
The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys !

Have you ever heard of The Unnamed God Sect? It appeared suddenly. It grew exponentially by the second. It accomplished miracles on a daily basis. It caused mayhem across the many worlds. It even ended up causing the destruction of many. Just when the people thought they were done, they turned their sight towards the gods. And that is how the age of the gods ended. How did this all happen? Well, all because of one peculiar mortal. One that ended up getting summoned by mistake. One that didn't even know of his own power. One that would create The Unnamed God on a whim. And thus cause a chain reaction that would doom the world. This is his story. In all its glory....and embarrassing moments. Check FAQ for more info **** Schedule: 2 chapters a day. 3 If it becomes popular xD Chaps Queue atm: (6) Editor: My readers pointing out mistakes ^_^ My Discord: https://discord.gg/TccuJPD Cover made by Liya

Zombie · Kỳ huyễn
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561 Chs

Why Are You Running?!

[Well, you had your chance. Now it's time for some ass-whooping. Hope you're ready.]

My opponent looks at the item I just received, and he seems even more confused. I bet he is. No matter how he looks at it, it's not a treasure. It doesn't emit mana. It doesn't even look well made. In fact, I'm just holding a very normal mirror.

Right now, he's probably wondering where all that confidence of mine is coming from. We'll it's possible to refract light using a mirror. Now, that's the only attack he can do. Yep, he's screwed.

Then he starts laughing then snorting.

"You think you'd scare me with such an easy-to-see-through bluff?!"

[Oh? You think you still stand a chance? It seems you haven't realized the position you are in.]

I slowly advance his way. He just looks at me as if I was crazy. That is when he throws a solar ray my way. I make sure to circulate divine energy in the mirror carefully. Then I simply use it to reflect the attack.