
The Unsung Throne

"Ugh, who transmigrates people like that man." Our main character, Keiji, was transmigrated to another world without his choice or consent, "Well, not like I'm complaining or anything, it's not everyday that something like this happens." Either way, he wasn't complaining, he was just feeling regretful about the things, or humans, he left behind, "I feel sorry for them, to witness such a scene, *ugh* I get shivers just thinking about it, well, let's not dwell on it for now, let's think about my current situation." *Click* "Keiji, who are you talking to?" At that moment, a woman entered, one that Keiji knows very well at that.

FreezeTDE · Kỳ huyễn
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17 Chs

First Words

Keiji replied to his mother's greeting subconsciously. He has just woke up from a deep nap and wasn't thinking about anything yet. Which sent his mother into a frenzy, a happy frenzy.

"HUUHHHHHHH? You just said your first words!!! Honey, come here quick and get a recording stone while you're on the way."

Keiji's mother was brimming with joy from hearing Keiji speak his first words. She called her husband to come and get her a recording stone.

"I'm coming." From another room, Orion heard his wife's call and went right away.


Orion arrived quickly and handed his wife the stone to which she took immediately and it started glowing in her hands.

'I feel bad for them, how devastated they would be if they ever come to know that those weren't my first. That'll be my secret that I'll take to the grave. Oh, by the way, what's that recording stone? I can tell what it does from the name, but is this world taht advanced?'

[It's as you can guess, it records things, but not like a camera from your previous world. From what it is to how it's made is not something that you can know now, but just know that it's not something you can find easily in this world and not everybody can do what your mother is currently doing.]

'And what is she doing exactly?'

[In simple terms, she's converting her memories into Qi. This process is difficult as one mistake can lead to loss of a lot of memories or the stone exploding.]

"Don't you think that it's too early from him to speak his first words? He hasn't even grown any teeth." Orion's question pulled keiji out of his thoughts.

"I don't care. He spoke his first words and that's what I care about. I've always knew he was special." The stone had already stopped glowing before she replied to her husband, signaling the completion of the transfer.

"You said that about his elder siblings, and well, they were special alright, but each in their own 'unique' way."

"No, I can feel it. He's more special mentally, his mind is more developed than other's his age. Call it mother's instinct."

"Alright, let's keep it at that for now."

'Mother's instinct is a scary one.'

[Never underestimate a mother, a cultivator mother even more.]




'And with that I finished everything to know about the basics of formations. But why was there not a single formation in here? I've been reading this for more than three years and found nothing.'

[That is because formations are not something easily obtainable, a lot of sects keep most of their formations secret as they spent a lot of resources on developing it.]

'But you're a system, so surely you have, right?'

[Yes, but they're to be unlocked as rewards, not given away freely. You know everything you need to make them yourself. Those basics contain things that most masters of formation don't know.]


[Saying that won't get you anything.]

'I know I know. But like, making one from scratch is time consuming, they're like electrical circuits from my previous world, just that thr components are replaced with symbols and electricity is replaced with Qi.'

[And just like you're previous one, do you think any company will reveal their complex circuits easily? Oh, and you still don't have Qi, so it'll be useless even if you're given a complete one. Keep reading the basics of everything till you eventually have Qi and at the time you can start experimenting with everything all at once.]

'Alright. I'll take alchemy next. Is it the same as the formations one?'

[Yes, you'll know almost every material there is, it's properties, what it works and doesn't work with. And how to refine them properly.]

'That will need Qi too, right?'


'At this rate I'll finish everything before I even start cultivating.'

[We'll see how much your body developed till then.]

During those years, Keiji finished the book after he memorized everything in there. He, of course, slacked off a lot of times, but that didn't stop him from finishing the book. His excuse was "I have nothing but time, so finishing it later won't differ much."

When he first started walking, his mother was just as excited as to his first words and also recorded it as well. His father was there every time, almost like he's always watching secretly. Till now, Keji still hasn't seen Rita and it's not like he can ask anybody about it.

After all, she was designated as his maid while he was still not even a year old, so he won't be able to explain how he knew that. He had a feeling that his mother already knew that he was aware at the time, but didn't ask her about it out of fear of being discovered.


The door opened and Keiji's mother entered.

"Let's go Keiji, let's take our usual walk."

After Keiji took his first steps, his mother started taking him on daily walks around tge mansion. Most of the time taking him around the pond to feed the fish in there or just walks with him around the mansion talking about random things.

"You know Keiji, your father and I were thinking of enrolling you in a school so you can learn and make friends, but decided against it."

"Why? Is school bad?"

"It's not that it's bad, but the schools around here don't teach useful things, they teach boring and repetitive things. We want you to actually learn something you will use later on. As for friends, you can make some from the city, school isn't the only place you can make friends."

"You'll let me out!??"

Keiji said those words with a hint of excitement in them.

"*Chuckle* It's not like we stopped you from doing so, we just never took you out. But, yeah, you'll get to play around the city."


"BUT, you will be after you finish your lessons."

"Lessons? Didn't you say I won't go to school?"

"Who said you will. Your father and I will be the ones teaching you."