
The Unventured Passions

Unventured Passions is a contemporary romance novella in Indian context, weaving tales about a prominent young 18 year old landlord, who after becoming a barrister, returns to his country, only to find himself entangled with the fate of a 9 year old child, a girl. On a fateful stormy night, infront of hundreds of villagers, the young barrister was compelled to marry the little girl to save her life from the prevailing social evils that would have led her to imminent death. But, needless to say, he could never accept her as his wife. With an age difference of 9 years, the relationship between the two remained as that of a mentor and a mentee, a teacher and a student, for years, each growing up slowly amidst platonic companionship, until one sensuous moment of weakness. The blossoming teen girl had fallen hard for her cold barrister husband... and fearing the worst, the husband sends her away, only to realise he too had fallen for her madly... But it's late already! His baby wife wasn't a baby anymore, and the fiery passion burns hard... Would he be able to get this beautiful fiesty wife back? Will the young lady accept her husband who had renounced her once so heartlessly? The story revolves around love, hatred, jealousy, mystery, action, patriotism, and an unforgettable tale of passions above all... a saga of love beyond all odds. *Mature Content Alert*

AndieeSen21 · Thành phố
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51 Chs

Chapter 11 Tug-of-War

It was difficult for Vandita to cope up in the Royal British School for girls' during the initial few months. Then she fell in love with the mountains. Dehradun is a lovely place situated at the heart of pure lush nature and Vandita, who had only witnessed the green plains of Bengal, fell for the valleys and mountains in no time. She would sneak out of the main Convent building and would wonder in the adjacent meadows during the lazy afternoons on weekends, sometimes singing all aloud and sometimes writing letters. 'Letters', the only way Vandita could keep a check on her emotions and hold herself back from missing her Awnirudh. Some letters she would send to her family back in Bengal but most of them she would keep to herself. She wrote a lot of un-send letters to Awnirudh untill one day when she received one from him.

"Dear Vandita,

It's been 6 months already. Time flies, doesn't it? I haven't had the heart to write a letter all these months as I was probably searching for the right words. I won't say I have finally found them but instead I have a news for you. I'm going back to London to practice Law there. Living in the Haweli in Tulsipur has not been the same after you left. I have read both the letters that you had send to Kaka. I'm glad you are liking the place.

I also wanted to let you know that the child marriage abolition law that I was working on, has finally been officiated by the British Government. You are no longer obligated to be my wife. Although, you will still be a Roy Chowdhury and I'll still be your local guardian but you may not wear sindur any longer. Once you turn 18, as per the law, you may decide the course of your life. You are free Vandita! No more shackles.

Also, I'm sending you my London address. Please write to me.


Awnirudh Roy Chowdhury"

Vandita folded the letter and held it to her nose. She sniffed the paper and closed her eyes. It smelled like her Barrister babu! Her eyes instantly wailed up. 'No longer obligated!!' Her relationship with Awnirudh never felt an obligation.

How can she no longer be his wife? How could he even say that!! The more Vandita questioned herself, the more she fumed up on Awnirudh.

Her new friends tried to cheer her up. They were always fascinated by how intellectually empowered Vandita was!

Even the sisters and Ms. Lenny was fond of Vandita in such a short time.

Vandita kept the letter under her pillow and after a month's contemplation, she finally decided to write back to Awnirudh.

"Dear Barrister Babu,

Congratulations on your single hood! I would have fed you Rosogolla myself had I been present. But anyway, I'll eat some myself on your behalf. Great that you are going to London. At least, there you won't have to marry any girl to save her life. London would be happy to have you back.

Also, I have decided not to used my surname anymore. Hence, no longer Roy Chowdhury. I have asked Ms. Lenny to omit the same from school records. So it's Vandita now... Vandita Devi. My friend Kshitij suggested that I keep it as Kumari Vandita, but I like the 'Devi' better.

I have decided to spend Durga Puja here this year... in the mountains. I have informed Kaka Sasurji.... I mean your uncle about the same.

I'm good here Barrister Babu. I'm happy. Trying to learn as much as possible about life.

Stay healthy.

Take my regards,

Vandita Devi"

Vandita cried her heart out after she finished writing her letter. She wrote exactly opposite of what she felt.

Wiping her tears, she slowly enveloped the letter and wrote Awnirudh's address carefully... Ready to be posted.

Her heart wrenched at the thought of him reading it.


It's been eight months since Vandita had sent her letter to Awnirudh. No replies.

Her heart sank a little each day as she saw the peon delivering other letters but hers. Her academic year was already over as she had joined mid-year. She topped her class and was showered with praises from teachers-students alike. She wrote back to her Kaka Sasurji who had send her a lovely silver pen as a reward. But her heart ached for Awnirudh.

Instead of going back to Tulsipur, she decided to stay back in Dehradun during her vacations. She had two reasons. First, she was helping Ms. Lenny to educate the local village women on basic Home Science and Sanitation.

And second, she was secretly hoping to receive his letter!

It was one such afternoon when Vandita was back to her dorm after a long morning of work with Ms. Lenny, that the peon finally arrived.

Vandita's heart started thumping inside her chest.

She took the letter and a small wrapped package from the peon and her eyes lit up!

"Barrister babu" she gasped

She sniffed the letter before breaking the seal of the envelope as carefully as possible... And there comes her coveted piece of paper!!

"Dear Vandita Devi," the letter read.

"You did sound like a grown up lady already! It took almost 5 months for your letter to reach me. And I'm writing back immediately.

I hope you have had your share of Rosogullas, because I haven't. I'm waiting for you to turn 18 so that you can feed me yourself.

Don't worry, you won't have to choose me to feed me Rosogollas. Remember what I had said, 'You are the master of your own life'.

Also, I didn't marry any helpless girl, I married a feisty tigress! And I hope she is doing well...

But, I wonder whether my tigress misses me or not, because I miss her terribly!

Vandita, I had so much to tell you, so much to write but now when I'm actually writing to you, it seems I'm too full for words. I want to see you Vandita. Send me a Polaroid of yours, will you? I'm sending you a portable Polaroid camera with this letter. I'm sure you are smart enough to learn it's functionality.

How did you do in your exams? I'm sure you will have already graduated to the next grade when you will have my letter in hand.

I hope Lenny is treating you well.

PS: Did you give some Rosogullas to your new friend Kshitij as well for suggesting names for you? You know, you should. Poor lad.

And, I think, I'll have to talk to Lenny now as I thought I have put you in a girls' convent!

Yours always,

Awnirudh Roy Chowdhury"

Vandita's delight knew no bound. She held the letter close to her heart. Tears of joy flew down her pink cheeks.

"Barrister babu, I miss you... I miss you very much.." she cried.

After the initial heat of the moment subsided, Vandita slowly untied the package and unwrapped a small beautiful Polaroid camera. Her joy knew no bounds... A square black and grey camera to capture all the colours in her new panoramic world!

The next few months flew effortlessly and Vandita was immersed in discovering and mastering new techniques and styles of photography. She would carry the camera everywhere and would click memories hoping one day she would get to show Awnirudh her temporary little world. Temporary... As her real world was Awnirudh.

Home is, probably, where the heart lies!
