
The Untamed: World Of Darkness

In a world plagued with dark energy, because of the destruction of the Ying/Yan balance, Clans are the only salvation to the common people. Once every generation, all Clans youths gather in the Cloud Recesses to learn from the strongest, to keep their people safe from the ever present threats of the undead. Wei Wuxian, along with the Wen siblings are from the lowest smaller Clans, yet they are determined to prove the cultivator world that they can surpass those overconfident idiots of the main Clans and even save their world. A completely AU version of the drama The Untamed. I don't own the novel nor the drama or any of the pictures used as covers. BAD English, but interesting read.

Akai_Seirei · Ti vi
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69 Chs

Going Down To Town

Wei Wuxian

"Hum, Lord Zheng... what do you mean the first lesson is going to the town bellow the Gusu islands?" Wei Ying asked the very question that was going around in the other cultivator's mind. After he had pair them, apparently very satisfy with the result, he had said that they will begin their training right away and that training was going to be just to go to town on their own to... know each other and bond as they were expect to.

"Exactly what it sounds like. You see, Wei Wuxian, right here we have people from all corners of our lands. North, east, west and south, you were all sent here with a purpose in mind and that was learn how to protect your Clans and people from the effects of the yin energy, but let me ask you something. Tell me how exactly the west, for example, do their night hunting. How does Song Lan and Xioa Xingchen find and make their kills? How does their special swords actually works to help their Masters in their hunts?" Lord Zheng asked, making Wuxian look at the two young men that just like him and the Wen's siblings, knew each other since childhood.

He wasn't paying attention to what they told them what was their Sect specialization. Their case was different than the Clans, as they make a cultivator's Sect that accepted all those willing to learn, no matter the status, the place or the Clan they had been before. Usually, all Clan's did took disciples from the towns they protect, but not many of them develop a golden core, mostly because the teaching alone about how to night hunt took longer for those who start later than those who begin training since childhood.

The Baoshan Sect, however, trained those that want it, no matter their age or talent. Those more advanced protected the towns and those who were lacking by one reason or another, worked harder to gain for the time lose while busy with a hard daily life. His mother had study in the Baoshan Sect in her childhood and became a superior cultivator that even ranked second in her own gathering, thus he knew a thing or two about the west.

"The Baoshan Sect had a special training that integrate sword spirits to gift them with strong spiritual power, making them aware of the dark energy used by the corpses. Their swords spirits usually are blindfolded, to make it easier to detect such energy. This greatly helps in a night hunting, because the Sect members don't had to go find the corpses randomly, nor use dangerous talismans or spirit attraction flags, like most Clans does." Wei Ying said, earning a smile from both Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen.

"Had you been in the west before, Wei Wuxian?" Song Lan asked, a bit impressed.

"No, but my mother was a member of your Sect a very long time ago." Wei Ying explained.

"Indeed, what you said it quite truthful. If you don't mind, can you summon Shuanghua and Fuxue, so the others can see what Wei Wuxian mean by special training?" Lord Zheng asked. As a spirit himself, he could see all twelve sword spirits whiting their blades and know their names and abilities.

"Of course, Lord Zheng." Song Lan said first and a second later, a male figure stood by him. It was a handsome tall man, dressed in black and white, with long black hair half tied with a silver ribbon. His eyes were blindfolded by a wider black ribbon with an elegant silver design around where the eyes should be.

Then, another man stood by Xingchen, but differently from the first, this one was all dressed in white, with also a white hair, despite looking quite young. He too had delicate features and his eyes were cover with a plain white ribbon. This one bowed to Lord Zheng first, then to the rest of the group.

"My name is Shanghua, at your service." The white one said.

"My name is Fuxue, at your service." The black one also offered.

"Ah, two magnificent spirits. Tell me, Fuxue, how many corpses are in the Gusu islands?" Lord Zhen asked.

"None, my Lord." He simply said, which was no surprising, because the islands were only reachable by teleporting or flying.

"Indeed, now, Shanghua, how many corpses are in town?" Lord Zheng asked again.

"None, my Lord. The closer corpses are outside the warded towns, twelve miles to the south, ten in that area and another three form the east. They will come to the border once the sun sets, your night hunters will be busy tonight." Shanghua said.

"They are always busy, don't worry. Alright, this is the kind of things that I want you to see. Most members of the main Clans, tend to ignore cultivators from smaller Clans or Sects, yet their training and cultivation can give us less headaches while protecting the people entrusted to us." Lord Zheng explained.

"Wen Qing, come here if you don't mind." Lord Zheng told her and Wen Qing moved closer, as instructed.

