

Wei Ying

The way Lan Zhan was been threatened not only by the sword, but with so damn many dark talismans, as well as the rest of his untamed team, definitely piss him off. Oh, he knew they will use Wangji against him, but that was too much. He could tell that each curse was deadly, specially the one in Lan Zhan's chest, right over his heart.

"Meng Yao. Previously, I didn't knew you existed, so I didn't have a reason to hate you nor to go against you before. But so you know, now, aside from betraying the Clans and mostly Lan Xichen trust, holding my Lan Zhan hostage in such a wicked way will only lead to your death." Meng Yao laughed.

"My death? How can you even get close to me, Wei Wuxian? I know both you and Lan Wangji had become sages, which is impressive considering your ages, but not even a level ten immortal can get pass all this dormant curses that will activate in less than a second on Xue Yang's command. Will you dare endanger your lover knowing that?" Meng Yao asked and Wei Ying frowned.

"What do you want?" He knew the answer, but if he didn't asked, the both of them will be suspicious of him.

"Ah, that's very simple. You may already know about my scarifying curse array. You did see it and even study it while you were in the Lan islands. You see, the curse is quite simple, one soul exchanged for another to give a new chance of life to a soul that is no longer among the living."

"We had been lucky enough to find Lord Rouhan's soul on Taotie's dimension, but not a suitable host, that is up to his expectations." Meng Yao continue and Wei Ying laughed.

"Is it for that, you want me so badly? Why not offer yourself? I'm sure he will be pleased and you honored to be his host. Followers will always become the toys of the leaders, especially the ones who care not about life." Xue Yang press his blade on Wangji's throat, making him bleed a little and Wei Ying move a step closer, followed by Yin who was getting the hang of the situation and sensed the rage of the kid that will bring him back her Yang.

"Back off Wuxian or he dies!" Xue Yan warned his with a wicked smile.

"I assure you, if he dies, so will you and in a very painful and horrible way." Wei Ying threatened back, as dark energy arise behind him with Yin's control.

"I can kill that one faster than a second..." Yin whisper in her hoarse voice.

"Ah, Lady Yin... have you regain your sanity? What did bring you back?" Meng Yao asked curiously.

"He will bring me back to Yang..." Meng Yao laughed.

"Yang? You mean the one who abandon you for centuries? Why will you want him back? He is not worthy of you..." The air seems to freeze in that instant, as thunders rumble above them, as if a huge storm was building up in heaven.

"Be silence! What do you, heinous mortal, know about the bonds of the gods? There is no betrayal among the bonds between two seeds, blessed by the gods." Yin said furiously.

"What gods? The ones who keep you in madness for all this time? You are such a sad sight, they too had abandon you as they did the ones they sealed away to protect their so called humanity, when they are nothing but abusive beast!" Meng Yao said dejectedly and a sudden gust of cold wind assaulted them.

Lan Zhan gave a few step back, as Xue Yang was forced to move by the strong wind, cutting a bit deeper on his skin, although not deep enough to really hurt him, while the others that were trapped in fu xian nets, hanging from the black trees, because of a dark array Xue Yang invented, were now swinging from side to side by the strong wind.

"Lan Zhan!" Seen his lover more hurt, Wei Ying actually panic, turning to look at the enraged Yin and holding her by her shoulders.

"Yin! Calm down, please calm down. You know the story will repeat itself if I lose him." Wei Ying pleaded, looking at her deep red eyes, full of darkness and pain. However, his desperation make her focus back on him and seen her own panic reflecting in the young man eyes, she calmed down and the wind lessen.

"You are indeed a beast and the gods will sure punish you with death sooner than later." Yin said with hatred.

"Wei Wuxian, your lover had already spilled some blood, should he bleed more? What about of losing him for good? You rather sacrifice yourself for his sake than to face losing him instead, right?" Wei Ying turned to look at Xue Yang, who was the one who last spoke.

"You bastard! Don't you dare hurt him!" Wei shouted and Wangji gaze seems to penetrate to his very core.

"Do not worry about me." Lan Zhan whisper and Xue Yang held him tighter.

"Be quiet!" Meng Yao shouted angrily, then looked at Wei Wuxian. "What will you do? If you don't agree to sacrifice yourself, then Lan Wangji will be forced in your place." Meng Yao said seriously and Wei Ying closed his hand into fist, his blood boiling in rage and he moved so fast that Meng Yao didn't have the time to register his move and soon he was on the black ground, punched by Wei Ying, who sat over his weaker body.

