
Infiltration (2)

A/N: Ok, after this chapter, no more acting goody goody. It was sickening to write Shen do it.

"Now answer our previous question." Without any hesitation, the Chief Of Security began speaking clearly. "The pin number is 532629." Blake listened in shock as she looked up at Shen. "What did you do to him?" Shen answered but obviously didn't tell the truth.

"It's an ability that makes people more open to ideas, thoughts and questions. Just now I made him more open to our cause and Faunus."

Shen spoke complete BS for a few seconds, but Blake still ate it up. "I didn't even know that kind of ability existed… Your Semblance is so strange. So is it forcing him to comply?" Blake seemed to feel pretty adamant on this point, and Shen shook his head. "No of course not, it's just more effective on people who are weaker or don't have strong wills."

Shen looked back down at the Chief and asked him another two questions. "Where is the Central Computer located on? Also what is your take on Faunus?" The Chief Of Security seemed to answer honestly as he replied. "The Central Computer is located in the main building in Sector B, Room 24. Faunus personally didn't do anything wrong and deserve a better chance to prove they're not the monsters people claim."

"A good thing is that he will return home and keep a positive view on the concept of Faunus and we didn't even have to scare him. Pretty cool right?" Once again, Shen lied out his teeth but saw Blake staring at him with hints of excitement and admiration as she leaned in close to him. "That's incredible!" Blake realized she was being a little loud as she retracted herself.

"I mean if we could use that sort of ability on all the major Anti-Faunus groups we wouldn't have too… You know." Shen nodded as he stood up. "Sadly I have to come in contact with a person to use it. Also I would prefer if you could keep this a secret between you and me." Blake looked at him and partially understood the reason causing her to nod. "Right of course."

Shen let go of the Chief's head as he seemingly fell unconscious in the eyes of Blake, but Shen's EXP rose at that moment. Soon after, the two of them made their way towards the main building and stopped at the front entrance. "The moment we go in we will be spotted and the alarm will go off. It's best if we make a dash to the lowest level as quickly as possible."

Shen gave a nod as Blake walked over to the panel next to the two large doors. Sliding the keycard through the slit she entered the pin. The doors began to slowly slide open as Shen spotted two guards with their backs facing them. "Who opened the-" As one prepared to turn around, Shen jumped into action.

Kicking one in the back of the head, he quickly pulled the other by the collars and slammed him to the ground. In a matter of second's the cameras lining the main building's halls locked onto his figure as the sound of alarms went off. [Intruder Alert! Intruder Alert! Intruders have been found at The Main Gate. All Security Personnel respond at once!]

Down the main hall, there was an elevator which the two of them immediately ran over to. Entering it, there was only one other floor, excluding the one they were on. It didn't take long for the elevator doors to close and for them to begin descending. When they reached the following floor, they saw a large factory-like complex.

Large mechanical hands were moving and operating themselves while slowly constructing devices and moving canisters. Conveyor Belts moved slowly, and there was almost zero human presence when it came down to the manufacturing process. It was another reason why shutting down the Central Computer would be such a big blow.

The two of them walked out of the elevator as Shen glanced at the map bolted to a nearby wall. "That way." Finding the right direction, he ran down a nearby passage with Blake following in tow. As they made hard right, they saw over a dozen robots moving to block their path. Without slowing down for a moment, the two figure's charged forward. These robots were different from the ones outside as their arms began to morph.

Over half had their hands transformed into short blades and prepared to intercept Shen and Blake. The other half took a kneeling position as their hands transformed into Gatling guns and aimed towards their target. A hail of bullets flew down the constricted hall as Blake drew her weapon and began using it to counter the shots coming towards her.

On the other hand, Shen relied on his speed and quickly maneuvered his way through and used his Life Fibers to block the ones he couldn't dodge. "Intruders do not resist!" Shen watched as one of the robot's wielding blades ran towards him and slashed towards his head. 'Saying don't resist while trying to kill me?'

Shen flipped back onto his hands to dodge the initial slash before catapulting himself upwards and double kicking the robot in its chest. Immediately the glowing light coming from its body faded. "Hya!" The area around Blake became like a shadow and began disappearing and reappearing in different locations as her weapon spun around her, creating a kill zone.

Shen followed suit, destroying each robot that charged towards him. After only three minutes of fighting, the sound of shots had dissipated, and both Shen and Blake were standing in front of a large scattered mess of robotic limbs and parts. "It should be down this hall and to the right." Shen said that as the two ran through the complex, taking out every guard and robot that blocked their path.