"Jin Zixuan, come here too, if you please..." And the handsome, yet arrogant young man, reluctantly did as he was told.

"What is this for? She is not my partner." Jin Zixuan said and Wei Ying closed his hands into fists with anger. The jerk sounded like he was relived he wasn't paired with someone from a lower Clan. However, Lan Zhan slightly touched his back, to remember him to stay calm.

"No, she is not, yet she can save your life or take it with a single finger." Lord Zheng warned him and Zixuan smirked.

"I would like to see her try it." He said with confidence and Wei Ying smiled quite pleased. He just had no idea what he had ask for. He was not only a jerk but an idiot too.

"Very well. She will only touch you once and let's see if she can bring you down." Lord Zheng counter and Wen Qing sighed. Why it had to be her the one taking down the jerk? She was a healer and he will be quite humiliated after that, yet, deep inside it was her pleasure.

"She will not make me move a single step forward or backward." Zixuan said, looking at Wen Qing with defiance. Overconfident, are you? Wen Qing thought, as she gave Wuxian a meaningful look.

"Don't go easy on him." Wei Ying mouthed giving her a thumbs up and she smiled, calmly walking toward the taller man.

Jiang Cheng saw her move gracefully, there was no hurry, no hesitation and no doubts in her steps. His own sister was alike, with a delicate appearance and manners, but just like their mother, quite deadly. So far, only her could wield Zidian and master it and her own sword, Chilie was the closer in his Clan to be in pair with Sandu. Her skills were great, but her cultivation was still lacking.

What happen next, was quite unexpected for all the presents expect for those who already knew of her capacity, as Wen Qing stopped in front of Jin Zixuan and gently tap his forehead with her index finger. The touch was so soft that those who didn't knew her doubted it will do anything, yet three seconds later, Zixuan stumble forward falling on her arms.

"Wei Wuxian, come here, he is heavy..." Wen Qing urged him, struggling with the unconscious young man that was going to make her fall too at any second. Immediately, Jaing Cheng and Wei Ying were taking the unconscious peacock from her and Jiang Yanli hurry to his side to see if he was fine.

Zixuan's pulse was normal and so was his spiritual energy, for which she was relieved. He seemed to be only asleep. She then looked at Wen Qing and give her a kind smile, because seen just what she was capable off, she had gone easy on her fiancé.

"Thank you, for only putting him to sleep." Jiang Yanli said and Wen Qing assented in acknowledgment.

"I am a healer after all. He will sleep for a few hours, after that he will be as good as new." Wen Qing reassured her.

"Thank you." Yanli repeated and Wuxian smiled, quite taken by the beautiful smile. However, Jiang Cheng saw it and sighed.

"You know, she is his fiancé..." Jiang Cheng told Wei Ying, just in case he was tempted to make a move on her. It was not like he was overjoy with the arranged union, because in fact he dislike it, but there was nothing he could do about it when the marriage had been arranged by his mother of all people.

"What? You are kidding me right? He is nothing but a je..."

"Wei Ying." Lan Zhan interfered before he could said 'jerk' in front of his fiancé, but Jiang Yanli only smiled.

"I know he had some prejudice, but he is also kind." Wei Ying doubted the 'kind' part, but it was not his concern now. He may flirt with women, but he will never dare to do so with someone already taken, even if it was arranged.

"Alright, now that the demonstration part it's over, you can go down to the town. Learn about your partners, what are their good and bad points, learn about their abilities and how it can help you improve your own. This is a crucial part of this training, because for the coming year, your lives will be at the hands of this young Masters. Knowing them like the palm of your hand will keep you alive and strong. From here on, you will learn to act as one. I will see you back tomorrow morning, have a nice trip and by the way, don't cause troubles down there, okay?" Lord Zheng said, as he used a talisman, teleporting the bunch down to town.

Jiang Cheng was taking most of Jin Zixuan weight, so he was now sat on the floor of an empty street, giving the early hour of the day. Yanli was also sat by his side, while the others were standing, now looking around to get their bearings. Nie Huaisang and the Jiang siblings, as well as Lan Zhan had been there before, but for the rest it was a new place they had never been in.

"We need to take him to an Inn. Where do we find one from here?" Wei Ying asked and the guy called Su She scuffed.

"Country bumpkins, good luck. Do you even had money for that?" He said and was going to add something more, when he found himself unable to open his mouth. Lan Wangji had silence him on the spot, annoyed by the way the member of the Moling Su Clan had addressed his partner.

