
The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys !

Have you ever heard of The Unnamed God Sect? It appeared suddenly. It grew exponentially by the second. It accomplished miracles on a daily basis. It caused mayhem across the many worlds. It even ended up causing the destruction of many. Just when the people thought they were done, they turned their sight towards the gods. And that is how the age of the gods ended. How did this all happen? Well, all because of one peculiar mortal. One that ended up getting summoned by mistake. One that didn't even know of his own power. One that would create The Unnamed God on a whim. And thus cause a chain reaction that would doom the world. This is his story. In all its glory....and embarrassing moments. Check FAQ for more info **** Schedule: 2 chapters a day. 3 If it becomes popular xD Chaps Queue atm: (6) Editor: My readers pointing out mistakes ^_^ My Discord: https://discord.gg/TccuJPD Cover made by Liya

Zombie · Kỳ huyễn
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561 Chs

Luna can you put down the knife! Please!

First day of captivity. I've decided to escape with my fellow prisoner. I just haven't decided on an actual date. He is not talking to me at all. Guess he thinks me being here is some kind of cunning plot to trick him. Still I'm really curious about what he did to get locked in here with me.


Oh? Luna is here! How pissed is she?

"Hello my lord. I'll have you come with me."

Haha, she still calls me lord. Guess she forgave me. God, she's an angel.

[I'm glad to see you here Luna]

She uncuffs me and brings me to the torture room. I guess this is a better place to talk after all. Only thing is the various instruments laying all over the place are a bit disturbing, but I don't mind that much. I've had worse dates before.

Then she guides me toward some iron structure and straps me on it. Wow, I didn't think she was that kinky.

[Luna now might not be the best time to…]

And she gets a knife out. Wait that's scary! What happened to the sweet innocent Luna following me and always being helpful?!

[Luna let's not be rash. Let's talk this out!]

"Don't worry my lord. I'll be gentle"

Her smile is so radiant! For some reason it makes it worst.

[Luna what are you doing ?!]

"My lord. This is a dungeon. Do you know what happens to people in dungeons?"

[I'm guessing not a tea party?]

"Exactly my Lord. Torture!"

I shudder.

[Luna. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to fool you.]

She's coming closer.

[I was just trying to survive. I would never ….]

Then I see her face magnifying before my eyes. I feel her lips pressed against mines. Her tongue invading my mouth. WHAT?! Exploring every corner avidly. So sweet yet passionate. I blank out a few seconds. Then I start fighting back. The fight is more intense than any other I've had before. It finally comes to an end. I almost die of asphyxiation, but it is worth it.

"My lord. Are you that desperate?" she giggles.

I start crying. Tears of relief. She is still my Luna.

[Luna. You are mine, aren't you?]

"Of course, my lord!"

God is she pretty. Way better than any bullshit goddess.

"But I'm still going to torture you, my Lord." =)

What? Ah, I see. She is still mad. Alright, bring it on! What is a bit of pain for love?

"Pfff. Haha. Soon there will be a big ceremony to show the envoy's glory to the people. For now, it is better for you to lie low here. I was thinking that since there is a lot of torture equipment, we could work on your pain tolerance in the meantime. What do you think my Lord?"

Damn, I misunderstood her. She really is an angel! A scary, yet cute angel.

[As you wish Luna. I'll be counting on you]

I'm not thrilled about this but she's acting for my sake.

"Of course, my Lord. If you perform well I'll have to reward you" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I'm really thrilled about this! Training is the best!

Let's just say everything afterward really tests my limits.

All of them.

**** (POV)

This new kid feels off somehow. If there is one thing, I'm proud of it's my instincts. He seems worried about something but is not about being here. At all. Yet he is given the same treatment as me. At first, I thought this was meant to try and trick me. But then she came. Her respectful tone was baffling to say the least. How did he end up here?

If he is on their side, why would they chain him here. It doesn't make sense to address him like so in my presence either. After that from the torture chamber comes screams of intense pain. Then the screams get louder but their nature changes drastically. When I see him come back, I realize what is happening. Well it is obvious. He comes back with wounds. And said wounds are all spelling out a name. Luna.



For some reason the beggar guy won't talk to me. I've tried. Every time I try to get more info about this place he stays silent. I tried arguing that we are both in this together and he kept sneering. I'm not sure if it's me that he doesn't like or people in general.

Today Luna comes again. Good to see her again. I'm pretty hyped about our training session of the day. I feel I might be turning weird.

"My Lord if I'm not mistaken you are able to heal yourself, to enhance your physical capabilities and to sense your surroundings no matter the obstacles am I right?"

[How do you know so much?]

"Because I'm always watching you my Lord" =)

[The healing is evident. The enhancement too. But what about the scouting ability? I simply got used to the keep's layout don't you agree?]

"Oh? How do you explain your ability to sense my underwear through my clothes my lord ?"


[…. How does one even realize something like that ?]

"Your mood my lord."

[My mood …but how ?!]

"Because I'm always watching you my Lord" =)

Damn she's my guardian angel, isn't she?

"For today my Lord do try to control your healing power. Let's proceed like this. I'll ask of you to heal all the scars but the one I'll place in the middle of your back. Can you do it my lord?"

Weird request. But I agree to it. And so, another session of training goes by.


Yesterday he came back covered in wounds. Now his skin is pristine. Why the hell has he been screaming so much then?! As he comes closer, I realize he has a single scar. Yep. Still his lover's name. What the hell is wrong with the youths these days.

Is this a new torture method for a single dog like me?!

Why must you do so!

Curse you people!

This is degrading!


I'll let them play all they want. I'm stuck here anyway.


An old man comes into the room. White hair. Long white beard. Emerald eyes. Wrinkles. Lots of wrinkles. An innocent-looking old man.



One if not the most accomplished alchemist in history.

Problem is he also turned mad. Now he is the deadliest poison master of this continent.

He is carrying something. The hair on my arms stands on end. Whatever is in there is death itself. It seems to be wine at first glance. It is definitely not!

He comes close to the kid and offers him some. I've never seen someone accept a toast so fast.

I've never seen such a fool. Don't do it, kid! Don't drink that! Nooooo!

For some reason, I can't muster my voice. The old man winks at me.


Rest in peace kid *sigh*

This sect is totally full of mythical characters.

Won't be explained right now of course.

Zombiecreators' thoughts