
The Unliving Sage (TUS)

In a world where death is the inevitable price for the privilege of life, and the End looms as the universal fate for all existence, one being defies the natural order. In "The Unliving Sage," Dante, pursued by an imminent threat, inadvertently stumbles into a realm brimming with magic and wonders beyond imagination. Seeking sanctuary from the chaos of his own world, Dante instead finds himself thrust into a realm where tranquility is but a fleeting dream, overshadowed by pervasive corruption. Determined to safeguard the fragile peace he finds, Dante must confront a myriad of malevolent adversaries — from the sinister machinations of a shadowy ministry to the bloodthirsty creatures that prowl the darkness, and even formidable cosmic entities that defy comprehension. Yet, amidst this external conflict, Dante's greatest battle unfolds within himself. As the vessel of the entity known as END, the contradiction of existence itself, Dante grapples with inner turmoil and confronts his deepest fears. He comes to realize that the greatest threat to his newfound haven may originate from within his own being. As Dante navigates through trials and tribulations, facing the forces that seek to engulf the realm in darkness, he must also confront the daunting task of protecting not only his loved ones but also himself from the encroaching shadow of his own existence. In "The Unliving Sage," the narrative unravels the gripping tale of a hero facing both external and internal adversaries, as he strives to secure not only the world around him but also the very essence of his own soul.

chro_nicle · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

A raging battle... death's dominance.

Third-person p.o.v



Dante leaped into the air, his sword glowing with arcane energy. He slashed at the Grim Reaper, who dodged with a flicker of his dark cloak. The blade cut through the air, sending a shockwave that shattered most of the gigantic pillar in the main throne room nearby. Dante landed and spun around, ready for another attack, but within seconds, the reaper vanished from his view.


He saw the reaper hovering above him, his scythe raised high. Dante felt a surge of adrenaline as he prepared to face death itself. He knew he had only one chance to defeat this dark foe, who had claimed the souls of countless beings all around the cosmos.


Dante charged forward, swinging his swords, which were connected to his astral chains, with all his might. The Reaper parried with his scythe, sparks flying from the clash of metal and magic. Dante felt a jolt of pain as the scythe grazed his arm with a sudden release of a dark mana slice, drawing blood. He ignored it and pressed on, hoping to find an opening in the reaper's defense.


He unleashed a flurry of slashes, each one faster and stronger than the last. The Reaper blocked them all, but he was forced to retreat under the onslaught. Dante sensed his enemy's being overwhelmed and smiled grimly. He was not going to let him escape.


He leaped into the air again, stretching out the chain swords and casting a spell under his breath


"Magic technique: dawn breaker!" Dante shouted as he unleashed his ultimate move. He had two swords, one in each hand, connected by chains to his wrists. The move ignited each of the swords, making them both go ablaze and form a massive ball of flame, the right being white and the left being black. He swung the chains in a closing motion, making the large balls of flames enclose the Reaper and both slam into each of the Reaper's sides, aiming to incapacitate him with the intense heat.


"YOU DON'T GET IT, CHILD! I AM ABOVE MORTALITY!" The reaper roared as he felt the flames scorch his bones. He was not a normal creature; he was the embodiment of death itself. He had no flesh or blood, only a dark cloak and a scythe that could reap any soul. He saw Dante coming at him with his swords and swung his scythe horizontally in a circular motion, cutting through the two orbs of flames and sending a torrent of dark mana, hoping to cut Dante in half in the process.


Dante twisted his body in mid-air, dodging the deadly blade by inches. He reached out with his sword and stabbed the Reaper in the chest, but it was useless. The sword bounced off the reaper's ribs, leaving no mark or damage. Dante realized that his physical attacks were ineffective against the reaper; he needed to use magic.


He landed on the ground and quickly backed away from the reaper, who was advancing towards him with a menacing grin. Dante knew he had to act fast; he had to use his most powerful spells to have a chance of defeating the Reaper. He closed his eyes and focused on his mana, feeling it flow through his veins and into his hands. He opened his eyes and raised his hands, ready to cast his next spell.


"Magic technique: meteor storm!" He shouted as he unleashed a barrage of bright balls of energy condensed into large orbs from his palms, each one flying towards the Reaper with incredible speed and force. The orbs exploded on impact, creating a dazzling display of light and sound. Dante hoped that the blasts would blind or distract the Reaper long enough for him to strike again.


But he was wrong. The Reaper was unfazed by the attack; he simply raised his scythe and deflected each orb with ease. He laughed maniacally as he closed in on Dante, who was running out of mana and options. He swung his scythe at Dante's neck, aiming to end his life.


