
The Unusual Lovers

The story of a girl, named Natsuki Kisumi, trying to live her life as peacefully as she can and a boy who isn't what he seems? Author Note: I'm sorry if I'm not active, I still go to school sadly. And soon, I'll have to be there in person (even more sad), so it'll be harder. But I will get more motivated if I know there *ARE* people reading and liking my story. Thanks and sorry again. ~ NK

_NK_ · Thanh xuân
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5 Chs

Ch. 4 - Gym Class

*Once the bell rings, the boys and girls go to their respective locker rooms to change into their gym uniforms*

G. Friend 1: These are your lockers. *Shows Natsuki and Hanaki their lockers.*

Natsuki: Ok, thanks for the help but I really don't want to do this, I'm not an athletic person.

Hanaki: Neither am I, I hate gym with a passion.

*The four girls all nod in agreement and laugh, after a good laugh, they get changed in a white t-shirt with their last name and blue shorts.*

Natsuki: I hate uniforms even more, especially when I have to wear shorts! These are too short and show WAY too much of my legs...

Hanaki: Would you stop complaining already!? It's getting real annoying.

Natsuki: Dang! Chill! What's got your panties in such a bunch!?

Hanaki: Stop saying stuff like that! You little-!

G. Friend 2: *Goes between them and interups Hanaki.* Woah woah woah there girls, let's calm down now, please? I know you guys don't want to make a scene.

Natsuki: *Natsuki and Hanaki both sigh* Fine fine, we won't make a scene but I really don't feel comfortable wearing stuff like this...

G. Friend 1: We understand but if you don't wear it, you'll get in trouble.

Natsuki: *Sighs* Fine...

*The girls get out of the locker room and go to the gymnasium to meet the rest of the class then line up in shoulder to shoulder to each other like everyone else.*

Gym Teacher: Alright class, I see we have a couple of new students to join us from now and hopefully 'till the end of their time here. To celebrate, today will be a free day- *Most of the class cheers but he stops them.* But everyone still has to do your warm up exercises- *Most of the class "boo"s.* If I hear another peep out of one of you, today will only be a free day for the new girls. *Most of the class stays silent.* ...Good. Now, for your warm ups, we'll stretch our whole bodies for a minute then do ten sit ups, jumping jacks, and push ups. Ready? .... *Blows whistle* Stretch!

*Everyone begins stretching in their own way.*

Natsuki: Is this always the warm up exercises?

B. Friend 1: Nah, he would give us more push ups, sit ups, and jumping jacks to do. He'd also make us walk, jog, and run across the gymnasium a couple of times before it's finally over. But since you guys are new, he probably doesn't want you two hating gym on the first day.

Hanaki: That makes sense I guess but I already hate it because I don't want to sweat and I can't do ten push ups.

Natsuki: Well, be thankful you're not doing more than ten.

Hanaki: But it's more than zero.

*The three friends laugh at the two, finally a minute passes*

Gym Teacher: Ok, since exercising is done, you guys may choose between free basketball, volleyball, dodge ball, and bad mitten. Ready? ... *Blows whistle* Choose!

*Most of the class rushes to their wanted sport and starts playing, while the five try to decide what they want to do.*

G. Friend 2: How about bad mitten?

G. Friend 1: Sounds cool!

B. Friend 1: I'm down.

Hanaki: Sure.

Natsuki: Let's do it! Wait... but there are only five of us, what are we going to do?

B. Friend 1: Hmmm... True... Should we do 3v2s? Or swap players now and then?

G. Friend 1: I think we can try swapping.

*The four of them talk about what to do, then, Natsuki notices a guy shooting hoops with a basketball alone. She stares a him for a while until G. Friend 2 notices and snaps her out of it.*

G. Friend 2: Not him Natsuki, I know you might want to even the odds and make it even with 3v3 but don't invite him.

Natsuki: Huh? That's not what I was going to do by why do you say that? I just thought his eyes was saying he was lonely...

G. Friend 2: I'm sure he isn't lonely. I'll explain it to you on a different day. Just know to stay away from him, ok?

Natsuki: ...Ok... *Looks back at him seeing him dunk a few times, then their eyes meet. She subconsciously looks away from shock* !!!

*Natsuki goes back into the group and they play bad mitten until the gym teacher blows his whistle*

Gym Teacher: Ok everyone! You have 5 minutes to change back into your school clothes and get ready for class.

*Everyone goes to their locker rooms and lockers then change, every student waits in their locker rooms until the bell rings for next class*

-Ding dong, bing bong-

(End of Ch. 4)