
The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys !

Have you ever heard of The Unnamed God Sect? It appeared suddenly. It grew exponentially by the second. It accomplished miracles on a daily basis. It caused mayhem across the many worlds. It even ended up causing the destruction of many. Just when the people thought they were done, they turned their sight towards the gods. And that is how the age of the gods ended. How did this all happen? Well, all because of one peculiar mortal. One that ended up getting summoned by mistake. One that didn't even know of his own power. One that would create The Unnamed God on a whim. And thus cause a chain reaction that would doom the world. This is his story. In all its glory....and embarrassing moments. Check FAQ for more info **** Schedule: 2 chapters a day. 3 If it becomes popular xD Chaps Queue atm: (6) Editor: My readers pointing out mistakes ^_^ My Discord: https://discord.gg/TccuJPD Cover made by Liya

Zombie · Kỳ huyễn
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561 Chs

Scheming sect officials ^_^


Today is the day the peasants have the pleasure of witnessing the magnificence of the one chosen by the mighty and beautiful Lunar goddess! How lucky they are! If anything, they are underserving of my presence.

When I first came here, I was hopeful for competent minions. I was sadly grossly underestimating them. How can they all be so useless I wonder. The sectmaster was toyed with by an incompetent slave. His daughter is but a slut that sold herself to the first piece of trash that came her way. She is pretty but damn is she dumb. She became useless goods after being with that no life. I heard that bitch is even visiting the fake in his cell. At least I confirmed myself he's properly paying for his crimes in there. Soon enough we'll sacrifice him. I can't wait for this event haha. But seriously it wouldn't be so bad if only these guys were useless.

Sadly, it's the same for all the other sect members. The strongest mage is but a weak self-proclaimed necromancer that can barely use the simplest of dark magic. Their strongest warrior is even more of a joke. When I first fought him, he tried to trick me. He wanted for me to let him hit me to "test" my defense prowess. How can one be so dumb? He was obviously just trying to hide his own weaknesses. Needless to say, I kept blocking every of his attacks and he soon gave up. He's utterly incompetent. I heard another of their powerhouse is the warden of the dungeon. At first, I was excited to finally meet someone worthy of serving me…. turns out he is an old man about to breathe his last. My discernment is enough to make me understand that no matter how strong he used to be his body is now plagued with poison and completely devoid of any strength.

So here I am in front of the masses. Finally showing them the glory of the Lunar goddess. I'm using my sword control skill to make my weapon fly around following invisible lines. Turns out all it took for the world to recognize my skill was for me to use it in the earth realm. After a day of training in the god's realm and my subsequent training here I'm becoming close to reaching rank 3. I might just be one of the strongest champions there is. Still I need to be careful because of how useless the people here are. I'll have to go on a journey to try and find some better servants. It actually was a suggestion from the "powerhouses" here. Bunch of trash. They just can't help me progress much. Not only are they weak but they also lack resources. They can't even get me some rank 3 beast's meat to replenish my energy. Ah. It is such a waste for someone such as me to get stuck in this situation.

Well no matter. While various thoughts about my upcoming plans pass through my head, the ceremony finishes. Tomorrow I'll leave. Of course, I'll enjoy some of the sect beauties for the last time before that. Hum that reminds me. I should probably personally kill that guy myself. Yep let's do that before heading to bed.

"Oy. Old thing, bring me to the dungeon!"

"Envoy. Why do you want to head there?"

"Oh. Are you trying to rebel?"

"Of course not! I'll bring you there right away envoy!"

God is this old trash annoying. Always so many questions. Just do what you are fucking told. Can't wait to replace that guy with someone better.

"Here we are envoy."

"Hey! Old warden! Get your ass over here!"

"Envoy! How can I be of assistance?"

"Bring that fake here. It is time to sacrifice him already. I'll be leaving tomorrow after all."

"Envoy I'm afraid that…"

"Are you going to go against my orders? It seems you do not value your head very much."

