
Daily Life Of Dao Child.

Yang Dao woke up after a few hours of rest. he found that his clothes were changed, he sat up with reflex action. He was like a corpse reanimated by electricity. The door of the room opened and Lisa walked in. She said, "Young Master, the lady has called for you in the living room." 

Yang Dao nodded and stood up. He put on the slippers and walked out of the room wearing cotton sleeping shorts and a white t-shirt. He found Feng Yun and Laohu Bai were sitting on the couch with Ryu Jinshi and Atsuji Kurogame. 

He asked, "Sister Yun, you called for me?" his voice was calm and soft. 

Feng Yun smiled and said, "We all have started to undo the seals we placed on our spirits. We only hope that you do not dislike us after you have seen our actual personalities." she had a wry smile on her face.