"Here it is." The two of them had just taken out the last two remaining guards protecting the sector of the facility they were in. Pushing the button next to the door, it slid open, revealing a control room. Multiple panels flashed as the people wearing special white uniforms who would man the stations in the room already had their hands up.

"Dammit, why couldn't we call for reinforcements..." One of them whispered under their breath as Shen immediately immobilized all of them. Well, almost all of them except the person in charge. Blake pointed her blade to his neck and ordered him. "Shut down the Central Computer System."

"You…" Being in charge of this room meant he was responsible for the operations of this Facility. He knew what would happen if the Central Computer went down. It would take an extremely long time to reboot, and the Facility would probably be shut down due to it. "Do it." Blake's blade got closer to his throat as the man gulped. "Fine…" Angrily, he turned around and walked over to the panel.

His hands were slow, but the two of them watched as he began bypassing security measures and entering his credentials. Suddenly his hands came to a stop as Blake narrowed her eyes. Feeling her gaze, he pressed one final key, and suddenly an alert rang out. [Error! Error! Power- System Malfunction! Requesting Rep~]

A robotic voice rang through the facility as all the white lights in the hall turned red, and the power dimmed. Shen and Blake heard a series of footsteps and yelling coming from down both sides of the hall outside. "Move, move the intruder's are in the control room! Set up a perimeter and we will open fire the moment they take a step outside."

Hearing the distant voices, the people tied up by Shen cheered, and the man in charge looked at Shen and Blake while laughing. "Ha! You two aren't getting out of here alive. Attacking the Schnee Dust Company with only two people? The White Fang must be dumber than I thought." Blake's face showed a clear expression of worry.

She could handle a mob, but if she was shot from both sides, even she couldn't react fast enough. "What should we do?" Blake instinctively turned to Shen and glanced towards the man who was just laughing at them. "Heh." Dozens of armed guards had their guns pointed directly to the entrance of the control room.

Any of them were ready to fire without a moment's hesitation. However, soon they heard someone yell. "Don't shoot!" A trembling man's figure could be seen slowly walking out of the room. Walking out behind him, Blake was holding his neck with one hand and holding her sword to his head with the other. "Shit they took a hostage."

Shen carefully followed behind them as he glanced at the guard's surrounding them. Blake showed a clear look of nervousness on her face as she glanced around. 'I've never done something like this before. I feel horrible.' Having never held someone hostage before, although Blake seemed serious, she was panicking inside.

Shen calmly whispered to her and directed her as she turned and faced one of the groups of guards blocking the hall. "Move or else he dies." Her word's caused visible anger to appear on the faces of the guards. "Didn't you hear her? Move!" Shen's voice was a little deeper and felt a lot more hostile than Blake's.

Slowly they began moving down the hall, and the guard's started giving way... "Despicable Faunus taking a hostage…" One of the guards on the other side of the hall had Blake in his sights and began narrowing his eyes. With zero warning, everyone heard a sudden shot ring out as Blake's head swiveled around.

Her actions were purely instinctive, and before she could even contemplate what she did, she had moved the man she was holding hostage in front of her face. A hole was blown straight through the man's head as the light faded from his eyes. Blake's face switched slowly from shock to a horrified expression.

"Why did you fire!"


"Dammit! Open fire, kill them!"

It was an accident, but it brought them a chance to fire on Blake and Shen without any worry. Shen saw Blake was still trapped in her shock, so he was forced to grab hold of her and pull her along. 'Well that was quite the development.' Speeding down the hall, he took two turns while avoiding his pursuers.

As he ran towards the elevator, he took his scroll out of his pocket and reported that the mission was accomplished. "Im requesting immediate evacuation." Shen glanced at Blake, who was standing behind him. Her eyes seemed to be void as she remained in an idle state of mind. 'If I remember correctly this should be one of the first times she's inadvertently killed someone.'

Shen felt a hint of an opportunity as the elevator came to a stop. 'I can use this to my advantage.' Shen reached out and suddenly picked up Blake, who suddenly came to. "What- What are you doing?" She struggled for a moment until she heard Shen. "You're not going to be able to focus in that condition. Just hold on."

Blake's mouth seemed to open and close for a moment, but eventually, she just nodded. She knew she couldn't focus right now, and even if she tried, she might end up worsening their situation. Seeing she was no longer putting up a fuss, Shen readied himself as he listened to a message come in through his scroll.