"You will not dare to hurt my man or I may really become mad right here and now and kill you along with everything else. Do with me what you please, but in exchange, you will swear on a soul oath that you will not hurt neither Lan Zhan, nor the rest of my group, when my soul is gone." Wei told him with barely controlled ire.

"Are you crazy?! Wei Wuxian, don't give in, you idiot!" Jiang Cheng yelled from inside his net cage, as he try to struggle out, but in vain.

"A'Xian!" Yanli followed, in despair.

Meng Yao clean the small trace of blood from his split lip by Wuxian punch, then he pushed Wei Ying off him.

"They will not get hurt, as long as they behave." Meng Yao asure him.

"You liar, did you forgot I am still here?" Yin asked, closing in, but Wei stop her.

"Yin, calm dawn." Wei said to her, then reclined his head to whisper on her ear.

"Only when my soul travel to Taotie's missing dimension I can find what you lost. Let me die to open the dimension and I will come back again by the will of the gods and then I will summon Yang for you to reunite with." Yin's eye half in madness, sparkle with renewed hopes.

"Then, I will give you a gift for your sacrifice. Do not worry about your lover, I will make sure he will be here for when you come back." She whisper back hidden her face with her long hair. After that, Wei Ying turned to face the man that had doomed his own fate without return.

"Do I have to make the array too? At least give me a chance to kiss my man for the last time." Wei Ying said to Meng Yao and he assented, throwing a talisman that chained Lan Wangji even further, unable to move a musle and then Xue Yang lower his sword, pushing Wangji forward, but unable to move by the enchanted chains, he fell toward his Wuxian, who catches him in his arms.

"Lan Zhan..." Wei Ying whisper as he held him closer.

"These bonds are nothing... Wei Ying..." There was a hint of desperation in his deep voice.

"I know... once I'm gone, keep them safe and Yin under control. You can cleanse her darkness in Yang's place, at least enough for her to be more like her former self until I summon Yang." Wei Ying kissed Wangji's temple.

"Come back soon..." Wangji told him as he burry his face on his neck, inhaling his sent, to engrave it in his memory, then Wei Ying kiss him hard and passionate as tears ran down Lan Zhan's cheeks.

"That's enough. If you are lucky, you may see him in your next life." Xue Yang said as he pull Wei Ying away from Lan Zhan, then he cut Wei Ying's hand to poor blood on the soil and instructed him how to draw the array to exchange their souls.

The others really struggle to get out of their unexpected prison, with Wen Ning struggling the hardest as he yelled, over abd over, Young Master Wei and even Zixuan was trying hard to get free and stop that madness. However, Zidian found odd that Yinse was not even trying to get out. They had been trapped together, as most of them got trapped along with those others that were the closer.

"You pervert dragon, why are you so calm? Can't you take your true form and break this net? Do you really want for Wei Wuxian to sacrifice his life for the Second Master Lan? What will Yang think about letting the kid die?" Zidian asked, as she try to use her lighting, but failed.

"One, this nets are made with the deity binding ropes, so what's the point in struggling with something strong enough that you don't have a chance against. Second, I can't take my true form in this confined space, otherwise you will get crushed to death. Third, the will of the gods had led to this end, like Yin said, with a purpose that cannot be deny and lastly, Yang as a son of Nuwa too, can't interfere anything more than I can't. So let's just relax and..."

"You pervert, keep those hands to yourself!" Yinse was tempted to laugh.

"My Lady Zidian that is not my hand, but the robes pressing on your behind..." Yinse said almost in her ears, which make her blush, but in that instant a deep red light shined as the array was completed and Wei Ying, looking at his Lan Zhan half in despair, murmur the incantation that open a path to the long gone dimension left by Taotie's death.

Above Wei Wuxian, a vortex of energy showed up, once again triggering a gale of dark energy. The legend said that Taotie was so hungry that he eat his own body after he swallow Ruohan, part of Yin and Yang, destroying the dimension it had on its belly, but the truth was something else.

Back in the time were the seer took Xuanyu away from his blade, Jinzhu (Yin's female black dragon) was told about the events of what was going to happen centuries later. She was given a stone, gifted by Nuwa that will destroy the inhuman beast from the inside out. Thus, that fated day, Jinzhu purposely let Taotie swallow her into the dimension of his belly, just before he swallow part of Yin's essence.

Inside the void dimension, filled with darkness and all the treasures Taotie had eaten during his time summoned, she gather Yin's essence inside the stone and waited until Rouhan's body was also swallowed. She took her true form inside the endless dark dimension and killed the evil Sage, extracting his soul, then leave it to wander the darkness until the time was right.

