
Conscious Of You

Wei Ying

As Lan Zhan go out to bring him some warm tea, he took the opportunity to go visit someone he was planning to kill inside of him. It was because of Xuanyu that he had ended kissing Lan Zhan, who was seriously embarrass by it. The good thing was that Lan Zhan had understood it was not his doing and didn't get mad, even if he was embarrass, which he found quite... cute? Or maybe appealing?

Lan Zhan was by all means a popular handsome man that any woman will want to marry with, but sadly for them, he was quite sure he had steal away his very first kiss from them, even if it was barely a touch. He wonder now how it will feel to fully kiss those tempting lips... wait, what the hell? Now he was imagining himself deeply kissing Lan Zhan and finding his slight blush appealing?

"Damn you Xuanyu!!" Wei Ying yelled internally and shortly after, he was transported to the perverted dark energy world. As he open his eyes, the first thing he did was to take Xuanyu by his collar in pure rage, which only make the other man smile.

"Ah, Wei Ying, how was it? Did you like kissing your hot partner?" Xuanyu asked teasingly.

"You damn pervert. What the hell were you trying to do with Lan Zhan? It was you the one pulling him down. Don't try to mess up with him at my expense, that's low even coming from you." Wei Ying keep up without letting go of Xuanyu.

"But I didn't kiss him, you did..."

"Because you were pulling him down before you decide to switch again!"

"I did pull him, he was too close already and he is quite tempting, but honesty, why are you even mad now? Before, you didn't seems to mind at all."

"It was your prank and we both were surprised."

"Still, you did like it and so did he."

"He is not like you!"

"Ah, Wei Ying... how dense you can be and even after I took the trouble to act as cupid for you both." By then, Wei Ying's rage had escalated a boiling point.

To Chenqing's surprise, as he go out of his flute discreetly, a bit further behind the host, he was a bit shocked of how the mad kid called Wei Ying was actually absorbing Xuanyu's dark energy unconsciously. There were ribbons of the energy coming out of Xuanyu and circling around the kid instead.

The mischievous dark spirit had told him a few things about Wei Ying's special ability to control and manipulate dark energy, but he had his doubts. No human should be able to manipulate the wicked energy so naturally, unless touched by it since birth or something else he didn't knew about.

Now, he was just wandering who that kid really was and what was his connection with Yin, if there was any, because if the seer was involved, it was possible she had make plans for the future to come on her own. The old woman was after all, the first immortal in the beginning of time, rumored to be working the will of the gods themselves.

"I warn you Xuanyu, stay away from Lan Zhan. Don't try to pull more pranks on him ever again, he is my partner now and you are not cupid, nor are we in love." Wei insisted and Xuanyu sighed. The thick headed young Wei was too stubborn to be helped.

"Yeah, yeah... I will not push you again. I guess you will have to find it for yourself. Satisfy?" Xuanyu asked and Wei Ying finally let go of him. The kid was scary at times, especially when he was seriously mad. It was in times like those that his unique ability to manipulate raw dark energy showed up and you ask yourself who really was him. After his warning, Wei Ying went back to meet with his Lan and Xuanyu exchanged glances with Chenqing.

"Did you saw how my own energy reacted to him?" He asked the flute spirit.

"Odd by all means. I can tell it's not only him manipulating it unconsciously, the energy itself is attracted to him." Xuanyu smiled, because that was quite truthful. Back then he had let himself be manipulated by the little kid and integrate with him in such a way he could not be expelled from the kid's body, but he wonder what was the purpose the seer had when asking Yin to give her a small amount of her energy, so Wei Ying could be saved centuries later.

"Indeed... even I am powerless when he really is in the mood to do with me what he wished. It's a fortune he doesn't realize it, nor that he does it frequently."

"Well, I don't blame him this time, you really went too far."

"But his Lan Zhan likes him and I think he does like him too."

"It's too soon, idiot. Let the kids had their fun running in circles for a while. Just sit and watch, then when the times comes you can go and said to him, 'I told you so'." Xuanyu smirked.

"What about you? When will I be able to tell you, 'told you so'?" His gaze was one of longing, yet Chenqing remained impassive, but didn't held Xuanyu's gaze for long. The truth to be told, if he held that gaze for long, he will be very tempted to tell Mo about the things he had forgot when his consciousness was mess up by the detach of his spirit and the things they had shared together for centuries.

"You really are a pervert. Just keep dreaming for a while too." Xuanyu laughed, amused by the flute spirit hasted retreat, as he go back to the flute. Just like Wei Ying, he may deny it, but he wonder why Chenqing remember his energy so well when he was supposed to be just a hint of Yin's energy, to recognize him instantly after several centuries of absence, sealed away in a pouch.

"Right..." He smiled then he sat in a lotus style to have some meditation. After Wei Ying had mess up his energy, he was tired, thus he closed his eyes and shut himself away from his host and his lovely handsome Chenqing for hours to come.

Lan Wangji

At the other side, Lan Zhan had come back to the room with a tea set, putting it down on a table at the center of the room. He helped his partner, who was still a bit weak for whatever Yang did to him, to go out of bed and sit behind the table. Then, he delicately served Wei Ying his Masala tea, with a nice combination of species, like cinnamon, ginger, cloves and cardamom among other things with a hint of milk that he hoped Wei Ying would like.