"Envoy…the thing is…. that prisoner escaped earlier in the day."

"You traitor! You let him escape!"

"Envoy he was brought out by our other prisoner. I am not sure how he escaped but he is quite strong thus I couldn't do anything."

"And why didn't you report it to the sect then ?!"

"Envoy. I did send a messenger bird to bring the news…did it not reach you sectmaster?"

"Old thing. What is the meaning of that ?!"

"Envoy I know nothing about any of this! I have no idea what could have ...wait…. warden master did you send a raven to bring us the news?"

"Indeed, sectmaster since I am quite old, I sent it in my stead. So, did you receive it?"

"No…. but I just saw a dead raven in the courtyard while coming in …."

"Oh, that would explain a lot…."

"How fucking useless can you guys be! To not even manage to prevent trash from escaping! Oh, my goddess why must your luck be so bad! Stuck with followers such as these! Fuck this. Well I guess it's time for me to leave. I'll clean up the garbage while I'm at it. Try not to let the moon Keep crumble to pieces while I'm gone. Bunch of dumbasses. Fucking retards."

**** (POV)

He left. That is fine. The problem is that the goddess's envoy is going after him. If he gets caught, he'd die wouldn't he. I can't do much alone, but I will if push comes to shove. I'll first try to get some support from the sect. I heard the officials are having a meeting. I need to make sure he is not deemed an enemy of the sect at all cost.


"Come in."

In the meeting room are the 4 pillars of the Lunar sect. My father the sectmaster a rank 4 martial king. Grey a mysterious rank 3 mage. Eagle a rank 3 accomplished martial artist that has reached the limits of the pure martial path. Also present is the warden. While I'm not too clear on his classification as an alchemist I know he is incredibly respected by the others.

"Oh, Luna what are you doing here?"

"Sectmaster I humbly ask for an audience."

"Hum. Sure, go ahead."

"Sectmaster I have reasons to believe that the situation is not as simple as it seems. I feel the current champion might be hiding some things. For instance, he said the one we consider a fake has a physique and spirit of 1 with a potential of 0. There is no way someone like that would be able to eat rank 3 beast meat for so long without dying. Also, he has received the approval of eagle and that is no easy task to do. Lastly, I believe the warden is not one to let people escape from prison easily. For these reasons I believe it might be worthwhile to try and groom such individual rather than deign him a sinner!"

"Oh. Is that all? Now Grey, tell me. Were there many spies present at the ceremony?"

"Indeed sectmaster. By now all our enemies are aware of the appearance of the current champion."

"Good. Let our enemies scheme all they want. I wonder how many are already planning to assassinate him. HAHA"

"Humph. As if all that was necessary! The true champion is a man I couldn't bring down with my full power."

"Old Eagle don't take this to heart. While he might be strong enough to resist upfront challenges what if someone schemes against him the dark? You wouldn't want him to get killed in such a stupid way would you not?"

"Ah. True. What if someone poisoned him while he isn't prepared."

"Well that is why the plan was for him to gain a certain degree of poison immunity. Such a shame he left already. About that why such haste warden?"

"Sectmaster do you remember the reason I became feared back in our old home?"

"Of course. Who wouldn't remember you and your god-killer poison?"

"Do you really want to know why I let him leave?"

"How did he manage to convince you?"

"He chugged some wine."

"What do you mean he chugged some wine?"

"Say warden…you don't mean …0_0 ?!"

"Indeed. -_-"

"What did you figure out something grey?"

"The god killer poison …it's a wine isn't it?"




Seems I came here for nothing….

I understand now. They are all aware that he is no weakling. I also understand why he left alone. I might not be strong enough to stand at his side just yet. But I'll train until the day comes when I can follow him. Just wait for me my Lord.

Cheeky warden with the dead raven

Forest arc here we come !

Hell yeah !

Give me them beautiful stones !

Zombiecreators' thoughts