

I go to my next class thinking about what the teacher had said. "Is my learning really getting that bad?" I mumble to myself. Looking up I see her, she's so beautiful I forget to breathe for a few seconds, I quickly realise that I had been staring I divert my vision to the floor just as I look down I realise that im stubbing my toe there was a step right in front of me. "FUCK! Ahh that hurt." I hop on one foot holding the other. Then she looks up at me I try to act natural but my toe hurts so bad that I need to hobble up the stairs.

My face turns red "What the fuck is going on with me I've never felt this way about anyone and why am I blushing because of a girl" I thought. I make it to class and notice my toe is bleeding "Ugh, why now" I raise my hand and ask to leave for the toilets the teacher starts to give me a lecture about how I should have gone to the toilet before class, I roll my eyes "Excuse me miss do you think that's really a smart idea" before he says anything else I lift my toe showing the lifted skin and the blood dripping onto the floor. "I think it's a smart idea that I get this cleaned up." I say with my eyebrows raised, eyes wide open, and tilting my mouth to one side. He looks at my toe and goes a little pale in the face. "Fine go get it fixed up just stop waisting my time." He says huffed. I roll my eyes again "God I hate this school." I think loudly.

I start to hobble off to the toilets and notice Nieve. She seems sad and is sitting on the stairs near the toilets. "Are you okay?" I say with a quiver in my voice, I try to clear my throat, it takes a couple of tries then she notices me. "I'm sorry am I in your way?" She says softly. "No not at all" I squeak. I turn my head to clear my throat again. "I was just asking if you're ok" Finally saying something in a normal tone. "Yeah I'm ok" She says wiping her tears. "Are you sure? Because you don't look too good" I say concerned "Thanks" she says sarcastically and gets up starting to walk away. "Im sorry that's not what I meant!" I reactively grab her arm. "Get off me!" She pulls her arm away strongly almost causing me to topple. She then starts to move away faster. "I didn't mean to do that!" I shout. A teacher look out the class window and glears at me. Realising it had already been 10 minutes I race into the toilets grab a wad of toilet paper and roughly wrap my toe as quick as I can. "Owe, Fuck, Shit, ughhhh." I whimper knowing fully well that there was no point in rushing the teacher was already going to be mad.

I hobble back to class and it looks like a ripped bloody tampon is on my foot the teacher takes one glance of my foot and excuses me and him from the classroom. "Can you just go to the nurses office to sort that out please, I can't believe that took you 10 minutes." He sighs. "I can't put up with all of this today once you've got your toe sorted go to the library." He scribbles a note down quickly. "I've got a class to teach now so please go sort that out." Honestly before this moment I thought this teacher was a complete ass but he actually seems okay. I start to feel bad realising that he was just frustrated because he has to deal with people like me everyday. "Thank you." I say in a genuine tone. My teacher gets taken aback for a second because I wasn't being an ass for once. "Now hurry up I've got a class to teach." He says with a smile. I smile back, shove the note in my pocket and I dawdle off to the sick bay.