
The Unpleasant Love

Grace Dean came from a famous and billionaire family and all she dreams is to become a business women she doesn't want to rely on to her family asset she wants to be successful by her own hardwork until one day she got drunk and got pregnant but she doesn't know who's the father of her baby its either among her four guy friends.

lil_kirstein · Thanh xuân
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7 Chs

One Year After

One year later the eight of them is already graduate. They already have there own job they are the one who are continue the foot step of their parents. Grace become the president of their family company and a ceo of her own brand GD clothing brand. Her parent are already retired if she needs help she is free to ask her parents about the company.

GD clothing has become the most top clothing of the year. She sold a lot of bags, dress, jacket, suit, shoes and many more. There are a lot of celebrities who become an ambassador of GD clothing brand. Grace friends are having their own life being a heir on their family company as well. Grace called her friend to meet up like hanging out with each other because its been a years they never meet. Grace arrived at the restaurant she decided to meet up Dane is second who arrived followed by Chloe, Anna, Berk, Chris, Lovely, Jay.

As they sat down at a corner table in the restaurant, Grace couldn't help but feel a surge of nostalgia. Seeing her friends again after a long time reminded her of their adventures in university and how they had supported each other through thick and thin. They shared stories, laughter, and cherished memories of their time together.

Over dinner, Grace couldn't contain her excitement as she shared the success of her clothing brand, GD. Her friends listened intently, proud of her accomplishments and genuinely happy for her. They, too, had achieved great things in their respective fields, and they shared their own stories of triumphs and challenges.

As the evening progressed, the conversation turned to more personal matters. Grace had been harboring a secret for the past year, and she knew it was time to reveal it to her friends. Taking a deep breath, she looked at each of them and said, "There's something I need to tell you all. Something life-changing."

Her friends exchanged curious glances, their attention now fully focused on Grace. She continued, "Last year, shortly after we returned from our London trip, I found out I was pregnant."

A stunned silence fell over the table as her friends processed the unexpected news. They looked at Grace with a mix of concern, surprise, and support. Dane, who had always been protective of Grace, was the first to speak up. "Grace, who's the father?" he asked gently.

Grace hesitated for a moment before replying, "I honestly don't know. It could be one of the four of you." She looked at each of her guy friends, searching their faces for any indication of their involvement.

Berk, Chris, Jay, and Dane exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of surprise and realization. They were aware of their feelings for Grace, but they had never imagined that one of them could be the father of her child. Their silence spoke volumes.

Chloe, Ana, and Lovely, who had been silent observers, offered their support to Grace. They assured her that they would stand by her side, no matter what the outcome.

As time passed, Grace's pregnancy progressed, and her friends continued to provide unwavering support. They accompanied her to prenatal classes, baby shopping trips, and even organized a surprise baby shower to celebrate the impending arrival.

Amidst the uncertainty of the paternity, Grace focused on her own strength and determination. She resolved to become a successful businesswoman and a loving mother, determined to provide the best life possible for her child.

The day finally arrived when Grace gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Holding her daughter in her arms, Grace felt an overwhelming rush of love and gratitude. Her friends were there, by her side, witnessing this joyous moment.

As they celebrated the birth of Grace's daughter, they made a pact to always be a part of each other's lives. They promised to be there for each other, to support one another through thick and thin, just as they had always done.

And so, the journey of Grace and her friends continued, navigating the challenges of parenthood, their careers, and the complexities of their relationships. Together, they faced the uncertainties of life, armed with the unbreakable bond of friendship that had carried them through the years.

As Grace settled into motherhood, the question of the baby's father continued to loom over her. She knew she had to find the answer not just for herself but also for the sake of her child. It was time to confront the four potential fathers and uncover the truth.

Grace decided to gather Dane, Berk, Chris, and Jay in a neutral setting, away from the prying eyes of others. She invited them to a quiet café, knowing that the conversation ahead would be difficult but necessary.

As they sat down, the atmosphere was tense. Grace took a deep breath and looked at each of them, her voice filled with determination. "I need to know the truth, for the sake of my child. One of you may be the father, and we can't ignore it any longer."

Dane, always protective and caring, spoke up first. "Grace, I care about you deeply, and I will support you no matter what the DNA test reveals."

Berk, the thoughtful and understanding one, nodded in agreement. "Grace, I want you to be happy and at peace. I will be here for you and the child, regardless of the outcome."

Chris, who had always been a reliable friend, chimed in. "Grace, I never wanted to cause you any pain. If I am the father, I will take responsibility and be there for you both."

Jay, known for his charisma and charm, looked at Grace with a mixture of regret and determination. "Grace, I never meant to complicate things. If it turns out that I'm the father, I'll step up and be the best father I can be."

Grace listened intently to their words, her heart torn between hope and fear. She realized that her feelings for her friends were complex, and she cherished their friendship deeply. But now, she had to focus on finding the truth.

With the support of her friends, Grace arranged for a DNA test to determine the paternity of her child. Weeks went by, filled with anxiety and anticipation, until the day the results arrived.

Gathering her friends once again, Grace opened the envelope with trembling hands. As she read the test results, tears welled up in her eyes. She looked at Dane, Berk, Chris, and Jay, taking a moment to collect herself before speaking.

"The father of my child is...." (everyone is silence the four boys are nervous about the result)

"The father of my child is.......... Dane."

Silence fell over the group as the truth sank in. Dane, who had been unwavering in his support, looked at Grace with a mixture of surprise and joy. His eyes welled up with tears, and he reached out to hold Grace's hand.