The enmity between the Lan and Moling Su Clans had been there for many years, so he had little tolerance with them in general and that particular one, just like most of the imitation of the Lan Clan, was no difference from the one who greatly offended his Uncle in his youth, getting expelled from the Clan to make his own.

"What, a cat eat your tongue? Weren't you going to said more?" Wei Ying asked with amusement whit only enraged Su She further, even when he could not verbally retaliate.

"He is under the Lan Clan silence spell. He won't be able to say anything more for half an hour." Mianmian said and Wei Ying laughed, giving Lan Zhan a thumbs up.

"Serves him right..." Wei Ying said, while coldly looking at Su She, who stormed away in exaggerated indignation.

"Now what about that Inn? We can't leave this jer... I mean Jin Zixuan, in the middle of the street, right?" Wei Ying asked.

"There is an Inn close by, a few blocks from here." Jiang Cheng said as he try to pull up the heavy brother in law.

"Wait... I will help you with him." Wen Ning said, easily taking the weight from Zixuan, carrying him on his arms.

"Come, it's this way..." Yanli said, walking ahead, to show them the way.

"Wen Qing, did you had to put him to sleep for that long? Just a minute of two would had been enough to prove the point." Wei Ying complained.

"It was you who said not to hold back." Wen Qing nagged back.

"And since when you listen to me?" She widen her eyes and Wei Ying hastily moved to hide behind Lan Zhan's back, making the others laugh.

"Lan Zhan, sorry about this, but she is damn scary..." Wei Ying whisper, making Lan Zhan amused.

"What did you said?" Wen Qing asked, showing him a few needles.

"Ah, nothing, nothing..." Wei Ying whisper.

"You get along well." Song Lan notice as they walked.

"We grew up together since kids. She is like a sister to me." Wei Ying responded.

"Ah, no, I mean, you and Lan Wangji." It was then that Wei Wuxian realized he was holding Lan Zhan's robe, as he walked behind him. Instantly, he let go of it and laughed nervously.

"We are full-time partners... by the way, let's had some wine later and talk about our Clans. I'm quite intrigued by your special training. Maybe I can make Suibian learn a trick of two." Wei Ying suggested.

"I'm not a dog!" Subian complained back in his own dimension.

"Wei Ying, drinking is forbidden in the Lan Clan." Lan Zhan remained him, although the reason he said it was because he could not tolerate alcohol, even if it was just a bit.

"We are in town now, we have the entire day to enjoy." Wei Ying insisted while smiling widely.

"We had ladies with us, Wei Wuxian." Jiang Cheng remained him.

"It's not like they haven't seen men drink before, right?" Nie Huaisang smiled.

"I will like a drink. We are supposed to know each other anyways. The Inn will do for all of us." Huaisang said.

"I guess..." Xiao Xingchen agree, but when they were tuning to the main street, Wei Wuxian worst nightmare came to give him some hell first thing in the morning. A street dog was chasing a cat, coming faster in their way. Wei Ying instantly froze in terror in the spot, reaching for that he knew will be his shield.

He moved forward, hugging Lan Zhan from his back, grabbing him for dear life, as he yelled in terror, hearing the barks just a short distance away. Lan Wangji was taken by surprise, honestly not expecting such a strong reaction, just by seen a street dog, yet he released some of his spiritual energy to scare away, both the cat and the dog and looked back to Wei Ying, feeling him trembling against his back.

"Wei Ying, its gone now." Wangji told him softly, ignoring the expression of the rest of the group. Obviously they were about to burst in laughs, beginning from Nie Huaisang and ending with Jiang Yanli, who was hiding half her face behind her sleeve.

"Ah... well..." Then the laughing came, as they watch Wei Ying glancing ahead, just above Lan Wangji's shoulder, while he still have him tightly hugged, like a scared little kid.

"The tie for the strongest number one in our generation fear... dogs, huh?" Jiang Cheng asked as he laughed.

"Ha, ha... yeah, laugh at me all you want... you just had no idea how scary the east is." Wei Ying said, as he finally let go of Lan Zhan robes, which was the only one not laughing, because even Wen Ning was smiling while he carry Zixuan.

"Hey you!! Stop the noise this early in the morning! Some people wants to sleep!" An old woman yelled from an open window in one of the houses in a second floor and just like a bunch of mischievous kids, they ran away, with Wei Ying pulling Lan Zhan by his arm, as he too laughed his fear out.

AN: 😂😂 Thanks for reading, more mischievousness will come next as they learn about each other before returning back to the islands. A few swords named are made up, because I couldn't find them in the info about Mo Dao Zu Shi. Until next time, take care. 😂😉❤❤❤😙