
The Truth Behind Eyeball’s Betrayal

Dịch giả: Nyoi-Bo Studio Biên tập viên: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Yun Jiuge and Zi Shang followed behind it. Dead tree vines appeared to have identified them as its own people and intuitively gave way to them.

They arrived unobstructed at the middle of the forest and saw a massive dead tree. Its thick and large trunk required at least a dozen people to link hands to be able to encircle it.

"Xiao Tao and Xiao Ying are inside this tree," Feifei said with certainty.

"The demonic pool is also below." Eyeball eagerly stuck in front of the dead tree and let the Demon Qi imbue it.

The pale gray bark cracked, revealing a narrow gap.

It was darkness inside, and there was a pale green staircase that extended down with no end.

Eyeball was about to dash inside, but was pulled back by Yun Jiuge who said, "Aren't you afraid of traps inside by going in like this?"