
The Wrong Side

A/N: Next few chapters will be following a conclusion per format. Basically wrapping up a part of RWBY each one, you can treat it a bit like a countdown.

"This is going to get dangerous, we need to help them. But first, we need to get her out of here." Clover the Huntsman acting as the Leader of the Ace Ops turned to the rest of his squad. They needed to move Blake before anyone made a move. But just as he said that all five of them saw something dart past them. '

Blake quickly moved her head as something ripped into the mask covering her mouth. The Ace Ops immediately went on guard, all of them pulling out their weapons. It was only from a sudden clang of metal hitting the ground that Clover quickly turned around.

"Harriet, look out!"

But it was too late. Like a predator Blake immediately attacked the moment she could bear her fangs. Her mouth opened wide as she jumped onto Harriet. A piercing scream left her mouth as Blake bit down her teeth ripping into Harriet's neck. It struck a vein almost instantly causing blood to come pouring out like a fountain.

Clover's eyes went wide when he saw that. One of his teammates died just like that. He hardly knew how to react as Blake pulled herself away. Blood covered her fast as she licked her lips. Even without her Grim state active, her teeth still cut into flesh so easily.

"It tastes sweet, I suppose Atlas's finest are good for something." Blake's words echoed through Clover's head as his confusion and shock quickly turned to rage. But at the same time, he also realized something else. No one else had moved or even reacted to what had just happened. It was like they were frozen in place.

"I gotta admit Neo, you've gotten a lot better. I don't think they even realized you put them under." Clover saw Blake talking to him, no someone behind him? It was at that moment that he felt something pierce through his Aura. It shattered almost instantly as a blade pierced straight through his heart.

Turning his head, slowly he watched as the world around him fell apart like glass. The Courtyard that had been calm a second ago had its tone completely changed. He saw the bodies of Huntsman and Huntresses alike lying on the floor dead. At the same time, everyone was already engaged in battle barely holding their own.

Turning his head back around every member of the Ace Ops lying on the floor where they were just standing. Their necks had been perfectly slit and they died without being able to resist.

'How…' That question went through Clover's mind as Neo pulled her blade from his chest. He collapsed to his knees as she casually walked around him not sparing him a glance. Seeing both Blake and Neo together and the scene around him only one thought came to mind.

'Monsters…' With that his eyes rolled back and he collapsed onto the ground. Neo broke Blake's restraints as the latter rolled her neck.

"They had so much metal digging in my skin. Feels nice to get rid of it." Hearing that Neo couldn't help but shoot her a look that said 'It was your fault for getting captured in the first place.' Blake did not respond to it just looking towards the Atlas Academy building behind them.

"Well, it looks like they have everything out here handled. Well, I do need to get my sword back. Shall we?" Neo glanced at the courtyard before sheathing her sword and opening her umbrella. The two of them began to make their way into the building as the fighting on the courtyard continued.

"Oh god…" The Courtyard was big, but with all of the bodies, it was hard to miss the carnage. Weiss's eyes looked at their surroundings. Her sister Winter and Taella were nowhere to be seen while Ozpin along with Raven and Pyrrha were gone as well. Even Ironwood was fighting Sienna on the opposite side of the courtyard.

It was at that moment that she spotted both Neo and Blake. Her eyes widened as they traced where they had come from. Her eyes widened while her pupils contracted to see the Ace Ops lying cold on the ground in a pool of their own blood.

"Weiss move!" It was a scream from Yang that woke her up from her daze as she created a white glyph under her feet. It immediately boosted her speed as she leaped into the air. Almost clipping her leg as she jumped a beam of energy blasted by where she was just standing.

"Not bad blonde, though you should tell the princess there not to get distracted." Torchwick's singular gun transformed into two as he fired at both Yang and Ruby. The two of them quickly dodged to the side as the beams of energy flew through the air. On impact, they vaporized the grown leaving two cleanly cut craters.

"Otherwise you all might end up dead." As Weiss landed back on the ground before the three of them knew it Torchwick's guns had turned back into his cane.

"We read up on his ability but I had no idea it could be so potent." Yang stared at Torchwick as he simply stood there with both hands over his cane. He was too tricky to read and too erratic to predict.

"We have no choice but to attack him all at once. If we coordinate properly we will be able to find an opening. Keep him on edge and stop him from thinking clearly, there's no way his weapon doesn't have a limit."

"Alright, let's do this."

"On your move Ruby."

Nodding Ruby leaped into the air slightly before transforming Crescent Rose into its scythe form. Pulling the trigger on its handle she was launched through the air directly at Torchwick. Shifting her grip she swung directly towards his chest. Torchwick smirked as he leaned forward into a bow.

Crescent Rose's edge just barely flew over his head, missing his hat by an inch. The next second he stood back up straight grabbing Ruby around the neck using his cane's head. Twisting the shaft section the head of the cane detached only being linked by a chain to the main body.

"Crap!" Ruby tried to stop herself but it was too late. Torchwick yanked on his cane pulling Ruby like a doll on a string. Raising her over ten meters into the air he spun her around before slamming her into the ground. Ruby felt the air leave her lungs as a massive spider web-like crack formed under her body.

