The knight was almost surprised by this statement. He knew it was coming, and that they would call him back after the letter. The only alarming part was they were not requesting his attendance at a council meeting, they were arresting him.
Seeing the knight hesitating, Gabriel prodded him a bit. "It is probably a good idea just to come with me. I don't know how you can still use magic despite being nameless, but no matter what your powers are now, we both know the first is able to kill you in an instant." While he was coercing the knight into following him, he made a bunch of different gestures, as if he was speaking to a deaf person but didn't know sign language. "So, what will it be? Will you follow me, or will you get us both killed? If I let you escape, I am in deep trouble. Ever since I helped you out a while back, they have been seriously suspicious of me. That's why I didn't come alone. I would rather not die at the hands of the first, his uptight attitude is totally awful."
While Gabriel kept ranting about a plethora of related topics on his own, the knight remained silent. He didn't move an inch, as if Gabriel's gaze was Medusa's glare. There were so many options for him, almost all of which lead to someone dying. There was only one safe option left…
"Hold up a second! What is going on here?" Cleo was shouting wildly at the congregation of people, but mostly directing her frustration at the archwizard and the knight.
The guard to her immediate right was enraged by her attitude. "Watch your manner of speech! You are before the eighth archmage of the council of the Archmagi! Do not speak out of turn or we will be forced to arrest you as well!" The guard gestured to the other knights around him as he said this. They all nodded their heads in agreement, but, besides that, remained completely still.
"Aren't you the chick that was in front of my tower the other day? Or was it yesterday? Time goes by so fast, doesn't it? Anyways, it makes sense that you're here as well. After all, you were the one who delivered this message. You should know exactly what's going on. We are arresting your friend for obvious reasons. Someone of his caliber should not be left unattended. He is put to much better use under the council's supervision back in the capital." Gabriel nonchalantly started ranting again, about how the knight is foolish to think he could run away from the council forever. Cleo remained completely confused, and Gabriel's rant provided no additional information to who the knight really is.
Eventually, Cleo snapped. "Who the hell is this person? You say he is an amazing wizard with almost unparalleled powers, but he is just a nameless knight who has been helping out villages since before I moved to the plains."
"Are you a hundred percent serious right now? You don't know who he is? This dude here is so amazing, you had to have heard of him befo-"
A single cry ran throughout the forest. "SHUT!" It was the knight. "I'll do the talking from now on. As Gabriel said earlier, I am under arrest. If your dim wits were paying any attention before that-"
"Ouch, I even felt that insult and it wasn't even directed at me." The knight glared at gabriel, as if he was about to attack the wizard. He then heaved a long sigh, he should have expected Gabriel to be this way. After all, Gabriel was someone who wouldn't change how he was. After a moment of silence, he continued.
"As I was saying, If you were listening beforehand, my name is Augustus Draconis." Without letting neither Cleo nor Gabriel interrupt him, he continued. "Yes, I am a colorless mage. As you probably noticed, my body was enhanced entirely by far more than the twenty percent you put on my legs. The light slash I used after that should be enough proof of my identity." He then pointed at Gabriel without missing a beat. "Even a stupidly strong idiot from birth like him can't enhance his body on his own."
The puzzle began to fit together inside of Cleo's head. She realized why Gabriel had said Augustus was under arrest and that this knight was something far beyond what initially meets the eye. However, she still had one question: "There are other colorless, correct? How do you know this is the legendary colorless?"
The knight sighed, disappointed at what was kept under wraps, while Gabriel answered for him. "Simple, really. There are two reasons. The first being something the king's council decided to do without the consent of the Archmagi. The king issued a hush order on how colorless users actually work. The truth is, the person before you is the only person we know of to have ever succeeded at utilizing his colorless attribute. The second reason, his swordsmanship. Have you ever seen anyone fight like that? It is so amazing and it boils my blood just watching him move around a battlefield like that! Anyways, the correct answer should be 'no.' After all, his fighting style is entirely unique, nobody else fights like he does in that sense. The knights tried learning it, but failed almost spectacularly. Anyways, that is enough talk. Are you coming or not?" Gabriel suddenly cut off his rant and put up an authoritative tone. Small talk was over, and the knight needed to think, fast.
Nothing came to mind. His only option was to follow them. As he stepped forward towards Gabriel, lifting up his hands together to make it easier for the wizard to tie them up, there was a shout from behind him. "Let me go with Augustus. He still hasn't told me everything!" It was Cleo. She knew that if she didn't act now, she would likely never see the knight again one-on-one.
"If I could have a single request before being arrested, I want her to come with me to the dungeon for a day or so. I still need to fulfill a promise."
"I was thinking the same thing, Augustus, but, you know it's not that simple. We aren't going to the dungeon. We're going to the tower. You're being arrested by the council, not the knights. I can't say this type of arrest has happened before, so I don't even think I can call it an arrest. Anyways, I can try to take her with us and give you two some time to figure things out, but I can't say the first or the third will be very happy to allow an outsider into the tower."
Augustus realized what Gabriel meant. He wasn't an outsider anymore. "Don't tell me… I'm the new second seat?"
"B-I-N-G-O, BINGO! Well, kinda. You are not going to take that seat until you reclaim your name or until we force another one on to you." Gabriel spoke in a lighthearted manner, but there was a lot of truth to what he said. The knight knew it would be hard to get out of it this time. After what happened to the previous second, it would make sense that they would save it for him.
"If we don't go now, I fear the knights will leave without us. We don't want them to get to the tower before us, because we'll be traitors!" Gabriel joked, and started moving towards the direction of the capital.
"Oh, Augustus, you can put your hands down. I'm not going to tie you up. After all, it will be impossible for you to escape with your friend. Well, at least with your friend alive." He then let out an almost uncharacteristically loud laugh, which sent a distinct shiver down everyone's spine.
With a two-day journey ahead of him, the knight had a long time to gather his thoughts, and organize his past experience, preparing him for what was to come.
I'm gonna be flat with you guys, I am making a story that I want to read, something I know I would enjoy. That's probably why it isn't that great. I also wanted to write something I had never heard of before, something which I hoped was original. I'm enjoying writing it and I hope you're enjoying reading it. Anyways, for the Xth time: Thank you for reading! I'll see ya in the next chapter!