
The Useless Summoner

Austin was a sickly, pale, and undiagnosable orphan. Ever since the day he was able to understand his surroundings, he knew he was predestined to die. With an expiry date looming over his head, he spent the last of his remaining years confined to his hospital room. However, it seemed fate had something else in store for him. On the day of his death, his constant prayer for companionship and adventure paid off as he reincarnated into a world unlike his previous. A world where he was no longer confined to a hospital bed. With his companions and a newfound determination to discover the truth behind his abandonment and subsequent reincarnation, Austin sets out on his journey... ================================================================== Discord: https://discord.gg/fMsXVbjAah ================================================================== Note: The cover was made with Canva ai ==================================================================

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Austin's Job Class [Part 2]

Without Yan'er needing to continue, Austin understood that the flashing [Awaken] sign on his status screen must be the method available to him.

Despite it being another method, Austin did not get his hopes up for an overpowered class.

Just as he guessed, as soon as he thought of pressing [Awaken], the screen that previously showed his status changed.


<Compatible Classes>

[Class: Summoner]

[Class: Beast Tamer]

[Class: Random]


Austin immediately ruled out random. He didn't want to gamble with his life.

What if he got bandit as a class?

Or even worse something like carpentry… sorry to the carpenters out there… carpentry came to his head first.

He wanted a cool and awesome job.

From Yan'ers previous explanation, he understood that several factors determine what Class a person receives.

He knew he had an affinity towards the Dark element because of his status screen.

However, he knew the biggest factor for why he was receiving an option for Summoner and Beast Tamer was because of his prayers.

For the past fifteen years he prayed everyday to become healthy again.

To be able to walk.

To be able to do things normal people could do.

Which he has already received in the shape of a brand-new healthy life.

However, he didn't just pray for a healthy normal life, he prayed for companionship.

Despite the nurses and hospital workers sometimes coming in to check on him and having light conversations, even celebrating his birthday with him, it wasn't the true companionship he desired.

Austin bit his lip because he felt like crying.

There was no need to cry anymore.

No need to cry himself to sleep.

After calming himself down, Austin asked, "Yan'er which Class do you recommend?"

"Definitely, Beast Tamer!" Yan'er said immediately, practically screaming because she didn't want him picking Summoner. "Even random would be a better choice!"

"Is Summoner not a good Class? From the animes I've seen, Summoner was super overpowered." Austin was perplexed by how adamant Yan'er sounded. 

"...Those animes are complete fiction and I have no idea what they are talking about. " Yan'er said before continuing seriously, "Well… they are not entirely incorrect. Summoner is a Hidden Class… practically a Unique Class; however, it is completely useless. You are better off choosing the common Beast Tamer Class."

Austin didn't immediately choose Beast Tamer.

He wasn't against being a Beast Tamer; in fact, it was pretty much the same as Summoner.

However, he didn't want to regret his decision.

For Summoner to be a Hidden Class, there must be a reason for it.

"Can you explain the pros and cons to the two Classes?"

"Everything about Su-"

"Without personal or commonly known biases." Austin interjected before she said everything about Summoner was a con.

"Humph, fine then! I can't wait for you to choose Beast Tamer." Yan'er complained "As I said before, Beast Tamer is a common Class; however, don't look down on it. There are many super-strong Beast Tamers throughout history. I even witnessed some in action. You can tame Divine Dragons, Divine Phoenixes-"

"Yan'er" Austin interrupted with a deadpan face at her obvious sales pitch for him to choose Beast Tamer.

Divine Dragons?

Divine Phoenixes?

How in the world does she expect him to tame them as a level one newbie?

"*Cough* I'm just giving options okay? A-anyway, Beast Tamer might be a common Class; however, unlike Summoner, it's a Class that can be upgraded into one of the most envious Classes, Monster Integrator."

"Monster Integrator?" Austin felt the name sounded quite nice.

"That's right, Monster Integrator! It's an advanced class unlike the rare Class Summoner.

"As for Summoner, it is a Hidden Class, normally a Hidden class should be powerful. At first, many thought that to be the case and those who were … 'fortunate' enough to be given Summoner as an option, chose it. However, quickly they all realized the class was full of disadvantages and practically no advantages. Despite being told of the disadvantages, some ignorant fools tried to go against the norm and still chose it, in hopes of being able to realize its so-called true potential. However, they all failed and died. The biggest disadvantages are that once the Summoner Class is chosen, the Summoner will lose any elemental affinity they were born with, the Summoner becomes-] Yan'er, who was still explaining froze when she heard a clicking sound followed by the rows of texts in front of her.