"Weiss!" Yang called out as Weiss nodded. Twisting Myrtenaster in her hands, a white glyph appeared beneath Yang's feet as she rocketed herself into the air using her shotgun-like gauntlets. Retracting the head of his cane, Torckwhick aimed its bottom half at her. Firing it like a cannon a laser fired out of the end of the cane.

Using her gauntlets as she approached Yang dodged each shot until she was in range. At the same time, Weiss dashed straight in, running directly at Torchwick. Glancing at them he transformed his cane into two long swords. Yang punched down at him while Weiss pierced towards his head.

A loud shockwave that shook the ground followed by the floor under Torchwcik's feat occurred. But both Yang's punch and Weiss's thrust has been perfectly blocked by the flat in of the two blades.

"Not bad girls, I could actually feel that." Pushing the blade holding off Yang he knocked her away before turning to Weiss. Before she could react he kicked her in her chest sending her flying back.

"Dammit…" Getting back to her feat Ruby charged in again as Yang recovered and launched herself at Torchwick again. She fired two long-distance shots from her gauntlets which Trochwcik easily deflected with two strikes. Both Yang and Ruby landed on the ground in front and to the left of him.

From there the fight became close range. Yang began throwing multiple punches and kicks at Torchwick while Ruby attacked using Crescent Rose. The sound of metal clashing rang in a rhythm as Torchwick either dodged or blocked each of their attacks, all the while countering using his legs.

'Dammit, we can't even land a single hit!'

From a distance, Weiss twirled Myrtenaster through the air as multiple glyphs began to form next to her. Blades of ice began to form inside each glyph number over forty in total. When both Yang and Ruby caught on they attacked at the same time expecting Torchwick to block before quickly backing away.

Weiss fired the instant they were clear as a hail of ice fired like bullets. Turning Torchwcik watched as the attack descended on him. It felt like the entire courtyard was shaking from the impact every time one hit the ground. A cloud of frosted air covered the entire area as Weiss called out.

"Yang, Ruby now!" The two of them responded to Weiss's call by jumping into the air. Black glyphs appeared in the air under them once they reached a certain height. It kept them suspended in the air as Ruby changed the magazine in Crescent Rose, to Red Dust. Nearly in sync, the two of them launched a barrage of shots toward where Torchwick would be standing.

The frosted air was blown away as the entire area was engulfed in flames becoming an explosive inferno. It was only after the two of them had emptied their shots that the black Glyphs disappeared and they fell back to the ground.

"Huff… Did we get him?"

"I think so."

"I hit him the moment you two cleared out, there's no way he could dodge or block in time."

The three of them gathered as they watched the dust clear. The ground was ablaze from the sheer amount of Dust they had used. Nearly a thirty-foot area has been reduced to a charred and melted mess. They all believed there was no way Torchwick could have taken that attack head-on.

But what they saw clearing from the flame's completely dashed their hopes. An oval-shaped sphere just large enough to cover a human person was surrounding the area where Torchwick would be standing. A second later that black sphere began to retract revealing the ground under his feet and Torchwick himself, completely unharmed.

The sphere turned back into his cane as his dark green eyes glanced at Ruby, Weiss, and Yang. Reaching into his jacket he pulled out a cigar and began to walk towards them. He completely ignored the fire and molten ground as if it wasn't there. Instead, he used the flames to light his cigar as he placed it in his mouth.

"You know girls I have to give you props. He had told us you four wouldn't be anything to worry about. After all, you're just kids. But for what it's worth you have my props." The ease of his actions and his tone made the three of them feel their hearts shake. That combination was simple but extremely effective.

It could even put down a Goliath Grimm if it's hit by it all head-on. Yet none of it even managed to penetrate his shield. All of that and they only had a few scratches on his face to show for it.

Seeing the look in their eye's Torchwick could tell where this fight was headed.

"Now then we're all busy people. I think we should wrap things up, don't you think?" Hearing that Ruby couldn't help but speak to herself while gritting her teeth.

"This isn't right. We can't lose here… We still have to rescue everyone…" Those were the words coming from her mouth, but her voice had lost its luster. Hearing that as well both Yang and Weiss wanted to speak but couldn't find the words. In the end, the silence was broken by Torchwick speaking.

"I don't find solace in this like Sienna, knowing it's for the greater good of Faunus. Nor am I like Neo or Blake. Those two are here because they are smitten with 'him'. Even comparing me to Pyrrha or Raven would be a mistake, why kill the golden goose after all. No…"

"The only thing I'm interested in is being on the winning side. Whether that side is good or bad, cruel or nice makes no real difference to me. So don't take it the wrong way, you didn't do anything wrong, and you made it a lot farther than anyone else. Especially considering you were fighting against that monster."

Turning his cane back into its singular gun form he took his cigar out his mouth and threw it on the ground, crushing it underfoot.

"But you know the saying, you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain. Sadly for you, three are about to become the former..."

"Raven, despite us never looking eye to eye I truly never expected you to fall as low as this. This goes the same for you as well Pyrrha, I was truly looking forward to you joining us as a student in Beacon." Ozpin shook his head slightly looking at two of them. Their battle had moved into the city and they were standing in a one-way street, completely empty.

Raven slowly drew her sword from its sheath as Pyyrha grabbed her spear, swiping it through the air. The two of them spoke practically in sync.

"You won't be disappointed for long then."