegant tables with dark blue cloth and golden chairs. The middle of the floor was free for dancing. The royal thrones that once sat at the front of the room had moved. There were only multiple instruments set for the band.

Illia smiled as she walked down the stairs. Once she reached the floor, she spun around, looking up at the chandelier.

"It's beautiful!" she told one of the men hanging things up.

"Yes, Your Majesty, Selene picked everything out," he said, smiling from atop his ladder.

Illia beamed as she spun around the marble floor, the candles above her melting into streaks of light.

"Your Majesty, Selene says your dress is done," a woman said from the top of the stairs. Illia gasped excitedly and ran up the stairs. She ran down the halls and into her room.

When Illia stepped through the door, Selene was fluffing the sleeves of the dress. She moved out of the way when she heard Illia step through the door.

Illia froze as her hand flew to her mouth. She took a few slow steps toward the dress as her smile twinkled behind her hand.

Illia scanned the floor-length deep blue gown in awe. At the neck of the mannequin, there was a thick choker that connected to the torso of the gown. The fabric below the underarm connected off-the-shoulder sleeves that fluffed into larger sleeves. The waist of the dress had a beautiful creature on it. Valethar. The trim of the gown was lined with golden gems that dripped off the bottom of the dress like melting metal.

"Valethar?" Illia said breathlessly as she traced her fingers over the intricate details.

"He is a symbol of the Land of the Banished,"

Illia turned around and looked at Selene.

"He is?" she asked, her hands still holding the pendant.

Selene nodded, coming up closer. "Yes, he has been for centuries,"

Illia smiled at the pendant in her hands. Selene stepped in between Illia and the gown. She lifted the dress off the mannequin and untied the back. Selene flattened the dress on the floor and signaled for Illia to step into it. She did as such and Selene brought the gown up, tightening the strings in the back around the corset Illia was wearing.

Illia looked at the dress on her in the mirror and swayed the skirt. Selene beamed as she watched her daughter twirl in the gown she had made her.

Someone knocked on the door and Illia dropped her dress to the floor. Selene opened the door to a man who was smiling gleefully.

"The guests are arriving, Your Grace," the man told Selene. She nodded in thanks and he scampered off.

Selene turned back to Illia. "Are you ready?" she asked, brushing the wrinkles out of the sleeves.

Illia nodded and slipped on her shoes. Selene held Illia's hands and patted them once.

"Let us show your kingdom what kind of a Queen you are."


Illia could hear chatting guests and laughing children as she stood at the top of the stairs. She breathed deeply, trying to calm herself. Selene could see her from where she was standing on the floor. She gave an encouraging smile and nodded. Illia closed her eyes and took a deep breath in and released it.

She took one step through the entry into the ballroom and the room was silenced. The people of Veraxin looked up at Illia as the golden gems on her dress sparkled in the light of the flames above them. She offered a gentle smile and began walking down the stairs slowly.

Illia knew that considering the impression she had made at Adeline's coronation, people might fear her. But they didn't. Because she was their Queen. She was their hope and their ruler. Especially considering some of the people of Veraxin had been living in this kingdom for decades. Illia was a representative of the Kingdom of the Banished and they all trusted her.

Illia walked down the grand staircase as awed faces spread throughout the crowd. Her deep blue gown dragged on the marble behind her as her black hair fell past her shoulders, its growth visible.

She looked from children to their parents, parents to grandparents, and from troll to fairy. Everyone was here. Her entire kingdom had appeared for a night of endless celebration.

When Illia reached the bottom of the stairs she raised both of her arms. "Let the festivities begin!" she shouted. People began cheering and laughing as the music resumed.

Illia walked through the crowd of dancing people and smiled as they bowed. A little girl came up to her and tugged on her dress.

"Your Majesty?" the child said, looking up at Illia. She smiled and kneeled to reach the girl's level.

"How may I help you?" she asked sweetly, reaching out for the child's hand.

"Can you dance with me?" the little girl asked, pulling Illia's arm out to the dance floor.

Illia giggled and nodded. She stood and followed the girl into the crowd of people. The little girl held Illia's hands as they spun around on the dance floor.

The music picked up its pace and Illia had a hard time keeping up with the pace of the dancing feet around her. The girl smiled and laughed, noticing Illia's struggle to keep up.

Just as Illia was about to lose her balance, the girl let go of her hand and Illia stumbled back. Before she fell on the floor, someone caught her. She looked up and saw Malaki. She huffed a relieved breath and stood.

Illia looked at Malaki and his suit. He was clad in blue and golden and his dark hair was split down the middle. He stood with the confidence of a king but the nobleness of a knight. His golden brown skin shimmered in the warm light of the candles above him.

Illia smiled as her skin turned a rosy pink.

"Thank you," she said, not realizing she was still holding onto his arm. He offered his other hand for Illia.

"May I have this dance?" Malaki asked, coyly. Illia grinned, placing her hand in his. He pulled her out onto the dance floor and into his arms.