Dante barely managed to block the scythe with his swords, but he felt a surge of pain as the scythe phased through his astral blades and into his flesh. Blood spurted from his wound as he fell to his knees, dropping his swords. He looked up at the reaper, who was looming over him with a triumphant smile.


"It's over, child. You fought well, but you were no match for me. Now accept your fate." The reaper said as he raised his scythe for the final blow.


"No… I won't give up… I can't give up." Dante muttered as he felt himself slipping away. He remembered why he was fighting and why he had to defeat the Reaper. He was fighting for his friends, for his family, and for his world. He was fighting for everyone who had died on that day.


He clenched his fists and began to cast a spell. He knew it was a desperate move, but he had nothing to lose. He looked at the Reaper with a defiant glare and shouted:


"Magic technique: final blaze!" He exploded into a ball of fire that engulfed both him and the Reaper in a massive inferno. The fire burned everything in its path, consuming both flesh and bone. Dante hoped that this would be enough to destroy the Reaper once and for all… but of course as usual… it wasn't enough.


The Grim Reaper raised his scythe, which gleamed with a sinister golden light. He swung it at Dante, who parried with his sword. The scythe clashed with the astral blade, creating sparks that flew in all directions. Dante felt a surge of pain in his arm, as if the scythe was draining his life force. He pushed back, forcing the Grim Reaper to stand there with a malicious grin.


Dante knew he had to end this fight quickly, or he would succumb to the Reaper's power. He lunged forward, aiming for the Reaper's chest. But the Reaper was faster, and dodged his attack. He slashed at Dante's side, opening a deep wound that bled profusely. Dante gasped, clutching his injury. He staggered back, trying to put some distance between him and his foe.


The Reaper laughed, a sound that chilled Dante's blood. He advanced slowly, enjoying Dante's suffering. He taunted him, saying that Dante is nothing against him and that there was no escape from death. He said that Dante had wasted his life, and that he would soon join the countless souls he had destroyed.


Dante refused to give up. He still had a faint hope that he could defeat the Reaper, or at least stall him until he could think of something. He gathered his remaining strength, and charged at the Reaper with a roar. He swung his sword with all his might, hoping to catch the Reaper off guard.


But the Reaper was ready. He blocked Dante's sword with his scythe, and twisted it out of his grip. He kicked Dante in the chest, sending him flying across the room. He landed hard on the floor, coughing up blood. He looked up, and saw the Reaper looming over him. The Reaper raised his scythe again, preparing to deliver the final blow.


Dante shut his eyes wide, as a sudden memory flashed before him, bringing him back to the time the 11th was about to kill him… glaring down at him with the same sinister look as the reaper.




Dante's frown deepened, and a sudden surge of anger flowed through him, prompting him to chant a spell under his breath, summoning a ball of purple lightening in his hand. He threw it at the Grim Reaper, who raised his scythe to block it. The lightning exploded on impact, engulfing the Grim Reaper in a sudden surge of lightning that screamed through the air like a thousand birds.

But Dante wasn't finished yet. He got up to his feet and took a stance, with his eyes now glowing a bright light back. "Magic technique: matter inverse!"

The spell made the lightening then morph into a dome of flame around the reaper, like a twister of hell flame. but then the flame suddenly changed to that of wind, then to that of water, before freezing into a dome of ice. Dante then closed his hands tight, making the ice dome turn and morph into rock-like matter, Then Dante jumped into the air with a spark of flame bursting out of his hand, He landed before the rock dome and forced his hand on it, with a magical circle appearing around the dome.

"burn!" a mighty torrent scorched the rock dome and turned it into a crystalline form—a diamond containment.


Dante expected to have finally trapped him, but instead he heard a laugh. The dome started to vibrate violently as the reaper's form started release a black mass of mana that started to break the dome, shattering it completely, revealing the Grim Reaper unharmed.

"h-how?" Dante choked out with disbelief.

He looked at Dante with a mocking grin and spoke a single word: ".FALL."


Dante felt a sudden weight on his chest, as if an invisible hand were crushing him. He gasped for air, but could not breathe. He dropped his sword, making them fade away with the chain, and fell to his knees, clutching his throat. He looked up at the Grim Reaper, who towered over him. He realized that he had underestimated his opponent and that he had no chance of winning.


The Grim Reaper smiled wickedly, enjoying the sight of his prey's agony. He raised his scythe, ready to deliver the final blow. "YOU NEVER LEARN CHILD."

'you never learn'


hey guys, been so busy with exams, but i'm now free (for now) to continue the chapters so get ready for some epic action, stay tune, nato out!

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