Afterwards, she used the power of the stone to destroy Taotie's flesh body from the inside, only leaving the dimension intact. Xiao Man later used her sacred staff, bestowed by Nuwa and seal it inside her old town and Nuwa's sacred land. Because of the seal, Rouhan's soul could not be found for centuries on any inquiry, but when Xiao Man weakened the seal, then the rogues finally make contact with it and thus Jinzhu waited and sleep in the darkness until she will hear a boy with a dark seed calling out her name.

Lan Zhan screamed Wei Ying's name before he watched as his body fell to the side over the bloody circle he had made. Been so deeply connected with him, he could actually see Wei Ying's soul leave his body to go up to the open vortex in the sky. However, as Wei's blue soul went up, Wangji could alse see a tiny ribbon of the white energy he gave Wei Ying, surrounding him.

Then, the white ribbon of his protection became gold, by Nuwa's promise and so the dark soul of Rouhan went out of the vortex, while Wei's went in. Feeling the loss, Wangji fell to his knees, devastated by a great void left behind in his own soul.

Yin sat by him and took his hand oh hers, whispering very softly that even with his heart ripped in pieces at the moment, he will see Wei Ying again, but for her to see Yang, she needed the healing. Thus Wangji, shallow his own despair and lock it deep within his heart, closing his eyes, taking in Yin's dark energy and releasing it back to the earth as a heavenly one.

At that very moment, when Rouhan's soul was about to enter the offer body, many things happen at the same time. Xuanyu took over Wei Ying's body, shielding his body with his own dark energy and expelling the invading soul away from his host and Chenqing, taking his human form, grab the bodiless soul and crush it on his hand with as much destructive energy he could summon from his own black core.

Meng Yao and Xue Yang barely had the time to register what was happening, when a blast of white energy waved all around them and for hundreds of miles away, cutting the nets holding prisoners at the rest of the group, that fell like apples in the now cleansed soil. But even as the group members in the nets fell, a figure flashed pass them, as dark and imposing as a dark son.

A figure that ricked at resentful energy, while holding a wide and rustic long saber in his hand, mercilessly cut Meng Yao's head from his shoulders with a single swing of his saber, splashing his blood over his black and gold robes. Xue Yang reacted a bit late, trying to block coming enraged Baxia with Jiangzia, but the brutal force of Baxia was too great to block, breaking Jiangzia in half and stabbing Xue Yang right in his chest.

"Wuxian did warned you both, holding him host and touching his man will only lead to your death." The sword spirit said, just as Xue Yang took his very last breath. Deep silence then follows as Yin begin to clear up her own darkness, with her hair shining a luxury raven black, while her ragged robes expelled the darkness by the heavenly energy Wangji released and with the help of a golden energy from the goddess, changed back to a silky dress of white and green, with yellow flowers adorning it.

However, inside the still open vortex, Wei Ying found himself retaining his human form, even if his body was translucent, while protected by both a white and gold light that had become like a second skin. He was happy to find that even after death, his wonderful lover protect his very soul. Wei Ying smiled despite himself, feeling so loved that he lose his focus for a moment. Then, he remember that his Lan Zhan was eagerly waiting for his return, so he did as what the seer had instructed.

"Jinzhu! Black dragon Jinzhu! It's time to awake!" Wei Ying yelled, despite not been able to hear his own voice. Nevertheless, a minute or two later, he heard a deep roar and saw something moving in the darkness. At first, it was in the shape of a dragon, a long black one with some hints of a dark red scales in the belly. It slither toward his soul and when close enough, a dark red light blind him for a second, making him close his eyes out of instincts.

When he open his eyes again, a young beautiful woman dressed in black and red was in front of him holding a green jade stone in her hand.

"It's time to be reborn." She said with a gentle smile and when Wei Ying open his eyes for the second time, he was back into his Lan Zhan's arms and back into his body, as if he had never leave it. Both Yin and he had been reborn again from their ashes and to never part again from their love ones, as promise.

AN: Oh my... I'm sad and happy at the same time. This one is just as good as finish, only with a chapter of two to tie the losing ends and to shape the life after all darkness is gone. Thank you so much my dear reader, I know it not always make sense, because I write by impulse, never knowing what will happened next nor having any idea how to end it, other than a happy ending, but somehow I manage to put all the madness I throw in here together, with a lot of love for both the characters and you dear readers. If not for your wonderful support, this story would had never born, nor get this far. Thank you all again and will see you soon for the epilogue chapters if Yin and Yang reunion and of our happy couple helping heal the world. 😙❤❤😄😉😁⚘😍