
On The Way To The Golden Tower

Jiang Cheng

The next morning, Lan Xichen sent a message that he was on his way to the Lotus Pier, to pick up Jin Ling, as it was time to go back to the Golden Tower to keep up with his training to rule the Jin Clan and his compromise with the Lan Clan was over for the time being. The kid was a little disappointed as he wanted to spent more time with Wuxian so, after his brother discuss it with Wangji, he had offer himself to escort Jin Ling to the Golden Tower, along with Xichen and then, Jiang Cheng had offer himself as well out of habit.

When Xichen had an appointment in the Cloud Recesses, he always leaved Jin Ling in the Lotus Pier, then pick him up, with both of them escorting him back, so it was more or less normal for them to travel together at such times. However, this time, when he offer himself, as he usually do, he was greeted with a teasing smirk from his brother.

He should had known he would insist on them being something they were not. Damn pervert! However, his suggestions had a side effect on him, because he was more aware of Xichen than he should and oddly enough, when he arrived he felt... nervous. He greet him normally, but deep inside he was a mess. Was he looking at him the right way, was he treating him as a friend, was he behaving as a Clan Leader offering to escort his nephew as such?

Damn, he was at a loss around Xichen, thanks to a certain troublemaker that was having a fieldtrip with his sudden insecurity about the older Jade. Still, he could not help himself but to admire Clan Leader Xichen, as his kindness was enchanting and his presence like a sun ray. Wait... does that meant that he really was falling for him? Cheng asked himself. No, it just must be Wuxian's influence on him, yet again, his eyes wander toward the Chief Cultivator, as he speak with his brother and he found himself smiling.

Wuxian notice that and grab the chance to tease him some more, then when he blushed under his whispering insinuations, Wuxian laughed, making both brothers look at them, with Xichen wonderfully looking at him in confusion. He blushed even more.

"Ah, Wei WUXIAN!!! You are dead meat!" Jiang Cheng yelled, as he hear him having fun to his expense and moved to get him, but Wuxian, ran away from him, laughing and teasing him, when he chase him, as when they were younger. For a moment it felt like going back in time, acting like kids, instead of full grown adults, but he didn't care.

Everyone knew he was explosive and it had been so long since he had that kind of brotherly fun, he was starving for it. Also, they playful fight make Xichen smile kindly and that alone was worth the embarrassment. Damn, this was going to be a very long trip, Jiang thought, resigning himself.

🔥Wei Wuxian🔥

After some refreshment, they head out along with the juniors that were also set on escorting Jin Ling back to the Golden Tower, they used the long boats to travel by river, as the weather was nice and the view of the Lotus Lake beautiful, then transfer to the next town and walked the rest of the way. By nightfall, they hunt in groups under their careful surveillance and then rested in an Inn when entering the next town.

The kids other food while they lively chatted about their most recent hunting's. Lan Sizhui and Jin Ling were particularly lively that night, as they performance was outstanding after the intense training with Wuxian, for which he was quite proud, thus Wuxian smiled quite pleased.

"You had done well, young Master Wei. It's seem that Jin Ling has improved with your training." Xichen told him.

"The talent it's his own, this time he simply pay more attention." He said looking at the mad Jiang Cheng.

"Try to teach the brat every day and see if he will keep his attention for long." Jiang said and Wei smiled.

"You got it hard, I give you that." Wei admitted.

"You just had no idea, right Lord Xichen?" Asking for his opinion was natural for him, but once again in front of his troublemaker brother it was another matter entirely. Xichen smiled gently.

"He is a bit impatient, but that's normal at his age. He will come around when he is ready to face the responsibility of a Clan Leader." Xichen said.

"For that day to come, there is still a long way... the best of luck to you both." Wei said as he drank some wine.

"I can said same the same. I hope you can complete your golden core soon." Xichen added. He missed his brother and although he will not settle in the Cloud Recesses, he may visit more often when off training.

"Thank you Lord Xichen, you are too kind." Wei said respectfully, but later he looked at Jiang Cheng teasingly. Damn Wuxian! He swear internally and sighed externally.

"Can I ask if you will stay in the Golden Tower for a few days or go back to the mountains to cultivate?" Xichen asked Wuxian. At that question, even when done in a low tone, the dining room of the Inn became silent and Jin Ling more than anyone else pay attention to their conversation in the table next to them.

