
Seven Years of waiting

Once there was a boy and a girl who belonged from same school. At first they were good friends , they started sharing things with each other , started giving time to each other , their late night talks , coming at late night in the terrace and seeing the same stars or moon . At last boy told her that he love her , the girl was so happy though she wanted to take time to be in relationship as she was badly hurt from the past. Boy waited her , but one day one of the senior from their school came in their classroom in lunch break and directly went to the boy and asked why did you proposed my girl , the boy was shocked as his love was only her but yes he had asked for friendship to that seniors girlfriend , as he think there is no harm to be friend . The girl was outside the classroom , she heard that I approached one girl which was completely wrong but she believed. Later on the boy came to know from his friend that the girl was going to accept his approach, after hearing that the boy got silent on that day. Days passed by , years passed by the boy was still waiting for her but she dint came into his life as she had believed in the wrong thing. Though not being in relationship still they used to contact each others , their late night talks etc .

Now there was a days where the boy could only see her for the last time " Their Board Exam" . It was the last day of the exam they both were like please don't go far from me but that was impossible they had to go for their future . On the last day of exam the girl made a plan that she is going to give treat to her friends and even invited me . We were talking normally as time passed by both the girl and a boy face started changing . Now i was time for them to leave , they both got full of tears and hugged each other , the girl all of a sudden kissed in boy chick, the boy was so much happy and even shocked as he was not expecting it , before they saw each other for the last time , the boy had promiced a girl that whichever corner of the world she goes for studies the boy will find it out so as he did .