

Two inseparable siblings ,born without asking to be, but the universe is really harsh on the both of them. Although the universe and the Deities have turned their backs on them , they refuse to leave each other and promise each other to have each other's back always An unexpected revelation is brought on their feet , a drastic one .Will this finally separate the inseparables or will it relieve them of all the pains and the hardships the universe had laid on their paths…...? ""Run Adrianna Run!! ",a voice was heard not so far away ."No Adrian I cannot leave you here alone remember rule number 12",**sniffs*." I won't be the damn first one to break it"Adrianna concluded ."Just go I will be fine go!!",shouted Adrian as he heard the footsteps of their back stabbers near .He groaned in pain trying to stand up .They had hurt him a lot  ,a pack of strong able werewolves against two teenagers was totally unfair . There was shuffling behind him when he looked , he saw his lovely sister in all her wolf glory ,He couldn't help but gulp and soon thoughts were forced into his head, telepathy, okay he knew this was coming .'I thought I freaking made it clear that I ain't leaving you  stated as she stepped towards her brother. She clutched what was left of his tattered T-shirt and helped him to his feet and unto her back 'Now hold tight , won't u now big bro', Adrian groaned and then smiled as he could feel his sister's smirk and just like that there were on the run ,he didn't call her FLASH for nothing......

Britney_Bushe · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs




After our little fun in my office with Mar ,Dean and the kids ,I rounded off my work and we headed home. Ever since Mar stepped inside this mansion , my life has taken a huge turn. I now posses some knowledge I never had , am now exposed to a world I never knew existed ,the supernatural world .This last year has been tragic ,exciting and adventurous and I love adventures. I had my guesses that Margret was something more but I really hadn't put my money on her being supernatural and all that.

So far I have learnt so much about these beings and there is a slight possibility that I can be one too ,you know that will kind explain the strange connection I have with Margret .So since I am not her mate, which am very grateful of for some reason not known ,I believe am also something 'more' .So far , its just the two of us that know about that and I kinda like it like that ,don't get me wrong but we didn't tell Dean or anyone else because of this saying that keeps on making its way through my head that says,'too many cooks spoil the food'. Not that I don't trust Dean ,that dude has been there for almost my whole life but eyy its just difficult only time will tell.

So just a mini recap , let me rewind you to the day I found Margret on that forest , I took her home and she told me everything .I was really surprised to hear that their moon goddess had approached her ,I wanted to argue but I knew better by that time. She told me how the goddess had blessed her with just eighteen years , I was a little sad but I just told and convinced myself that I would make every moment great for her, we just have to find Mr Vampire because i really want her to live a little bit longer.

The good thing about all this is that we have two strong and powerful champs growing under our eyes ,Adrianna and Adrian .These two are hybrids ,half vampire and half werewolf ,they are very rare , maybe the first of their kind because wolves and vampires have been enemies for so long that nobody dared to mingle with each other you know so I sometimes really wonder what the deities are planning ,why bring such a change?.Well we will find out very soon because the two champs are growing and very fast.

The other things about the siblings are that ,they are so similar and different at the same time you know .Adrianna is a beauty like her mother , she took her mother's eyes,she has icy blue eyes and blonde hair ,that's all I can pick out from a puffy toddler anyway .Adrian is a mystery himself in fact both of them are ,Adrian has my eyes,I mean he has grey eyes and her mother's hair,I mean what the hell at first Adrianna has my hair colour and Adrian has my eye colour ,and we ain't related at all. Maybe we are but in a different way , maybe am really related to Mar's mate ,eyy there are just a lot of maybes ,you know what this discussion is for later so I shoved it at the back of my mind. For now I just have to focus on the party.

Living with Margret for like a year,I have come to learn more about her, the wolf girl is really crazy about parties you know ,she likes everything done in her own style even if the party is not hers .The thought of that just sent me rolling my eyes.

The door of my room budged open revealing my so annoying best friend ,Dean."Hey birthday boy ,you ain't ready yet?",he asked in his usual annoying tone ."Why can't I get used to that tone ",I stressed and he chuckled ,yeah as weird as it sounded I knew this guy like the back of my hand , my frustration was music to his ears and I just hated it." Common bro ,this is your day ,you ain't supposed to be this grumpy too you know",he said as he made his way to my walk in closet and pulled out a black suit accompanied by a white shirt that had golden cuffs."You should wear this after your shower ,it's nice ",he complimented ." Since when you into fashion buddy"I said just pulling his leg and trying to change my so 'sower' mood.

He scoffed,"since I became friends with somebody who has no eyes for fashion ,let's see when was that ,oh yeah ,since forever man ,admit it man ,I am better than you when it comes to noticing fashion ,right buddy",he said ,"whatever ",I called out entering the bathroom and rolled my eyes." You know buddy ,at that rate your eyes are just going to bore into your skull",he said and I chuckled."A habit will always stay a habit mister",I said out aloud .

I opened the shower and I got under ,it really felt good ,the cold water cascading down my body , it really felt relaxing .Within thirty minutes I was done and I came out of the shower , wore a towel around my waist and took one small one for my hair then headed to the bedroom .I found Dean sitting on one of the sofas, busy on his iPhone with this huge smile plastered on his face "what are you up too?", I couldn't help but ask ," no nah ,Nada buddy",he said a little bit nervous and also hiding his phone .This really triggered my curiosity and a smirk played on my lips.

