
An Expert

It's a good thing I used my scouting ability!

Why didn't I use it even sooner?

Well you know, shit happens.

It's human to forget stuff.

Especially when in a stressful situation.

Well, now I think I may have found a way out of this.

It is an insane plan, but one that might just work.

All because of that scouting I was doing.

I saw a mage of theirs go invisible right in front of my eyes.

I was looking at the right place at the right time.

Thus giving me a card to play.

The expert one!

I do have one thing going for me.

I am overall pretty weak.

This means that no magic can reveal my power.

Except if they can somehow detect divine energy.

Now, this has two possible outcomes.

One they think I'm weak and underestimate me.

Two they think I am hiding my power and overestimate me.

So I went for the most awesome bluff possible.

I waited for the mage to come inside.

Him being invisible.

Then I started describing him playfully.

Implying that I knew everything about him.