[We have a ship ready to extract you two. It's currently hovering over the Facility. Make your way outside as quickly as possible.] Shen's focus narrowed as he sprinted forth, carrying Blake all the while. He had reached his goal when it came to leveling up, so he did not bother with any of the guards or robots that tried to intercept him.

Focusing purely on speed, he maneuvered his way through the halls to the point no one could keep up. Soon he found himself looking at the pair of doors they had entered the building through. They slowly slid open automatically, and Shen could tell the entire facility was in a state of panic. The shield walls that kept them isolated had gone down.

The power grid was beginning to fizzle out, and every automated function broke down. Standing there in the open, Shen suddenly heard the roar of an engine as the wind was being blown in every direction. A ship similar to the one they arrived in was slowly lowering itself to the ground in the area in front of him. "Get in." Two members of the White Fang standing inside the ship's passenger called to them.

"You two did an amazing job. Just look at them." As Shen got onto the ship, he heard that and glanced back at the Schnee Dust Company Facility. Indeed they had made a pretty big mess of things. "Shen I'm ok now you can put me down…" Shen looked down and saw Blake had managed to calm herself down despite still looking slightly depressed.

Sitting down, Blake glanced towards Shen before whispering something to herself. Shen, on the other hand, sat down in an exhausted manner. Eventually, the ship flew all the way back to the White Fang hideout and landed in a hangar. Upon landing, Shen saw Blake leave without saying a word.

He didn't bother trying to speak to her, especially in her state. The mission was done, and he definitely proved his worth to the White Fang. He also felt he had left more than enough of an impression on her pushing anymore would just get him in trouble. 'Plus I have something that's a lot more important right now.'

Shen made his way back to his room and took off his White Fang Uniform and mask, throwing them aside. Sitting down on his bed, he quickly opened up the System, and once again, a unique menu appeared.

{Available System Functions}

Inventory: Gives the user a limitless pocket dimension that is capable of holding an infinite amount of mass. While living matter can not enter this space, anything else will be kept in a stasis-like state until removed.

Inspect: While a function, this is also technically an Ability/Skill and, as such, can be leveled up. Capable of showing information and stats on any living or nonliving thing. As it level's up, it becomes increasingly more useful to point it can even begin showing weaknesses or giving tips.

Gacha: This will allow the user access to a special menu to gamble using any form of currency as long as it is found adequate. By selecting a category, a random number of selections from that category will be put onto a roulette. When spun, the user will get whatever the spin lands on.

"Ok so lets see…." Rereading over the three options carefully, Shen tried to find their pros and cons. Starting off, you had the inventory. Although it sounded pretty lackluster, he could definitely see its uses. If he ever stole something important and needed a sure-fire way of keeping it safe, he would have one.

In fact, he would be able to keep anything of his from ever being taken, and he could even keep things in stasis. 'But all of those reasons are based on if I actually have something worth keeping safe. Right now I have nothing valuable in my possession so the Inventory would be pretty useless to me.'

Moving on to the Inspect function, it was more tempting by all means. 'Especially that last part about showing weaknesses and tips.' If he ever went against an immortal like Salem, how the hell was he supposed to kill her? He had no clue, but if he leveled up his inspect skill enough, he could definitely figure it out through it.

Plus, he would be able to pick who he fought, and he didn't fight more carefully. Overall it would give him a higher chance of surviving in the world, and further down the line would probably help him in a fight. 'Outside that the only real downsides would be I have no clue how long it will take me to reach that level. And I may not even need it in RWBY considering my current knowledge.'

Sure he didn't know how to kill a person like Salem if he did have to in the future. But there were other potential methods that he would be willing to attempt. Some included sealing her away, burying her alive, throwing her into a volcano. And if all else failed, eject her into space. He doubted he couldn't find a way to deal with Salem even if he couldn't kill her.

'So if I consider the fact I dont require the first two then that last one would be…' The last option was the Gacha System, and Shen would be lying if he said he wasn't tempted. He honestly felt that the other two were useful, but the third one was a more permanent boost. He would finally have a way to obtain more skills and abilities.

No matter how useful Life Fibers were, they could only do so much, and so he really felt underpowered in this world. At the same time, it would be a literal gamble every time. He would have to rely purely on his luck, and sadly that wasn't a stat the System allowed him to change. Shen tapped his fingers on his leg as he thought to himself.

'Decisions Decisions…'