Seen the change in the atmosphere, Wei looked at Jin Ling's back who was obviously eavesdropping and then looked back at Lan Zhan. They had already take a few days off their training, but it will another set of long months to come back and visit, so they can spare a few more days.

"It's your call." Wangji told him, as he was fine with whatever decision he decided.

"Alright then, just two more days." Wei Ying said and both Jin Ling and Sizhui smiled widely, happy they will have him for two additional days. After that, the conversations resumed and the noise fill up again the Inn full of cultivators from different Clans. After they ate, Wangji took Wei Ying to a room to rest for the night, but in Wei Ying's internal clock it was still too early, so after the door was closed, he pull his husband close.

Wei Ying passed his arms around his neck and kiss him quite passionately. His body was already heated up by the wine, thus his need of Lan Zhan also raised to a boiling point. As they kiss, Wei undressed his handsome husband, quite impatient to have him in.

Lan Zhan had faced this Wei Ying in the past months when he drank a particularly good wine, like the one the Inn served, so it didn't took him by surprise, the way he demanded to be satisfy. Actually, when he was like that, they will do more than one round and their love making was usually more intense.

He already was aroused by Wei Ying's hands touching all over the places that he knew will please him more, so soon after, he have his husband on the bed and undress him with equally urge and once the black clothes were thrown into the floor, he pinned Wei Ying on the bed while lying on his stomach. That way he will go in quite deeper and his movements will make his husband even more aroused as he will be rubbed by the bed sheets.

"Lan Zhan..." Wei whisper and after he slightly bite Wei's back here and there, making him moan inside the pillow to muffle the heated sound, he parted Wei's legs and after he wet the entrance with the stiky head he went in.

He was in no hurry, so he keep the pace slow, yet steady. This one thing make Wei Ying crazy and he grabbed the sheets, as Wangji pinned him deeper on the bed and he try to muffle more and more moan as the minutes passed with the steady dance of the expirience lover. Lan Zhan knew him best and he also knew that the steady pace will always hit that sensitive spot he had inside, each time, making him overlook the pain and actually find the pleasure.

"You are too good..." Wei whisper and Wangji smirked, increasing the pace just a bit more. After that, Wei Ying was ready to release, Wangji knew, so he stopped and turn him, kissing him while changing positions. This way, the sheet will not stain too much and he could play with his husband arousal as he went in for the second time.

"I love you, Wei Ying." Lan Zhan whisper to his ear.

"No more than I, my Lan Zhan." Wei whisper back and closed his legs over his waist, to make him go in deeper. The movement make Lan Zhan more aroused and he too slightly moaned on his lover ear and that along with Lan Zhan's big hand playing with his exposed arousal, make him release as he shiver all over under him, then Wangji follow suit inside his lover.

Before, they had asked for a bath, so there was a wooden tube in the middle of the room, although the water was barely warm. They take a bath together as they carefully have a second round inside it and after the business was done, they clean and finally went to bed in each other's arms, fully dressed and dry.

For both of them just been together was more than enough to live a wonderful life, with a sense of fulfilment. Making love, cultivate, training or simply share a moment together watching the clouds pass by, was a bliss in its own way and now there was the addition of the sense of family that he had lost, but now regained.

As Wei Ying was tightly hugged by his husband, he smiled, glad he had been lucky enough to have a second chance in life to enjoy with the man that loved him with a kind of devotion hard to find and regain a bit of what he lost in his previous life, including a son, a nephew, a brother and a friend he thought was killed.

Before he had been blinded be the sense of justice and enraged by the unfairness of their world, hurt by the many deaths that had make him give up on life, when beyond that turmoil was the light that would bring him back his peace, justice and fairness, not to mention a deep love that will not die this time.

"My Lan Zhan..." Wei whisper, thinking his man was already asleep, yet Wangji simply kissed his hair and hold him tighter, to show him that no matter what was on his head as he whisper his name, he was always going to take him in, in body and soul, as he had hoped for so long, unwilling to let him slip in his hands a second time. Wei sighed softly and taking in his sandalwood sent, he blissfully fall asleep for the rest of the night.

AN: Thank you dear readers. I added a teasing for Cheng/Xichen posible pair for those who wanted them together. It was a pairing I was not contemplating but it should be fun to explore as Wen Qing is no longer alive in this story. I'm sorry it took so long, but I was focusing in World of Darkness. It's a lovely story too, so if you had the spare time, please give it a try. The updates will come, although not regularly.