

It is rightfully so that everything starts from something. My everything started when I was born or to be more specific ousted from my mothers womb at the age of nine months. I find it quite unjust and I rather think that the most unjust of all injustice is that I never got the chance to chose whether or not I wanted to exist. You must forgive my slight pessimistic nature but I am afraid I cannot help it, I was born with it and all. Seeing the bad side of everything rather helps me to see, appreciate and understand the good clearly and more importantly to not be fooled by anyone, anything or any situation or circumstance.

Enough with the chit-chat, lets get down to more pressing matters I'm quite sure you will learn more of my nature soon enough. Today is The Choosing, a special day that only occurs once a year for young adults of the age of seventeen. It is meant to unveil magic abilities that is otherwise dormant until it is activated by The Magica which is the government that governs magic and protects our world from demons, monsters, spirits, ghosts and other unknown dangerous things or creatures that have access to our world.

Magic came into the world a hundred and fifty years ago around the time demons, hellhounds, spirits, ghosts and other monsters I cannot name because they are too many to remember their names. It was indeed a chaotic time until some humans could do magic and gained abilities that were nothing like anything ever seen. It was truly a saving grace at that time because humans could defend themselves. It was also during that time that the great wizard Azzarad Vakaria brought together all those who had magic and formed The Magica. He was not only a man of great power but a man of great wisdom and intellect, a hero indeed.

Azzarad studied all those with magical abilities and came up with a classification according to their abilities. The witches and wizards can do enchantments, make potions and the extent of their power was unpredictable, the warriors have supper strength, super speed and their immunity is quite extra-ordinary, in that they heal fast, great sense of smell and hearing and most importantly the have the greatest instinct, they can practically smell trouble before they see it. The elementals basically control the elements of water, earth, fire, air, and spirit. The shapeshifters as the name suggests can shift into different kinds of animals mainly; dragons, cheetahs, leopards, hounds, werewolves, serpents and many other forms. The nephilims are basically angels with wings and all, they possess the power of light and their remarkable wings vary from person to person, they're the most beautiful creatures alive.

There are fortune tellers, diviners, oracles and intellectuals who are intelligent and can read a thousand pages of a book in two minutes, they are the authors of all the books written till date, they are also an important part of The Magica, they act as lawyers, judges and the part that governs criminal law enforcements. Last but not least are the Art masters, they are the great minds that forge weapons, design roads, architecture and basically invent magical artifacts. They give power to whatever they create. The seven best art masters designed and built The School of Magic which is not only the greatest architecture ever built but the only one of its kind. It is designed with great tall buildings, the tallest towers, three massive domes, two great stadiums and great a field. The school has its own shops and hotels for the students needs, it is a world of its own so to speak. It's location is not placed on the world map neither is it found in the google maps. It can only be accessed by students, faculty and The magica but there are special occasions where portals are opened for parents to visit.

Today I am going for the choosing ceremony because I turned seventeen two months ago. Which is also why I'm in my room meditating on what to wear. I have been going through my designer clothes for an hour and a half and still nothing, which should be impossible because I have thousands of clothes, infact I have every designer clothe ever invented and I am not joking. I was born into a wealthy family actually the third wealthiest after the royal family and the Clemonts. It is a privilege and a misfortune at the same time, I mean why even have thousands of clothes and yet have nothing to wear. My wall clock says I only have thirty more minutes to find something to wear and meet my family in the living room.

My father hates tardiness so I have to hurry before he unleashes hell on me. All my family members will be attending my choosing and by that I mean all nine of my brothers my six uncles and two aunties. I am the lastborn and the only hope my father has of attaining respect in society and by that I mean, we might be wealthy and have status in the society but non of my brothers were gifted with magic and neither were my parents, so I am the last hope of the Brice family, no pressure. I kind of wish I do not have to go for the choosing, if only magic just ran through a blood line and not just chose random people, right now no one would think that there is a possibility I could have magic. I also do not think I could have magic, I mean as cool as it is I have never thought of myself as a magician or whatever but since I cannot escape the choosing I will go come back home to sleep in my comfortable bed unbothered.

I finally decide to wear black leather pants, black-knee high boots, a leather crop top with laces at the front and leather crop top jacket, I do not wear make up since my gold skin is naturally flowless and just glows on its own so I just a apply a lip bum and tie my long-silver waist length hair in a ponytail. I take a minute in front of the mirror to appreciate myself and then I leave my room to go find my fate which I'm positive will lead me back here.