"Oh really?", i asked and he nodded nervously ," okay so what did you say I was wearing again?",I asked ,knowing my best friend ,he was going to fall for my tricks."What weren't you listening at all Josh or you had your eyes closed?"he asked with an annoyed look and I knew this was going to work ,"nah maybe both I don't know you tell me?",I sad nonchalantly and he groaned, stood up and went back to the closet leaving his phone behind. The moment he got up ,i raced to the sofa and before he had even reached the closet ,he shouted "no!!!", trying to rush back to his phone's rescue but it was just too late ,I switched it on and went to the recent,the guy was just on IG but he was on Margret's story viewing her pictures .I looked at him with that eye and to his defence ,he quickly said"listen bro I can explain"I was enjoying this so much and I didn't want it ending any soon so i had to play the 'pissed off' brother character on him.

" Hmmm"I urged him to continue and the guy sighed,"am sorry dude ,this may really sound weird or look like so but I really like Dawn , she is my crush",he confessed and I stifled a chuckle,"but dude she is my sister okay and you one hella of a Player dude just piss off!",I again pulled up the serious face ,"yeah I know bro ,its just a crush man nothing serious okay",I finally let out my chuckle more like a laughter ,i have really never seen Dean this serious, "i was just pulling your leg bro but I have to warn you she is a hard nut to crackle though",I said tapping his shoulders and he let out a sigh of relief and I had to stifle my laugh this time again by biting my lower lip." Yeah I know man ,she is crazy and that's why we gonna zip our mouth about it ,I will cool off don't worry its just a crush anyway and she is like a sister to me too",he said and I smiled in understanding and then shook my head casually.

He helped me with my outfit and we were good ," Let's go and rock this party",i said putting my shades on .Dean agreed putting his own shades too .We were very determined to make an entrance as usual ,i was wearing my black suit with my white shirt along with white shoes whilst Dean was wearing a white suit with a black shirt and some black shiny shoes .Descending the stairs ,we were surprised on why our guests weren't gawking at us and that's when we noticed who our attention crusher was, we stopped dead on our tracks. It was non other than Dawn Sinclair,both our mouths dropped to the floor and started drooling no specifically I mean Dean was drooling ,for me the correct term to use for what I was doing was,'shocked'.

This girl had completely stolen my and my nephew and niece's party. To say she was looking beautiful was just an understatement, my wolf girl was on fire ,she was wearing a white strapless dress that reached above her knees,black stripeless heels ,a silver diamond necklace with matching earrings and wearing no make up at all ,another thing I love about my sister is that she never applies make up , she liked sticking to her natural beauty ,she had also let her long black hair cascade down freely and she was descending the other stairs from her bedroom. A minute later we heard a thud from one corner of the ballroom and when we looked , a man in his late twenty's maybe had fainted like totally blacked out,I was dumbstruck, Dean on the other hand was just laughing hysterically, I nudged him on his stomach when I saw the guests had suddenly and finally noticed us.

Dean just shrugged his shoulders and removed an invincible dust particle on his suit and leaned on near my ear ,"Ehh buddy seems like I ain't the only one with a crush on your sister",he whispered and I scoffed,"I see anyway what do you say buddy?help me claim my party back",i said and we fist bumped,"with pleasure bro",replied Dean .We fixed our suits and continued descending the stairs ,Dawn was waiting for us while the fainted guy was being taken care of .When we finally reached where Dawn was standing, she rushed to me and hugged me,"happy birthday bro ,you look so handsome and so do you Dee",she said disengaging from the hug and hugged Dean too.

Both of us rolled our eyes simultaneously, and Dawn just looked at us weirdly, "what was the meaning of that?", she asked," are you seriously asking us that gurl",Dean said and she got even more confused ,"Wolf girl ,you completely stole our party you are the one looking very beautiful lil sis",I said and I saw her go crimson red ,I leaned on near her ears and whispered,"thought wolves never blushed",I said with a playful smirk on my face,"eyoh bro want me to wipe that smirk off your face ",she asked with one of her mischievous smiles on .I immediately got the message and just backed off ,Dean just laughed," no wonder he calls you wolf girl ,girl you're tough",he said amidst of laughter and I just rolled my eyes and I saw the victory smile on her face ,the girl was just strong you know ,I knew better than to go against her warnings cause I remember this one time ,I couldn't go to work for like a week because she had broken my knee cap. My fault though cause I had provoked the lioness.

Dawn ,yh am really trying to get used to this name but in my heart she will always be Margret my Mar,so she went on and got the kids and as usual I got Adrianna and Dean got Adrian,we talked and mingled with our guests ,everything was beautiful ,the deco and all ,yep my sister was the best out there. Drinks were there but I knew these weren't going to have any effect on her , she needed something very very strong and that would be normally too ,no extremely strong for us humans so I guess she was only blending in with what us humans could afford getting in our system.

I had so much fun and I got really wasted I mean we were playing those alcohol drinks ,,one of them is 'throw,miss ,drink' and matter of fact I wasn't a good thrower so missed a lot and drank more so...The music was just amazing and again my lil sister killed the dance floor , never told you she was great dancer right ?,well she is an amazing dancer .Most of the rich guys wanted her hand in marriage and since they all knew that we only had each other so automatically they would ask me and I would just direct them to the lioness and she would just put them in their rightfully places .People continued having fun but when it started getting late ,they started bidding their goodbyes and taking off until it was jus me, Dawn,Dean and the babies.