He focus in serving him, moving his hand with expertise and gracefulness and offer the young man from the east the warm content. Wei Ying smiled at him and took the offered cup and smell the rich aroma of the tea. The blend was perfect, he make sure of that and as Ying taste it, he knew it was what his partner had asked for. He was glad.

To Wei Ying, the warm liquid was exquisite and he could tell it was made with the best ingredients around the north and Lan Zhan was simply showing him how a fine gentlemen he was to his core. As he drank, he stared at Lan Zhan, studying his handsome features with more interest than he should.

Lan Zhan was obviously the quiet type, only saying the necessary, never speaking out of terms, with graceful moves of his noble education, yet he was quite the man that would make any woman turn to look his way to fantasy over him. Only his stoic manner and lack of social interaction with the opposite gender, keep him from be at the very top, like his brother, to obtain the deserved second place.

Wait... why was him thinking about those things again? Damn Xuanyu and his nonsense about him been interested in the young man at the other side of the table. They didn't had that kind of relationship and they had better things to occupy their time than to fantasy with a pervert tale.

"Is it of your liking?" Lan Zhan asked, just to make sure his guess had been right.

"Yes, the best one I had ever taste. You are so capable, Lan Zhan." Wei Ying smiled and Wangji slightly smirked.

"There is another thing I should tell you." Lan Zhan told him, getting more serious.

"Is it about the strange presence I felt inside Xuanyu's seal?" Lan Zhan arched an eyebrow.

"Yes. Lord Yang ask me to give Xuanyu, Yin's flute." Wei Ying put the cup down gently.

"I see..." Wei whisper looking down to the tea cup he had half drank.

"It's supposed to protect us from her madness and locate her." Wangji said next.

"That place is hell, Lan Zhan. I was once hunting close to the Burial Mounds, all Clan's in the east take turns to keep an eye on the barrier we put at the entrance, because if all the corpses that are in there were to go out, they will end up overwhelming our cultivators and wipe us out in not time. I had a hunting, miles away from there and to be honest, I could barely concentrate in killing the corpse right in front of me. I felt like I was going to get sick and there was an overwhelming presence that seemed to want to crush you like an insect."

"You are more sensitive than others. When in there you need to be more careful." Wangji advised him, now worry for Wei Ying safety once inside the Burial Mounds. Xuanyu had to take over him back inside the cave that had less dark energy than the hellish place, now he wonder what it will do to him to face Yin's full madness.

"It's quite possible the one inside me will take over. Just in case I will made a few talisman to suppress him, for if he goes out of control." Ying said, drinking the delicious tea again.

"Wei Ying... the flute spirit called Chenqing knew Xuanyu." This make Ying look at him with surprise.

"So... there is more to him that I first thought. Yin is an immortal, with who knows how many centuries old, so her flute most be as old as her, which mean that so was Xuanyu if he already knew of him." Wei said seriously.

"Then, who is he? How come you manipulate such an old energy?" Wangji voiced the question that had bother him since the two spirits meet.

"To be honest, I don't really know. Back when I was a kid, I was so scare when the wild dogs were chasing me through the forest that anything that could help me survive will do. I don't remember how exactly I manage to manipulate and use the dark energy that is now Xuanyu, but now I wonder how I even pulled that off..." Wei Ying said thoughtful and deep inside Lan Wangji wondered just who really were both Wei Ying and the so called Xuanyu.

He never thought possible a sprit could born from dark energy and even less to cultivate a dark core along with Wei Ying's golden one. He also wonder of what really happen when his partner was a kid and how much of a 'coincidence' was his encounter with an ancient dark spirit.

However, no matter what was the story behind it all, he was determine to protect the young man to the best of his ability and more so once inside of the Burial Mounds. He was going to make sure, Wei Ying could count on him to have his back for as long as it take. That was what a partner was meant to do, after all.

Somewhere Else...

"Hum, excuse me. Can I ask you why you are so upset?" Meng Yao ask the young man fuming in a corner. He had approached him, knowing he was one of the twelve chosen to learn directly with the immortals. Su She looked back at him and Yao smiled sweetly at him.

"Those filthy pumpkins and arrogant Lan Wangji. Damn idiots... by the way, who are you?" Su She asked to the stranger.

"My name is Meng Yao... I am a low cultivator from the Unclean Realm in the south, at your service." He said, giving him a deep bow.

"Ah, so from the Nie Clan? Aren't you the sworn brother of Nie Mingjue?" Su asked and Yao smiled even wider.

"Yes, he is my oldest sworn brother. Can you tell me what was done to you? I can always listen and maybe you will feel better. I can see you are from the wonderful Moling Su Clan, it will be my pleasure to help." At that description of his Clan, Su smiled, finally knowing someone who appreciate his Clan.

"You see, those countryside pumpkins..." Su She begin telling, as Meng Yao listen with interest, while webbing his net around the naïve Su Clan member, sealing his fate for good.

AN: I didn't use Jin Guangyao courtesy name, just his birth one, because he had not been recognized by his father in this point, thus not acquiring the Jin of a Clan member. Thus the underplot begins, while the mysteries of the past keep popping out. LOL. Thanks for reading, hope you like it. To all my readers, lots of love in this Christmas season and also peace. Until next time, take care my darlings. 😄😁🎄🎄🎄🎄💖💖💖💖💖