She laughed as he spun her around the room. People began stopping their dancing and watching them. Malaki spun Illia around the entire floor, her feet lifting above the floor. People gasped in awe as they watched them dance off the floor. Malaki placed his hands around Illia's waist and lifted her.

Illia gasped and laughed. He spun her over his head, her dress flowing in the wind. Malaki smiled as Illia floated above his head. When he was too dizzy to keep himself stable, he set her gently on the floor.

When Illia's feet were planted back on the floor she curtsied. Malaki bowed in return. Illia grabbed his hand and dragged him off the dance floor, toward Selene.

She was talking with guests, Theo standing by her side. When the people she was speaking to saw Illia approaching, they ended the conversation. They bowed and walked away, leaving Selene, Theo, Illia, and Malaki.

"Selene, this is Malaki," Illia said happily, presenting Malaki to Selene. She smiled and offered a hand.

"Lovely to meet you, Malaki. I have heard very good things about you," Selene said, pulling her hand away from Malaki's. Illia smiled as she looked between Malaki and Selene.

"I can say the same of you, Your Grace," he said, unaware that his hand was still holding Illia's. Selene looked between them, smiling mischievously.

"And it is an honor to meet the father of the Queen," Malaki offered a hand to Theo. he shook it firmly and intimidatingly. Malaki jerked forward, Theo's grip hurting his hand.

When Malaki pulled his hand back he clenched it into a ball.

"We're going to look at the gardens, we will be back soon!" Illia shouted, running off with Malaki. She pulled his arm along with her toward the stairs that led out of the ballroom. She ran up every stair, and Malaki tried to keep up.

Illia giggled as she pulled Malaki down the hall and out the door that led to the palace garden. She ran down the dirt path that was surrounded by roses and lilies.

Malaki stopped, but his hand stayed connected to Illia's. She looked back at him to see him picking a flower from the dirt. He handed her a purple lily.

"These were my mother's favorite flowers," he said softly, his hand falling to his side. Illia smiled as she admired the beauty of the purple flower.

"Selene began growing these when the kingdom went dark. To try and bring back some of the light that once lived here,"

Malaki froze for a moment. "Did she ever tell you why the kingdom went dark?"

Illia looked down at her feet and turned away from Malaki. She began walking down the path once more.

"No, she did not. She told me someday she would, but until then I must come up with my own theories,"

Malaki walked up next to Illia and kicked a pebble in front of his feet. Illia felt his warm company soothe her and breathed deeply. Just as they reached the end of the path, Illia felt a strange presence from behind her. She whirled her head around and stopped walking.

Malaki looked at Illia, then to the path behind them. There was nothing there.

"Is everything alright?" Malaki placed his hand around Illia's, letting her know that he was there for her.

"I thought I heard something from behind me," Illia said quietly, peering around the garden. She looked between bushes and flowers, stones and flower beds, but she could not see anything.

"Must have been a rabbit," Malaki tried comforting Illia because she was very nervous.

Illia shrugged, her body saying 'must have been, but her face saying 'something is still lurking near'. Malaki squeezed Illia's hand softly.

"Let us go back," he said, trying to pull Illia away from her place in the dirt. She moved reluctantly, walking with Malaki back toward the castle.

They began walking back through the dirt path, their feet leaving tracks in the mud. Illia looked down at the flower beds they passes. She noticed that the beautiful purple lilies that had once covered the dirt were gone. Every other flower was still present, but the lilies had been picked.

Illia stopped in her tracks, Malaki stopping with her. She kneeled next to the flower bed and looked closely at the dirt. It was loose and very scattered, as though someone had violently torn each flower from the dirt.

Malaki kneeled next to her, picking up the dirt. When he realized what this meant, he dropped the dirt and grabbed Illia's arm.

"What is it?" she asked, Malaki dragging her away from the garden.

"In Astrean, when the Queen's flowers were picked, it meant there was an assassin in the palace,"

Illia's eyes widened, Malaki picking up his pace. Illia had a hard time keeping up with him as he walked faster through the dirt.

When they reached the door to the ballroom, Malaki pulled Illia down the stairs and right to Selene. He whispered something in her ear and Selene straightened, her expression fading from lively to troubling. Selene placed herself in front of Illia and Malaki as she held up a hand at the musicians.

The music ceased and the dancing stopped. "We have enjoyed everyone's company tonight, please see yourself out," Selene shouted over the conversations and the laughing of children. Some people began funneling through the exit, sighing, frustrated.

Some people took longer to leave, finding it hard to leave such a wonderful night. When people began walking out of the exit, Illia noticed someone simply standing still.

The person had the figure of a woman but the height of a man. They were clad in dark clothes, their face hooded. Illia stood taller, trying to see around the people. She noticed a shimmer coming from their waist and looked down. A long sword was placed on the hip of the cloaked person. Illia knew that if there were indeed an assassin, this was them.

More people began fluttering around the person, making it more difficult for Illia to see them. When everyone had finally left the ballroom, Illia noticed that the person was gone.

She stepped in front of Selene and began walking through the ballroom. Selene began stepping with her, curious but stopped when Illia waved a hand.

