
The Unventured Passions

Unventured Passions is a contemporary romance novella in Indian context, weaving tales about a prominent young 18 year old landlord, who after becoming a barrister, returns to his country, only to find himself entangled with the fate of a 9 year old child, a girl. On a fateful stormy night, infront of hundreds of villagers, the young barrister was compelled to marry the little girl to save her life from the prevailing social evils that would have led her to imminent death. But, needless to say, he could never accept her as his wife. With an age difference of 9 years, the relationship between the two remained as that of a mentor and a mentee, a teacher and a student, for years, each growing up slowly amidst platonic companionship, until one sensuous moment of weakness. The blossoming teen girl had fallen hard for her cold barrister husband... and fearing the worst, the husband sends her away, only to realise he too had fallen for her madly... But it's late already! His baby wife wasn't a baby anymore, and the fiery passion burns hard... Would he be able to get this beautiful fiesty wife back? Will the young lady accept her husband who had renounced her once so heartlessly? The story revolves around love, hatred, jealousy, mystery, action, patriotism, and an unforgettable tale of passions above all... a saga of love beyond all odds. *Mature Content Alert*

AndieeSen21 · Thành phố
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51 Chs

Chapter 19 The Choices We make

Vandita knew very well that sooner or later she would have to face the question. The question of her choice, her decision. It was time for her to choose between going back and moving forward.

The law had put a bann on child marriage, but, did the bearers or the law ever wondered about the consequences?

What about those hundreds of young girls who were already married?

Where will they go without their husband's name?

Will the society ever accept them without their marital nametags?

Vandita always wondered about these questions in solitary. Awnirudh in his first letter had written that she no longer was his wife as their marriage has been legally put on hold. And, now that she was 18, it was hers to decide whether she would like to resume the marriage or break free. Although she was grateful to Awnirudh for giving her this choice, but secretly, she wondered what Awnirudh's choices would be.

Kakababu's question made Vandita rethink these old thoughts untill he mentioned London.

"Who is going to London?" Vandita asked firmly.

"Why you?" Awnirudh replied calmly. "I wanted to surprise you with the news Vandita."

"And what made you think I would agree to this?" Vandita asked with an unnatural calmness.

"Don't you want to be a Barrister?"

"No, I don't. You wanted me to be a barrister. Did you ever ask me what I want to be?" Vandita looked straight into Awnirudh's eyes.

"But this is what is best for you." Awnirudh defended.

"Best for me? Another 5 years away from you is what you thought would be best for me?" Vandita's chuckled sarcastically, her eyes teared up.

"You think you possess me, don't you?" Vandita continued. "But I'm a grown up now. I can't take my own decisions."

"Vandita, but if you don't study barristry, how would you serve the society the way you always wanted?" Awnirudh tried to make a point. "How would you be independent?"

"I don't need to study barristry from London to express my views rationally. I don't need to study barristry from London to show the society reasons...

Barrister babu, I thought you would be there beside me with your legal weapon while I work in uplifting the women of my country from a very ground level."

"But Vandita..." Before Awnirudh could speak further, Vandita interjected.

"5 years Barrister Babu? We just met yesterday, and you have already planned to send me away for another 5 years? Am I such an eyesore to you?" She burst out into silent tears.

She turned towards Kaka Babu and said,

" Kakababu, I think I have made my decisions. I'll sign the papers to legally free Barrister Roy Chowdhury once I'm in Tulsipur."

Uncle Trilochan left silently, letting out a deep heartwrenching sigh behind, leaving Awnirudh and Vandita alone with it.


Vandita had left the Roy Chowdhury Banglow the following morning, and stayed in her old convent dorm for the next few days. Trilochan Roychowdhury had come to meet her before leaving Dehradun. He did not try to persuade Vandita as he knew it was not his place to do so. Awnirudh had hurt her, and it's only him who could soothe her sore wounds.

Two more days passed and on the third morning, Vandita woke up to a blaring honking noise outside the dorm window.

It was still dark as the morning sun had yet not risen to its prime. She looked outside. It was that same red imported car Kshitija had shown her on their graduation day. She rubbed her eyes as Awnirudh, dressed in a formal suit with a bunch of roses in hand, came out of the car. He stood right under her window and held his ear with one hand in apology.

Vandita couldn't take her eyes off him. He looked like a prince straight from a fairly tale!

She quickly washed her face and ran down to meet him.

"What took you so long?" She asked sorely as she approached towards him.

"The flowers... I was waiting for the perfect ones to bloom." Awnirudh smiled the most heartwarming smile possible.

He handed the flowers to her and she willingly accepted.

"Sorry Miss Vandita Devi. I didn't mean to undermine you in anyway. Please come home." He pleaded.

Vandita was happy to see Awnirudh. But her heart longed to hear Mrs. Vandita Roy Chowdhury instead.

"It's your home Barrister Babu. I'm just a random orphan whom you have rescued."

"Let's do this at home Vandita. Lenny has permitted me to enter just because the school is on an end-session break." Awnirudh smiled again as he held the door open.

Vandita got inside the car without any further objections.