
The Unventured Passions

Unventured Passions is a contemporary romance novella in Indian context, weaving tales about a prominent young 18 year old landlord, who after becoming a barrister, returns to his country, only to find himself entangled with the fate of a 9 year old child, a girl. On a fateful stormy night, infront of hundreds of villagers, the young barrister was compelled to marry the little girl to save her life from the prevailing social evils that would have led her to imminent death. But, needless to say, he could never accept her as his wife. With an age difference of 9 years, the relationship between the two remained as that of a mentor and a mentee, a teacher and a student, for years, each growing up slowly amidst platonic companionship, until one sensuous moment of weakness. The blossoming teen girl had fallen hard for her cold barrister husband... and fearing the worst, the husband sends her away, only to realise he too had fallen for her madly... But it's late already! His baby wife wasn't a baby anymore, and the fiery passion burns hard... Would he be able to get this beautiful fiesty wife back? Will the young lady accept her husband who had renounced her once so heartlessly? The story revolves around love, hatred, jealousy, mystery, action, patriotism, and an unforgettable tale of passions above all... a saga of love beyond all odds. *Mature Content Alert*

AndieeSen21 · Thành phố
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51 Chs

Chapter 21 I Yield to Thee

They say human emotions are complex. But, what is perhaps more complex is looking into a woman's heart and understanding it's true nature.

Awnirudh was perplexed.

He had expected rationale, reasoning and even resistance from Vandita. But, what was this instead! He could feel that Vandita had rather enveloped herself with a sheath of melancholy. He felt miserable. He wanted to make her happy. But how?

And then it struck him, may be he can bring happiness back to her life by setting her free... afterall, that's exactly what she had wanted, hadn't she?

He recalled her words from the other night.

'You are not the marrying type Barrister Babu!' And probably, she was right. He has always tried to be her guardian.. and now, suddenly, he was trying to be her husband!

Awnirudh was battling with his inner self.

The Oxford British dictionary defines a husband to be 'a master', but, he never wanted to be her master... He wanted her to be his equal. He wanted to claim her heart.

And that's when realisation dawned on him. He needed to be her lover! He needed to make her feel loved and valued. He probably needed to find a way to her heart.

But the question still remained... HOW?


It was after a couple of days when Awnirudh was reading the English Daily as usual in his study room when he heard a knock on the door. He lifted his eyes to see a heartwarming sight! Vandita was standing infront of him, all dressed up.

Awnirudh noticed the light traces of lip color adorning her plump lips. Her eyes looked captivating with a hint of kajol on them. This was a new Vandita altogether! She wore a light yellow saree with scanty golden works, neatly pleated to her shoulder, revealing her narrow smooth hourglass feature. Vandita was dressed to kill! The little gold danglers hung from her ears dangled in rhythm as she tucked a strand of loose hair behind her ear. Her golden bangles jingled, adding resonance to the symphony.

She smiled brightly.

Awnirudh felt as if he was witnessing a pristine sunrise after a prolong night of darkness.

"Barrister Babu..." Vandita broke the silence and smiled glowingly.

"What are your plans for the day?" She asked naturally.

Awnirudh was gawking at her. Her words brought him back to the reality. He couldn't speak at once. Instead, he looked away nervously and cleared his throat before replying.

" Nothing much. I was planning to visit the town post office." He waved a bunch of documents kept on the table.

Vandita smiled the most beaming smile radiating sparks of unadulterated happiness.

"Kshitija has invited us over for a tea this morning. Bheem Singh came last night with this note." She handed over a fancy chit to Awnirudh.

' Dear 'Talk of the Season',

If it's not too much to ask an old friend, we request the pleasure of your company over a morning tea. My heart has been yearning to meet the Barrister as well. Please pass on my message to the gentleman. Tell him, he won't be disappointed.


Kshi. '

Awnirudh folded the letter with a smile spreading across his lips.

He kept the documents aside and replied.

" Let's go then. Whose drive is it? Yours or mine."


Awnirudh Roy Chowdhury, the London returned, prominent ruthless Barrister of Bengal, whom the British awed, was smitten by his young lady love. There was nothing in this world that he won't do to woo her. He had quite a few important tasks at hand that morning, but for him, that most important one seemed to be accompanying Vandita to her friend's place. And why wouldn't he? He couldn't possibly risk Vandita being out of his sight, specially that morning.


The drive to Kshitija cottage Banglow was probably not entirely uneventful for Vandita, but Awnirudh's heart fluttered the entire way. Vandita would occasionally touch his hand to show him a familiar alley, she would press his shoulder to draw his eyes to an unknown mountain bird. Her hair, winging in the gentle breeze tickled Awnirudh's face. The entire way his heart yearned to touch Vandita's lips as she spoke incessantly about the mountains.

" Barrister Babu, now tell me about you... about your life in London." She finally demanded, a loving tease tainting her tone.

"My life... Well, there is nothing much to say really. I was working on the Non- cooperation reform..."

Vandita nodded her head sideways and stopped him mid-sentence.

" No.. no.. not that. I have read all those in the newspapers. I want to know about YOUR life... friends...female friends, or a special friend may be." She paused before cautiously choosing the last set of word.

" Well... I do have some friends... female friends, but I really haven't ranked them in terms of their speciality." Awnirudh let out a hearty laughter before adding to his words.

"Also, I made it a point to let my female friends be aware of my marital status and emotional unavailability."

"Emotional unavailability!! I see," Vandita raised an eyebrow, "and the rest?" She turned her head attentively towards Awnirudh, who was sitting on the driver's wheel, a bright smile plastered on his lips throughout.

"And that too, the rest... unavailable... " He chuckled as he turned his face slightly to look at Vandita. He couldn't help but feel a strong magnetic urge to touch her lips as their eyes met. Keeping his right hands on the steering, Awnirudh took a deep breath, and then without any prior intimation, cupped Vandita's face with his left hand, bringing her face closer to his. Vandita closed her eyes as their lips brushed, almost!

The car jumped, abruptly, breaking their brief trans, and Vandita broke from his closeness. She adjusted her hairs and cleared her throat.

" Barrister babu, risky terrains these are... Be careful." Her voice was soft, enticing.

" I'm ready to take the risks Vandita."

Awnirudh breathed the words, before focusing on the road in front.

None spoke any further, each lost in thoughts, each contemplating... procrastinating...