She turned her head back for a brief moment. "Do not follow me, I can take care of myself," she said, continuing out the door. Illia signaled to the guards to open the front doors and they did as such. Before they opened them, she asked for one of their swords and they handed it to her.

She walked out of the door and looked back quickly. Malaki was sprinting toward the door, but before he could exit the castle, Illia flicked her wrist and the doors began closing. Just before they did, Illia heard a shout from Malaki but ignored it.

She turned back around, her back facing the doors when she saw them. The mysterious hooded person had disappeared into the crowd. They were standing in the middle of the bridge, their hand on the hilt of their sword.

The wind around Illia and the person blew with fury. This was Illia's kingdom after all. As the wind blew, the person's hair peeked from underneath their cloak. Illia squinted, the fog rising from the overlook. This person standing before her looked to be a woman with long, blonde hair. Illia knew of only one kingdom that held, tall women with blonde hair. But her only question was why someone from Enchantra would be trying to kill her.

Illia pulled the hidden sword from behind her back, trying to see through the fog. She squinted harder when she thought about the fog. She can control the weather of her kingdom. Which meant she had the upper hand. Illia smiled, ready for a fight.

She walked through the thick fog as it parted for her. The woman assassin did not appear to be wearing any armor, which could only mean she intended to win this fight. And fast.

Illia continued walking toward the woman. When she got close enough, she pulled her sword from the ground.

The woman pulled her sword from her sheath and grabbed it with both hands. Illia swung forward as the woman did the same. The two swords created a wave of clanging metal sound throughout the bridge. Illia grunted as the woman put her entire weight onto the sword, pushing Illia farther back. Illia dragged her sword along the woman's until it reached the end of the blade. When Illia's sword was no longer making contact with the woman's she wasted no time.

She jumped forward, throwing the blade onto the woman's sword. The woman was now on the ground, her sword being the only thing that protected her face. Illia and the woman both gasped for breath as it became a battle of strength. But, Illia believed that one could win a battle, not with strength, but with strategy.

Illia drew back her foot nearest to the woman's body and kicked her ribs as hard as she could. The woman grunted, but Illia paid attention to her hands. Her grip on her sword had loosened slightly and Illia took this opportunity to kick the woman's hands. Her sword fell from her grip and onto the ground beside her. Illia quickly moved her sword to the woman's throat and kicked her sword away.

The woman breathed heavily, watching her sword fall off the cliff beside them.

"Who are you?!" Illia shouted, the wind around them screeching and roaring.

"I have been sworn to secrecy," the woman's voice was deeper than Illia expected.

"I know that you are of Enchantran blood, so tell me why you have chosen to attempt to assassinate a Queen?!" Illia inched the sword closer to the woman's throat until the tip grazed her skin.

The woman looked fearfully at the blade as she tried to speak. "That I am. But, today, I represent Queen Adeline of Astrean. You see, I am the finest warrior in both of our kingdoms, so she chose me to kill you. Enchantra wanted nothing to do with this, so they offered no help,"

Illia pulled the sword back but only slightly. "Of course, this is Adeline's doing. So why did you accept the offer? Did she promise you something?"

The woman nodded. "The winter has been deadly for the people of Enchantra. Queen Adeline promised me and my children that we would not grow cold one more winter. Only if I brought her your head. She said that if I failed, she would deliver my children's heads to my front door by dawn," Illia could hear the woman's voice cracking.

She thought about her choices. The woman had no weapon, so it was very unlikely she could win at this point. Illia drew her sword back and threw it on the ground. She offered a hand to the woman and she accepted it.

"Stay here tonight. Do not go back. You will stay in one of my guest rooms and I will have a guard go fetch your children from Enchantra. You and your children will not grow cold another winter,"

The woman stood slowly, skeptical of Illia's offer. She nodded slowly.

"What is your name?" Illia asked the woman.

"Raya," her voice had quieted and she no longer seemed like the strong warrior that tried to kill Illia. She nodded and began walking toward the front doors, Raya using Illia's arm as a crutch.

Before they reached the doors, they opened and Selene and Malaki ran out. Selene ran up to Illia and examined her face and her body.

"Are you hurt?" she said frantically. Illia chuckled and shook her head.

Malaki glanced over to Illia, but quickly pushed Raya away from her. He held his sword to her chest.

"You are to be placed in the royal dungeon, this was the attempted murder of a Queen!" he shouted angrily, the blade of his sword grazing Raya's clothes.

Illia looked down at Raya and moved the blade away from her chest. "Enough, Malaki. She is to stay as a guest in the palace. I will explain later,"

Malaki looked shocked and concerned but he moved his sword slowly away from Raya. Illia helped her up and began walking with her into the castle.

"Illia, wait!" Selene shouted, catching up to Illia. "Who sent her?" Selene talked of Raya as if she was not standing right there.

"Adeline," Illia said plainly. Selene's steps faltered as she looked at Raya.

"What about Valethar? What is your plan?" she asked, returning her focus to Illia.

She turned her head to face Selene. "Valethar is the symbol of my kingdom. I do not have to take him, he will simply come to me."