
The Unsung Throne

"Ugh, who transmigrates people like that man." Our main character, Keiji, was transmigrated to another world without his choice or consent, "Well, not like I'm complaining or anything, it's not everyday that something like this happens." Either way, he wasn't complaining, he was just feeling regretful about the things, or humans, he left behind, "I feel sorry for them, to witness such a scene, *ugh* I get shivers just thinking about it, well, let's not dwell on it for now, let's think about my current situation." *Click* "Keiji, who are you talking to?" At that moment, a woman entered, one that Keiji knows very well at that.

FreezeTDE · Kỳ huyễn
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17 Chs

My Own Squad

"Now then, let's head out. With our first place being the pond."

After Keiji finished, his mother picked him up and headed to where the pond is.

"Look here sweetie, look at all those fishies. We'll let you have the opportunity to name them all when you grow up, they are all of rare breed and live a long life. So don't name them carelessly in the future."

Keiji, wanting to act like a child to dispell his mother's thoughts from yesterday, kept wriggling his body to get out of his mother's hand and play with the fish.

'This is too embarrassing. I can't believe a grown man like me is playing with fish like a little kid. Gotta admit though, it is fun as a change of pace from staying in my room all the time doing nothing.'

[Your mother is correct, those fish are really extraordinary. They are what you call mythical creatures.]

The system suddenly commented.

'Ohh, so you're finally talking now. No longer ignoring me ha. What do you mean mythical creatures?'

[Mythical creatures are just like any regular creature, the only difference is that they have a much higher potential to evolve or ascend, they are similar to regular ones and that's why only an expert can determine if a creature is regular or not. They also place much more importance on their name, because once they get named, they gain awareness and sometimes, depending one what the name might symbolize, they can evolve to said creature. That's also why it's near impossible to change it.]

'So you mean like if you name a creature like that with the name Rex for example, they might evolve or devolve into a dog depending on what species it is?'

[Yes, but not always. Sometimes, anomalies happen and they evolve into a much higher creature that had that name in the past.]

'So it's a probability? The more creatures with a certain name the higher the possibility of the mythical creature evolving into it. Then what if the name is common in the same species?'

[Then the probability of failure is higher and they can even become regular creatures.]

'That much of an importance? That means I can have all those fish evolve and have my own mythical creature squad, no wait, what if they betray me or leave right after they evolve and gain awareness?'

[That won't happen. When one names a creature and it evolves, it does gain awareness like you said, but it's only that of a three year old human child, so it'll think of the one who named them as their parent or guardian to follow. Of course that's if the person doesn't abuse or use them all the time and push them to run away. Keep in mind that the probability of evolving is 'higher' not 'certain' so just having one and it actually evolving are two different things.]

'Yes, got it. So that mean either my parents are that lucky to catch all those mythical fish, which I highly doubt, who can have that much luck to catch a whole pond full of them?, are experts in this field or hired an expert in this field. Which all comes down to my status being not normal.'

"Alright, looks like you got bored, let's get going."

After being too absorbed in his thoughts while playing with the fish, his mother picked him up and started heading to the next place.



Arriving at a huge building.

"This is the warehouse, you can think of it as it being a storage room, just bigger and has different things in it. Like food, clothing, material.....etc. But, same as the storage room, we don't put much in it too, we only use it to store a minimal amount of food and clothing for the maids."

They didn't linger much at the warehouse as both of them didn't have much interest in it.

"Next we have----"

Just as Keiji's mother was about to decide the next location, she stopped mid sentence almost like something caught her attention.

"Nevermind, we'll be heading to the maid's building ahead of time. It seems we'll be choosing a personal maid for you earlier than planned."

With that Keiji's mother quickly took him to the maid's building.



At the building, in a small dirty room inside.

"Aah, aah, stop stop. I didn't do anything wrong. I did my best to complete all my tasks. I didn't ev----"

"What? Can't speak now? Just because we increased our strength a little you passed out? I don't get why they hired a young maid like you, you can't even do anything. We got scolded because of you, you couldn't even finish your job properly."

In the room, four maids can be seen. Three older ones, and a young one that doesn't look to be older than 10. The room had one small bed which seemed to belong to the young maid, but she wasn't on it, she was in a corner of the room being surrounded by the older maids and being bullied. With two of them hitting her severely.

"Stop doing that. If we get caught it won't be good for us. It's already enough that we throw our work onto her."

The older maid that wasn't hitting the young one tired to stop the other two by trying to pull them away from the young maid.

"Oh, Shut it. Don't act like you aren't irritated by the innocent look she has all the time and those eyes of hers. I don't get what's so good about her that they hired her."

The other maid didn't care what her meek friend said and continued hitting they young maid.

At that moment, they heared the sound of the door opening.