
the unwanted teen mother

Vicky_Sue_Speer · Thanh xuân
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wiat I heard yelling

the beta and I both turned in looked behind us and I saw my two best friends running after us oh no I thought please don't leave us Melissa mat said I let go of the twins and held up my hand look I have to my father and this pack is no good. but we want to go with you we are more then best friends Natasha said I know and I will forever be thankful for you guys you have helped me more than you know I really appreciate you all but please don't make this more difficult for me iam not sure what will happen to us from here and I don't want my best friends in danger. I told you we go with you Melissa mat that's when I was going to just leave iam now going to a new pack house. I grabbed Natasha and hugged her iam sorry I can't let you come she started crying which made me cry please you guys have two understand why I need you to stay and keep save I could never forgive myself if something happens to one of you mat when to hug me when the beta let out a growl that made us all jump I looked up at him why is he like this iam sure he will reject me anyway no one was a mate with kids that aren't his own. let's go he simply said I nodded and told the boys to go get in the car I was about to hug Natasha and mat one last time when the beta moves over to me I mean them two no I shook my head at him I don't know what this alpha will do with me and my twin I don't want them in danger no one will be in danger he said no let's move mat and Natasha just looked at us fine but only if you are ready to reject this pack as your wolf comes out they nodded thire heads and jumped in we were just getting ready to get in the car when my father runs out have fun with that nasty hybrid he yelled oh shit he just more than likely got me killed the beta just looked at me and we lift great what was he thinking. I looked over at him he was hot enough he hair was black I could tell he has a ever big muscles he's eyes were almost gray looking I can only imagine how it would be to make love to him I shook my head at that thought so he said your a hybrid yes what do you live off of most food but sometimes I need animal blood to so I can control the vampire side of my self what about the little one's iam working with them on that but animal blood help them not to bite someone as much but they are little so it's harder for them. to understand how to control thire self ok I will need to speak with the alpha about this. but he will kill us no he won't first of all he is nothing like most alpha and you are my mate yeah until you reject me anyway I said look iam not sure what I plan on doing yet i just need to think about it ok I just looked at him ok but please if you decide you don't want my do it before my wolf comes out. fine he said the rest of the drive was in quite which I was thankful for I have know idea of what this alpha will do when he is told iam a hybrid but iam glad Natasha and mat come along now because if he does kill me as my father hopes then my boys will have some one that loves them as much as I do to look after them.